Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 504: Good for you! ! Uchiha seal fire

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"Jun Ma Lu, go to the back and find a woman." Dashewan picked up the test tube with red hair and ordered coldly.


At the door of the laboratory, a little boy about six years old stood up, turned and walked out with his head down.

Danzo was almost done venting at this time. After taking a deep breath, his face gradually calmed down, and he slowly said: "Namikaze Minato is alive, and it will become more difficult for us to seize the power of Konoha!"

"So, we need to find out why the fourth generation didn't return to Konoha." Orochimaru casually threw the corpse on the ground aside, and then prepared for a new round of reincarnation.

"Are you planning to reincarnate Kushina?" Danzo's eyes lit up, "That's right, Kushina was with Namikaze Minato before she died, maybe she will know!"

"I hope so."

Soon, Jun Ma Lu dragged a woman in.

"This kid?" Danzo squinted his eyes and observed Junmaro. With his old-fashioned eyes, he could sense that the child's physical condition was very poor. How could such a person be valued by Orochimaru?

"It's a child I took in, there's nothing to make a fuss about." Orochimaru put the fainted woman in the dust, and then poured out the red hair in the test tube.


Orochimaru clasped his hands together: "The dirt is reincarnated!"

Hoo hoo...

A dark wind that seemed to be absent came from an unknown place, circled around and then disappeared again.

"What's going on?" Danzang frowned.


Do not!

Orochimaru's face became more and more dignified, and after a while, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's really you, Uchiha Fenghuo, even Kushina is still alive!"

"Are you kidding me!"

Danzo said angrily, "Once Jinchuriki loses the tail beast, the only thing left to do is die! There is no way Kushina is still alive!"

"That's not necessarily true. After all, even dead souls can be recalled to the present world. What else is impossible in this world?" As an excellent scientist, Orochimaru is skeptical of everything, otherwise It is impossible to achieve the achievements of the hereafter.

Danzo suddenly thought of something, and said anxiously: "Could it be that Nine Tails and Three Tails were also divided?!"

"If that's the case, then you just need to check the seal of that kid." Orochimaru looked at Danzo, "This should be possible for you, right?"

Danzo narrowed his eyes and pondered.

Naruto is under the care of Fenghuo. It is difficult to bypass Fenghuo and check Naruto's seal, not to mention that it has been confirmed that Namikaze Minato is not dead. Accident…

The speed of the yellow flash is no joke, let alone Danzo, even Orochimaru, one of the Sannin, can't resist that speed.

"I will find a way!" Danzo finally agreed.

He had to figure this out, otherwise, with Namikaze Minato and his wife in the dark, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uchiha Fuu in the open, with such cooperation, he and Orochimaru would have no chance to win the Konoha regime at all!

When Danzo left, Orochimaru ordered Junmaro to take the woman away. Then, he calmed down his shocked mind and continued his experimental research.

Orochimaru is forty-three years old this year, and all aspects of his body's functions are regressing, which makes him unbearable. Therefore, the agenda of using immortal reincarnation must be put on the desk!

And the kid beside him named Junmalu is the "reincarnation container" he brought back from the kingdom of water, a child with a powerful bone vein and blood succession boundary, with extraordinary talents.

In Orochimaru's view, if Junmaro can grow smoothly, his future strength will definitely not be lower than that of Uchiha Sealing Fire and Shisui.

But unfortunately, the powerful blood-inherited limit also brought about an incurable blood-inherited disease.

And the research that Dashewan is doing now is related to blood-inherited disease.

If Jun Ma Lu's blood inheritance disease can be cured, Orochimaru will definitely reincarnate directly into his body!

"Jun Ma Lu, there is not enough blood." Orochimaru handed over a test tube.

"I see."

Jun Malu took it quickly, and then opened his hand directly, and the blood was dripping in an instant, filling the glass test tube with blood, "Master Orochimaru, it's ready."

"Yeah." Orochimaru took it, and then concentrated on the experiment.


After thinking about it all night, Feng Huo finally walked out of the basement, his face regained a bit of spirit.

Yes, even if Orochimaru and the others really found that the fourth generation is not dead, so what?

He didn't believe that Orochimaru could find the fourth generation who was hidden in the depths of the Snow Mountains in the Snow Country thousands of miles away!

Besides, the fourth generation is guarded by the Chao Lun Wu brothers, the eagle eats the snake, and if Orochimaru really finds there, the Chao Lun Wu brothers will definitely be able to find out, and then reverse the spirit to channel him to the snow mountain, then, hehe!

"Blind uncle, you finally came out, I'm starving to death!"

Xiao Naruto suddenly rushed forward with a pale face.

Fenghuo let out an ouch, and hurriedly made his shadow clone to cook for him.

I was so engrossed yesterday that I didn't even notice that the shadow clone disappeared, and I don't know if Naruto was hungry all night.

"Uncle, shall we go out to play after dinner?" Naruto's eyes were ready to move.

"I know how to play all day long, can I still have some success." Feng Huo grabbed his collar and lifted him up, and walked towards the training ground, "Starting today, you give me a good exercise!"

Xiao Naruto is not happy about being carried like a quail like this, doesn't he want to lose face?

"Let go of me, **** it, I don't want to exercise, I want to go out to play, I want to go out to play!" Xiao Naruto struggled crazily, dancing with arms and legs, trying to get rid of the fire, but unfortunately he was too small, with short hands and feet, and was picked up In the end, I couldn't touch Fenghuo at all, and I was wronged.

"I want to tell Sister Hong that you bullied me!" Naruto threatened confidently.

Feng Huo was unhappy when he heard it: "What do you call her?"

"Sister Hong!"

"And me?"

"Blind uncle!"



This is a generation away!

The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched slightly: "Hmph~www.readwn.com~Hmph, you are going to heaven, hahaha!"

Feng Huo laughed wildly and came to the backyard, without saying a word, he found a heavy sandbag and put it on for him.

"It's so heavy, I don't want to wear this." Naruto shouted.

Unfortunately, resistance is useless.

"Naruto, don't you like to run? Come, come, run, run around this yard ten times." Feng Huo held Naruto's buttocks and told him to run forward.

Naruto ran two steps, but felt that his body was so heavy that he couldn't move his feet at all, so he rolled on the ground.

"I don't run, I'm hungry, I want to eat, I want to go out to play, I want Sister Hong..."

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