Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 534: Cherish it well!

Fighting is love and scolding is love, if you don't fight or scold, you will kick with your feet!

Fenghuo's kick was merciless. With his physical skills at this time, ordinary ninjas would not be able to catch his unrestrained kick with an antelope's horns.


I saw Chi Xing staring at the bloodshot eyes like an octopus flying upside down, roaring through the air, and flew out of the entrance.

Yingxing stared at this scene dumbfounded: "This is... what's wrong?"

Feng Huo patted his chest, and said: "Who was that guy just now? He was so **** among the gays, he scared me to death, and he even played hooliganism on me, shameless!"

"Ah?" Ying Huxing looked confused, turned around and went out, but only saw the back of Chi Xing leaving, and hurriedly shouted, "Chi Xing, what happened? Where are you going?!"

Chi Xing heard his shout, but ran faster and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Strange, what the **** is this guy doing?" Ying Huxing looked puzzled.

In the room, Feng Huo lowered his head, and suddenly found that his pants were torn.

He squinted and recalled, as if he had just grabbed himself when he kicked that **** ninja in gay.

It shouldn't be intentional... right?


Feng Huo has never been afraid to use the most vicious thinking to speculate on the other party.

Especially that guy who was so enthusiastic when he came up, and now he ran away inexplicably, and he almost put a note on his forehead that said 'I'm here to make trouble'.

"Sorry, Chi Xing seems a little strange recently." Ying Huo apologized to Feng Huo after entering, with a sincere face.

Feng Huo pointed to the gap in his trousers and said, "The trousers were cut by him, let's find out."

"Ah?" Yingxing frowned and looked at Fenghuo in confusion.

Feng Huo started to take off his pants without saying a word.

Yingxing's face turned pale, and she backed away again and again: "Lord Fenghuo, what are you doing? I, I'm already married, no, I'm a man, I already have a wife and children, stop now!!"

After Feng Huo took off his trousers, he quickly took out another pair of trousers from the sealing scroll and put them on, saying: "You think too much, I just change my trousers to show my innocence."

"Ah?" Yingxing asked with a black face.

"Here, take it." Feng Huo threw over the pair of pants that he had replaced with a gap.

Ying Huoxing took it subconsciously, and asked puzzledly: "Lord Fenghuo, what is going on here?"

Feng Huo was afraid that he wouldn't understand, so he explained carefully: "I am a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The pants are torn. They are not perfect anymore. They are not worthy of my identity, but I am also a nostalgic person. , I really can’t bear to throw it away in the trash, so I can only transfer it to you, Yingxing, you... cherish it!"

Ying Huxing's forehead was full of veins, and the corners of her eyes twitched with anger.

He thought to himself: hold back! Firefly Martian, you must hold back, you are a ninja, you must not act impulsively!

After a long time, he suppressed the karma in his heart, and said aggrievedly: "Master Fenghuo, our family does not lack pants, and I... also have obsessive-compulsive disorder. I will never wear pants worn by others!"

"It's good to keep it and think about it. After all, these are ninja pants made by Konoha. A pair costs thousands. Whenever you miss me, take it out and smell it. This is also very good." Feng Huo said melancholy .

"I...you..." Yingxing's hand holding his trousers trembled faintly, and his duodenum was cut into twelve pieces!

From childhood to adulthood, from south to north, he has never seen such a brazen person!

Take it out and smell it, I, I...

Ying Huxing's chest rose and fell, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Master Fenghuo, Yingxing, it's time to eat."

At this time, Xia Rixing came out of the kitchen holding the dishes and interrupted their conversation.

The tiger-headed little Smail jumped up and down behind her buttocks, babbling non-stop. When he saw Fenghuo, his eyes immediately widened, and he ran to the dining table, looking like a little tiger protecting the food.

Feng Huo was amused by him, and ran over to tickle his itch with a smile.

Little Smail couldn't stop laughing.

On the side, Hotaru Firefly, who was holding on to the ninja pants made by Konoha, looked aggrieved and depressed. The pants were not suitable for him to put away or throw away, and he was so uncomfortable that he wanted to hit someone!

He was so angry that he threw his pants on the cabinet next to him, and then walked to the dining table, turning his depression into appetite.

At the same time, Chi Xing also came to the door of the third generation Xingying's house. He glanced at the piece of fabric in his hand and sneered in his heart.

'Plan...begin! '

After a night of nothing to say, Feng Huo woke up early the next day, ate a sumptuous breakfast prepared by Xia Rixing, and went to the Xingying Studio with their husband and wife to prepare to seal Xing!

However, before they left, a large group of Hoshinoshi surrounded them aggressively. Among them, more than a dozen people were wearing masks and dressed in Anbu. As for the others, they all had grief-stricken faces What's more, his eyes were red and his eyes were full of tears, giving him the miserable appearance of a widow.

There was a sneer on the corner of Feng Huo's mouth, and he looked at them quietly.

"Why are you here? Did something happen?" Xia Rixing asked with a frown.

"Xia Rixing, we are here to catch the murderer, please get out of the way!" Anbu stepped forward and said coldly, "This ninja from Konoha assassinated our Hoshikage-sama last night!!"



Xia Rixing and his wife looked at each other~www.readwn.com~ also showed horror and grief!

"What are you talking about? Master Xingying has already..."

"The murderer is Lord Fenghuo? How is it possible?"

The couple looked at each other, and looked at Fenghuo with some hesitation.

But immediately, they realized something was wrong.

Feng Huo had already promised to seal Xing, so what good would it do him to assassinate Xingying at this time?

Besides, last night Feng Huo Mingming played with their child Little Smail until after 12 o'clock before going to bed. If he really wanted to assassinate Xingying, he must be carefully prepared. How could he do such a boring thing?

"Xia Rixing, Ying Huxing, do you want to cover up this Konoha ninja!" Chi Xing stepped forward with a look of anger, "This **** assassinated Master Xingying, the evidence is conclusive, and you cannot deny it!"

"That's right, the evidence is in our hands, and he cannot deny it!"

"Kill him to avenge Master Xingying!"

"He must be coveting the star of our village, kill him, kill him!"

"We must not let him leave alive, otherwise Konoha will definitely send people to our village to **** the stars!"

"Despicable Konoha ninja, kill him!"

A group of star ninjas are united and aggressive, vowing to kill Uchiha and seal the fire here, to be buried with the three generations of stars!

Feng Huo sneered, and said slowly: "I don't know what your so-called evidence is?"

"Although you succeeded in the assassination, you underestimated our Master Xingying. Before he died, he obtained decisive evidence from you!" Chi Xing said loudly.

Hoshino Anbe next to him took out a piece of fabric and held it high above his head: "This is the piece of fabric!"

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