Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 522: Xiao Li

When Feng Huo fixed his eyes on Li Luoke, Hyuga Ningji also followed his gaze to see Li Luoke, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

'Look at his clothes, he's just a commoner! '

'The blood talent of a commoner, no matter how hard he tries, his achievement cannot be higher than that of me with supercilious eyes! '

‘Damn it, Uchiha Fenghuo ignored me to pay attention to such a commoner! '

'I will definitely make you regret it! '

Hyuga Neji gritted her teeth, but secretly also stared at Li Luoke.

On the stage, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's performance finally ended, and the children on the playground also walked slowly towards the classroom building under the command of Chunin teacher.

Feng Huo calmly followed the flow of people into the classroom building, and waited for him outside the teacher's office.

More than an hour later, Qing Yezhen came back with a lot of textbooks.

"Fenghuo? Haha, you came to see me." Qingye was overjoyed, thinking that Fenghuo really gave him face. He came to see him every year, which caused other teachers to be envious and jealous of him. All swelled.

He loudly invited Fenghuo into the office, for fear that others would not know.

Feng Huo smiled wryly, and said: "Teacher Qing Yezhen, I came here to ask you about a new student."

Qing Yezhen patted his chest and said: "No problem, just put it on me, what's the name of that new student?"

"Locke Li." Feng Huo said.

Li Luoke, that is, Xiao Li, Feng Huo has always admired him. Although he has no talent in ninjutsu or illusion, he is a genius in physical arts, and even a natural drunk master. He is a flawless piece of jade. After Kai's carving, it shines brilliantly. How can Feng Huo not be tempted by such a genius?

"Lock Li? I see, I'll ask now!" Qing Ye hurriedly ran to other offices to inquire.

After asking around, I finally found Xiao Li's head teacher, Inoshita Nakama.

Feng Huo immediately asked Jing Xia Zhongzhen to take good care of Xiao Li.

Jing Xiazhong's expression was very calm, and he said with a smile that he is a teacher, and he will definitely be exposed to rain and dew, and he will never favor one person over another, so that Fenghuo should not go astray.

But the beauty was bubbling in my heart, and I thought: 'Lock Li, this is definitely a super genius, otherwise, how could Master Uchiha Fenghuo, who is famous in the ninja world, come to me in person for him? Ah, that's great, I finally have a super genius in my class! ! Hmph, Kiyono, you bastard, you were lucky enough to be the homeroom teacher of Mr. Fenghuo for two years, and you even came to our office to brag about it every year. This time, my luck also came, hahaha. '

Feng Huo knew that the teacher wanted face, so naturally he wouldn't promise him anything in person, but he knew his current status, and since he said it, then Jing Xiazhong would never dare to treat Xiao Li badly, so he didn't say much, and After chatting for a few words, we left.

In the next period of time, with the face of sealing the fire, although Inoshita Nakama said nicely, he still took special care of Xiao Li in the end, not to mention his health, but also to teach him how to refine chakra, how to Jie Yin, also taught the Three Body Technique, the teaching courses are so full!

If it is said that Inoka Nakama treats the other students well, then Xiao Li is definitely at the level of a direct disciple, and he just took him home to a bed and taught him how to masturbate.

Inoshita really hoped that Xiaoli could grow up quickly, and it would be best to graduate from the ninja school in half a year, breaking the record left by Kakashi's predecessors, so that he can beat Kiyono in school!

What Inoka really did, all the scenes fell in the eyes of other students.

Some classmates couldn't understand it, and they sneered at Xiao Li, contemptuous and disdainful.

There are also things that have nothing to do with oneself, such as Bai Fumei every day.

Hinata Neiji, on the other hand, was jealous and provocative, hoping to prove his noble blood by defeating Xiao Li!

At the same time, in his opinion, this is also a 'declaration of war' against Uchiha Fuu!

After all, without Uchiha sealing the fire, how could a commoner orphan get so much care from Inoshita Nakama?

And if he defeated Xiao Li, wouldn't he be slapping Uchiha Fenghuo in the face!

Excited just thinking about it!

On this day, Ningji Hyuga once again challenged Xiao Li.

He had challenged several times before, but was stopped by Nakama Inoka, but this time, Nakama Inoka did not show up.

In the past few months, Ishita Zhongzhen has invested countless energy on Xiao Li, but the harvest is very little. Until now, Xiao Li has only mastered the skills of refining chakra. His cultivation speed is so slow that even those stocked The students in the state can't compare, and in just a few months, there has been a trend of the tail of the crane, and this is still under the condition that he spares no effort to start a small fire!

Inoshita Nakama had to wonder if Xiao Li was a super genius after all.

"Lock Li, what's the matter, don't you dare to accept my challenge?"

In the class, Hinata Ningji blocked Xiao Li's way, with a pair of white eyes widened to the maximum, staring at him viciously.

Xiao Li clenched his fists and shouted, "The teacher said, you can't fight at school!"

Inoshita Nakama used this reason before to help Xiao Li reject Hinata Neji's challenge.

"If you don't even dare to fight, what kind of ninja are you!" Hinata Neji shouted proudly.

"Ninjas are not for fighting!" Xiao Li shouted.

"A commoner like you is not worthy of being a ninja at all!" Neji Hyuga sneered, "You should have noticed this, no matter how hard you practice, you can't surpass me, because we were born The time has already decided all of this!"

Xiao Li gritted his teeth.

The classmates next to me saw it and couldn't help booing.

"Xiao Li, accept his challenge, haha, let him know the results of your training during this period!"

"That's right, you are the only student in our class who received special care from Mr. Inoshita Nakama~www.readwn.com~ How could you not beat Neji Hinata?"

"Down with Neiji Hinata, Li!"

These booing classmates were all freed by Jing Xia Zhongzhen, and they usually can't understand Xiao Li receiving so much care, so it is understandable to add insult to injury.

Sitting in the window seat every day, watching this scene is a little uncomfortable, thinking that this group of people is real, everyone is classmates, how can they bully Xiao Li like this?

She hesitated whether to stand up to mediate, but she also had doubts in her heart, why didn't Mr. Nakama come out this time?

"What's wrong? With so many people watching, are you going to be a shrinking turtle?" Neji Hyuga continued to provoke, "Civilian, if you don't dare to fight, I advise you to give up the ninja path as soon as possible, because you are not worthy!"

"Damn..." Xiao Li was so angry that his adrenal hormones exploded, his eyes burned like sparks, "Okay, I accept your challenge!"

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