Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 519: Uchiha's decision

Erzhuzi, who is five years old this year, has beautiful features, a pair of **** eyes that are piercing, and is very agile. He knows how to play with Uchiha Itachi all day long, which makes Uchiha Fugaku feel even more uncomfortable.

"Sasuke, it's time to train!"

"Sasuke, how is Ho Fireball doing?"

"Too stupid, not as good as your brother."

"You don't know how to play all day long!"

"Next year you will go to the ninja school, you should be sensible!"

Uchiha Fugaku turned into a strict father, and took time out every day to urge Second Sako to practice, which made Second Sako miserable, and he didn't have time to play with his good brother!

At the same time, Uchiha Fugaku actively contacted Uchiha Shisui in an attempt to regain control of him and become the sharpest blade of the Uchiha clan!

Uchiha Shisui's character is gentle and honest, Uchiha Fugaku played the emotional card, which immediately put him in a dilemma.

On the one hand, relatives, on the other hand, the village, no matter how you choose, it is wrong.

He entered Anbe, and originally wanted to be a bridge of communication between the village and the Uchiha clan, but at present, this bridge is only the last straw before it collapses.

On this day, Uchiha Shisui came to the Fenghuo mansion and wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with him.

Feng Huo invites Uchiha Shisui to sit down in the study, and asks the shadow clone to serve you tea, which is very compelling.

In the study, you can still hear the howling of Naruto from the backyard, full of vitality.

"It's nice to be young." Uchiha Shisui took a sip of tea, which was full of bitter taste.

Feng Huo said: "It seems that you are very worried, do you want to add some sugar?"

"Uh..." Shisui Uchiha didn't drink tea very much, but he had never heard that tea can be added with sugar, so he smiled wryly, "No need."

The study fell into silence, and Uchiha Shisui asked: "Captain, you have already heard about Itachi."

Fenghuo nodded. This incident touched the nerves of several forces. Anbe, Uchiha Clan, Danzo, and even Hyuga Clan are very concerned about it. It's hard not to know.

"You should come to me for this matter." Feng Huo said with a smile. .

"Yes." Uchiha Shisui sighed, and said, "Because of the Tailed Beast Incident a few years ago, the relationship between the clan and the village became more and more rigid. The reason why I joined Anbu was to act as a bridge between the two. Bridges to ease their relationship, but unfortunately I failed, the relationship between the village and the clan is getting worse and worse, I can't help at all."

"It's not your fault." Feng Huo said.

"Captain, in fact, I hope Itachi will join Anbu. This kid is very talented, his thinking has transcended the boundaries of the clan, and he is also the son of the patriarch Fuyue. If it is him, he can definitely do things that I can't do!" Uchi Bo Zhishui said firmly.

Fenghuo frowned, if Itachi entered Anbu, then he would most likely embark on the path of double agent again, and finally...

Is it possible to change it?

Feng Huo said: "Actually, letting Itachi enter Anbu may have the opposite effect."

"Captain, what does this mean?" Uchiha Shisui asked curiously.

"I mean, everything has two sides. When Itachi joins Anbu, it may become a communication bridge between the village and the clan, but it may also become a, uh, a detonating talisman. Explosion!" Feng Huo thought about it.

Uchiha Shisui was stunned, and asked hesitantly: "Captain, you mean that Itachi may completely fall to one side and make the situation completely out of control?"

Feng Huo nodded, and then asked: "If this is the case, are you still planning to let Itachi enter Anbu?"

Uchiha Shisui fell into deep thought, then shook his head with a wry smile: "Captain, it doesn't really matter whether I think about it or not."

Feng Huo also sighed, and nodded in agreement: "That's right, the key is to look at Uchiha Fugaku!"

Uchiha Shisui said: "If Chief Fugaku refuses, Itachi will naturally not be able to enter Anbu, but if he agrees, then even if the captain objects, I'm afraid it won't be able to change this matter."

Fenghuo bowed his head in thought.

Letting Itachi enter Anbu is the meaning of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and even Danzo may have contributed. With his right to speak at this time, it is really difficult to change.

Fenghuo once again felt powerless.

The plot is like a big river, sweeping down mighty and powerfully, but Fenghuo is a small fish that descends from the sky. He sees the direction of the big river in the sky, but a small fish has no power to change the direction of the big river. flow direction.

Over the years, Fenghuo has worked hard to practice, and the small fish has gradually become a big fish, but if he wants to change the river course, he needs to continue to grow until one day he transforms into a dragon that swallows clouds and mist.

When Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui were feeling a lot in the study, the Uchiha clan was also very lively.

Although Uchiha Fugaku refused his son to enter Anbu, but as the so-called brainstorming, he called all the elders of Uchiha to discuss this matter together this time.

"I don't think Itachi's entry into Anbu is not a bad thing!"

"That's right, if Itachi enters Anbu, we have enough reasons to let Zhishui leave Anbu!"

"Shisui is very powerful, even the most powerful ninja of my Uchiha clan, so his attitude is very important, but since he entered Anbu, he has been influenced by Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, and his attitude has become more and more wavering. We can't keep him in Anbu anymore."

"Yes, it is imperative to get Zhishui out of Anbu!"

"We can't leave him alone in Anbu anymore."

"Let Itachi be a spy instead of Shisui to spy on Anbu and the village."

"And Itachi is the patriarch's son, with this relationship, he would never dare to betray us."

Many elders were selected one by one by Uchiha Fugaku after he ascended to the position of patriarch, and they are all outstanding in terms of ability and strength.

So after hearing their suggestions, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but calm down and think, but he still couldn't make a decision for a while, after all, Itachi was his own son!

After half payment~www.readwn.com~ Uchiha Fugaku sighed, and said: "Shisui is a genius of my Uchiha clan, and although he joined Anbu, he has never had an Anbu number, so it is not a good idea to let him quit Anbu." Difficult things, even if the third generation knows, they can't interfere. As for Itachi...I need to think about it!"


A group of elders bowed in response.

When Uchiha Shisui came out of Fenghuo's house, he found a member of the police force waiting for him.

"Master Shisui, this is the decision of the elders." This Uchiha took out a small note and handed it to Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui took a look and couldn't help being stunned, then he grabbed the paper ball tightly, his eyes full of confusion.

"Let me quit Anbe...?"

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