Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 527: Iruka's decision


On this day, Iruka suddenly came to the door.

Since becoming a Chunin and completing the first C-level **** mission under Fenghuo's care, Iruka began to take Sato and Qiudao Dingpeng to do missions to make money.

But more than a year later, Iruka gradually realized his limit.

Chunin, really is his limit, he can feel that no matter how hard he practices, it is impossible to be promoted to Jonin, no, not even special Jnin!

So, he made a decision.

"I want to be a teacher!" Iruka looked at Fenghuo and said firmly.

Feng Huo frowned, and stared at him viciously: "You're going to rebel!"

"No, no, teacher, I didn't mean that. I mean, I want to be a teacher at a ninja school." Iruka said aggrievedly.

"Oh, it's this teacher." Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice before realizing, yes, in half a year, the nine Xiaoqiang, Naruto and Ersako, will enter the ninja school. Luca is not here...

Feng Huo nodded hurriedly: "Iruka, you made a good decision, very good, I will write to you right now, and let you go to school to be a teacher!"

"Really? Teacher, do you support me?" Iruka was overjoyed.

He told Qiudao Dingpeng and Sato about his decision before, but unfortunately neither of them supported him.

After all, Iruka is the only Chunin in the three-person group. If he becomes a teacher, the remaining two of them can only continue to do D-level tasks. In this case, how could they support it.

"Of course, Iruka, I have always thought that being a teacher is the most glorious and greatest profession in this world, so don't hesitate to do it boldly, I will fully support you!" Feng Huo encouraged desperately, and then wrote down on the spot sent him a letter of recommendation.

Iruka was so excited that he immediately went to the ninja school with a letter of recommendation.

Ninja school is restricted by Hiruzaru Sarutobi. If you want to become a teacher, you must get his consent, otherwise you come to someone at random, and the future of Konoha will be skewed. What a serious consequence!

Feng Huo's letter of recommendation was quickly passed to Sarutobi Hiruzen's hands layer by layer.

After reading the letter of recommendation, Hiruza Sarutobi nodded slightly, and then asked someone to fetch Iruka's information. After seeing it, ah, it turned out to be the talent who was passed by the fourth Namakaze Minato, and was sent to the Fire Sealer by name Go down to exercise.

In this way, Hiruzaru Sarutobi felt more at ease.

But to be cautious, he still had to meet Iruka first.

Not long after, Iruka came to his office.

Hiruza Sarutobi said it was a cliché, the first thing he said was the will of fire, Iruka was excited, and this aspect happened to be what he was best at.

After some defense, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was very satisfied, and agreed directly with a swipe of a pen.

"Iruka, in the next six months, you will be practicing with other teachers in the school. After half a year, the school will recruit new students. If you are capable enough, you can be the head teacher of a class!"

"What? Really?" Iruka was quite excited.

This is the greatest recognition of his will of fire, he finally found an organization!

Iruka was very moved, and at the same time, he was even more grateful to Feng Huo who wrote the letter of recommendation.

Hiruza Sarutobi laughed, and then sent someone to send Iruka to the ninja school.

In the evening, after the ninja school was over, Xiao Li declined the other students' invitation to play, and went straight to the training ground that he had agreed with Fenghuo.

At the same time, Iruka also got off work and ran excitedly to the mansion that was sealed off.

At this time, Fenghuo had already been waiting at the training base in Xiaoshulin. As for the family, there was only the shadow clone.

Iruka couldn't tell what the shadow clone was, so he shared everything about today with Fenghuo, and then thanked him for his letter of recommendation.

The shadow clone was full of haha, and he didn't say anything substantive. He didn't liberate himself until Iruka left, and passed on the matter here to the deity.

Feng Huo was waiting for Xiao Li boredly, when he suddenly received such a memory, he couldn't help being startled, and when he digested these memories, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Iruka successfully entered the ninja school and practiced with a teacher. He was not surprised. What was unexpected was that the teacher Iruka followed was his contemporary, Mizuki!

That's right, it's Mizuki who bewitched Naruto to steal Sarutobi Hiruzen's sealing scroll in the original book!

That silver-haired Mizuki who is jealous, ambitious, and greedy!

From Iruka's words, he knew that Mizuki Ninja took good care of Iruka when he was in school. Naturally, he was very excited about this unexpected reunion, so he also told the shadow clone of Fenghuo.

The two work together, and Fenghuo is not worried that Iruka will be spoiled by Mizuki. After all, with Mizuki's jealous character, once Iruka shows an advantage in teaching, he will definitely be jealous of him, then go crazy, and then All kinds of small actions, and finally kill yourself.

However, for moths like Mizuki, it's fine if you don't pay attention to sealing the fire. If you notice it accidentally, you can't let it go.

Feng Huo immediately created a shadow clone, and then ordered him to ask some Anbu to investigate Mizuki's black information.

The shadow clone responded and was about to leave when he was punched and exploded by Fenghuo.

At the same time, the memory of the shadow clone quickly spread to all the shadow clones in Fenghuo.

The flower boy No. 8 shadow clone who works in Anbu immediately performs this task.

Not long after, Xiao Li finally arrived.

"Little Li, you're late, youth doesn't allow it..." Feng Huo suddenly stopped talking halfway through.

Damn, how could I say such a shameful thing?

Could it be that I was possessed by Kai?

"Uncle Fenghuo, what's wrong?" Xiao Li asked strangely.

"It's nothing, ahem, Xiao Li, let's start training, first run ten laps around the grove!" Feng Huo waved his hand, "Did you take off the weight on your body?"

"Of course I didn't take it off, Uncle Fenghuo." Xiao Li called out excitedly ~www.readwn.com~ Then he did some preparatory exercises and started running.

While Fenghuo was training Xiao Li, Anbu's intelligence collection also quickly made progress.

After graduating from Mizuki Ninja School and becoming a ninja, they formed a three-person team, started to do tasks, and then entered the ninja school to become a teacher after the assessment. One by one, all the information was recorded.

The flower boy No. 8 shadow clone looked at these archives seriously, but after looking for a long time, he only saw a mediocre Chunin, and found nothing else.

Helpless, he could only seal the information into the scroll, and then called Anbu to give the scroll to Fenghuo.

In the anime, Iruka should become a teacher earlier than I wrote, but there is a **** stick here, so the butterfly effect is a little later.

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