Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 536: nothing to do with the truth

Chi Xing's words stirred up thousands of waves, and the faces of all the stars changed drastically.

Suspicion, contempt, anger, all kinds of eyes are like meteor rays, and they sweep back and forth on Xia Rixing and Ying Huoxing.

The star is the most important secret treasure of the Star Ninja Village, and it is the only way to practice the Peacock Art. If the star is sealed, how can the Peacock Art be practiced?

This is a reality that no star ninja can accept!

Although practicing the Peacock Art requires enduring severe pain, its advantages are also very obvious, such as fast training speed, powerful power, and being able to fly in the sky!

And once the peacock magic method is lost, every star ninja present will lose these!

And if things go on like this, Star Ninja Village will completely decline and become a small Ninja Village.

"Master Xia Rixing, is this true?"

"Master Yingxing, quickly refute, this is not the case, is it?"

Some Xingren asked a few words out of luck, but seeing the expressions on the faces of Xia Rixing and Ying Huxing, they understood everything.

"What Chi Xing said... is true!"

The leader of Anbu asked indifferently.

He is also one of the practitioners of Peacock Magic, and he is very advanced, only inferior to the three generations of Xingying, Xia Rixing and Yingxing. If Xing was sealed, he would not be able to make any progress in his life.

"He, he...it's not like this, no, he, I..." Xia Rixing was also confused at this time.

Only Sandai Hoshikage, their husband and wife, and Uchiha Fenghuo knew about the sealing of the star. How could Chihoshi know?

The most important thing is that Chihoshi, a despicable guy, combined this matter with the assassination of the third generation of Hoshikage. Now even if they show evidence, the frightened and angry Hoshino will not forgive them.

This has nothing to do with the truth, only with interests!

Because they couldn't accept that Xing was sealed, even if Xia Ri Xing and others proved their innocence, these Xing Ren would not believe it!

"Xia Rixing, Ying Huxing, and Konoha Ninja seal the fire!" The leader of Anbu waved his hand, and the other Anbu behind him immediately surrounded the three of them, "Catch them without a fight!"

The other star ninjas also surrounded the outer circle, each looking at the three of Fenghuo with righteous indignation.

"Catch them!"

"Kill them, never let them seal the star!"

Chi Xing silently retreated to the outermost circle, a relieved smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


No, it should have just started!

Waiting for these three guys to come to blows, I can rely on this outstanding performance to aspire to the position of star shadow!

At that time, the entire Star Ninja Village will be his, and the meteor will naturally be his too.


The more Chi Xing thought about it, the more excited he became, and he couldn't help but feel elated and joyful.

Yingxing said urgently: "Don't listen to Chi Xing's nonsense, the sealing of the star is Master Xingying's idea, he realized that practicing the peacock magic will have a very bad effect on our bodies, so he decided to invite Lord Fenghuo to seal the star!"

"Shut up, stop making excuses!"

"In the entire village, there are only three people who have practiced the peacock magic technique to the highest level, Master Xingying, and you two, get rid of Master Xingying, and then seal Xing, the whole village is up to you two, Xia Rixing, Yingxing Huxing , I didn’t expect your ambitions to be so great!” The voice of the leader of Anbu was as cold as ice for thousands of years, coldly piercing into the hearts of all Xingren.

"So that's how they want to control the village!"

"Damn it, I didn't expect Xia Rixing and Ying Huxing to be such people!"

"I misread them!"

"Kill them and avenge Master Xingying!"

Seeing these Xingren losing their minds, Xia Rixing and Ying Huxing were really anxious.

"How to do how to do?"

"Chi Xing, you **** bastard!"

Then they turned their heads, only to find that Feng Huo was still indifferent, as if everything that happened in front of him had nothing to do with him.

But immediately, they suddenly realized that the person in front of them was Uchiha Hienho, who was famous in the ninja world, and was a powerful existence who single-handedly attacked the entire front of Sagakushi in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain!

Compared with Sand Hidden Village, what is Star Ninja Village?

Even the battle lines piled up by countless ninjas in Hidden Sand Village can be smashed, so how could the dozens of star ninjas in front of us be ignored by Uchiha?

Thinking of this, Xia Rixing and Ying Huxing were about to burst into tears.

Xia Rixing yelled: "Calm down, all of you! Don't fall into Chi Xing's tricks!"

"You all back down, do you know the identity of Master Feng Huo? You are looking for death!" Ying Huoxing also shouted anxiously.

But the star ninjas are not happy.

"Xia Rixing, Ying Huxing, you two traitors who colluded with outsiders, you are still saying such things!"

"Traitor, die!"

With that said, the nearest Hoshinin Anbu has already made a direct move.

"Damn it! I'll stop them!"

Ying Huan took a step forward, "A sparrow feather transforms into a beast!"

In an instant, the chakra gushing out of his body turned into huge peacock wings, and with a light flap, a hurricane roared up, blocking all the attacks from the surrounding Anbu!

"You two, it seems that you have already betrayed your relatives." Feng Huo smiled slightly, not paying attention to Xing Ren who was around him at all.

"Lord Fenghuo, we will definitely solve this matter, please don't make a move!" Xia Rixing begged.

If Uchiha is allowed to seal the fire, oh my god~www.readwn.com~ the whole village will be razed to the ground!

"It's okay not to let me take action, but you must ensure my safety." Feng Huo said with a smile, "Also, that one named Chi Xing, catch me, I will kill him with my own hands."

"No problem, Lord Fenghuo, we can do both of these things, please don't make a move!" Xia Rixing agreed in a hurry, and then she hurriedly took a step forward, the chakra in her body boiled instantly, also behind her Huge wings evolved, leading her to fly up slowly, fighting side by side with Yingxing.

"Everyone, I'm sorry!"

Xia Rixing sighed, and then made a decisive move.

Chakra turned into ferocious beasts in her hands, charging towards the star ninja camp on the opposite side like wolves and tigers.

"Damn it, Xia Rixing dared to resist and kill them!"

"Sparrow Feathered Beast-Wolf Claw!"

"Sparrow Feathered Beast-Tiger Head!"

"Sparrow Feathered Beast - Wing Slash!"

All of a sudden, countless chakra transformed monsters collided violently and exploded in the air, and layers of air waves spread like ripples, like rain hitting plantains and exploding.

Feng Huo stood in the middle bored, with his hands on his head, looking at this side and that side, squeaking in amazement.

As far as Feng Huo knows, no more than ten fingers can fly through ninjutsu in the entire ninja world, and most of the weak star ninjas in front of us can fly freely. place.

However, transforming Chakra into the attack of a wild beast is a bit tricky.

When Xia Rixing and Yingxing Huxing dragged many Xingren, Chixing quietly came to the leader of Anbu and said a few words in a low voice.

Immediately, the leader of the Star Ninja Anbu cast his eyes on Feng Huo's face with a piercing gaze.

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