Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 538: I let you do nothing wrong


Chi Xing's eyes were red with excitement!

Didn't such a powerful Konoha ninja die in his hands in the end?

He was about to look up to the sky and go out laughing, but he didn't expect that the sealing fire in front of him suddenly slammed and turned into a piece of wood and fell to the ground.


Chi Xing's complexion changed drastically, and he hastily used the peacock magic technique to transform into two huge wings, trying to fly away from this place.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"


A hurricane whizzed past in mid-air, and directly rolled Chixing to the ground, leaving a huge rough mark in the deep ditch in the street, which was full of blood.

Feng Huo walked over slowly, his crisp footsteps landed on the ground, and there was a sound of trampling.

Chi Xing only felt that his heartbeat was disturbed by the footsteps, and he felt a suffocating feeling that he couldn't breathe.

In desperation, he simply let go of everything, turned around roughly, and glared at Fenghuo: "Everything I did was for this village, even if you killed me, I did nothing wrong!!"

"You did nothing wrong, you did nothing wrong, you did nothing wrong, I let you do nothing wrong!"

Clap clap!

Feng Huo won't fall into the trap to force him to tell the truth and clear his innocence. After all, who cares what the ants think?

So what if he was misunderstood by these stars for ten or hundred years? It is impossible for an ant to grow to the point where it can threaten him!

Feng Huo raised his feet and landed, and kicked Chi Xing's abdomen fiercely, his feet to the flesh, making Chi Xing painful and at the same time not directly killing him.

Chi Xing yelled in pain, vomited mouthfuls of bile-laced blood in his throat, and felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to commit suicide.

At the same time, the nearby star ninjas finally regained their strength, stood up staggeringly with bruised noses and swollen faces, and then you helped me and I helped you, forming a large group, standing far away from the side of Fenghuo.

And Xia Rixing finally appeared.

At the critical moment just now, she was eager to save her husband, so she flew directly to Ying Huanxing, carried him on her back and flew to the side, placed him in a safe place before rushing back.

"Xia Ri Xing, you traitor!"

"Damn it, this Konoha ninja is too powerful!"

The star ninjas chattered endlessly, but they didn't have the courage to take a step forward.

"Nothing wrong, nothing wrong..."

Feng Huo was still kicking Chi Xing enthusiastically, the latter had shrunk into a ball like a shrimp, and would twitch from time to time, as if he was about to be kicked to death by Feng Huo.

"Nothing wrong, nothing wrong..."

It doesn't matter whether you are really dying or pretending to be dead, anyway, he will kick you to doubt your life.

The thing he hates the most in his life is being framed and framed by others. The Danzo in the village is a master of this way. If there is no chance, Fenghuo will definitely bully Danzo like he bullied Chixing!

"You did nothing wrong, I let you do nothing wrong..."

Seeing that pretending to be dead was useless, Chi Xing struggled vigorously again, and then roared: "If you kill me, you will never be cleared of your suspicions. Let me go, and if you let me go, I will plead guilty!"

Feng Huo ignored it completely and continued to kick down hard.


Chi Xing suddenly vomited loudly, opened his mouth, and spit out a piece of **** lung.

The picture is very bloody, not to mention Xia Rixing, even the other stars who are farther away can't bear to watch it.

"If you want to kill, kill, why torture people like this!"

"If you have the guts, you can kill us all, but it is absolutely impossible to seal the star!"

Feng Huo turned his head back coldly, and in an instant, the star ninjas who had been buzzing with people just now looked around, their eyes flickered, and they remained silent, as if it wasn't the baby who was talking just now.

Xia Rixing hesitated to speak, but finally gritted his teeth and swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

Now, she has no reason to stop him.


"You did nothing wrong, you did nothing wrong... I let you do nothing wrong!"

After kicking the fire for countless times, Chi Xing finally couldn't hold on anymore: "Don't, don't hit me, I... oh, I was wrong, it was me, I killed the three generations of Xingying, I framed you, it's all me, Kill me, kill me!!"

Feng Huo kept on kicking: "You are wrong, you are wrong, I let you kill, I let you frame, I let you be wrong!"

clap clap...

Feng Huo kicked down, Chi Xing already had more air intake and less air output, and the whole thing was a lump of limp flesh.

At this time, Xing Ren in the distance looked at each other.

"Chixing, did Chixing kill Master Xingying?"

"how is this possible!"

"No, you have all seen it, this is torture, Chi Xing is just begging for death!"

"That's right, **** Konoha ninja, too despicable!"

Hearing what they said, Xia Rixing showed a look of lovelessness, realizing that no matter how she explained this matter, they could no longer change their minds.

Unless, she gave up sealing the star!

Xia Rixing's eyes gradually revealed a firm light: This is Master Xingying's decision, it is for the future of the entire Xingying Village, so no matter what the ninjas in the village think of me, I will seal Xing!

Finally, after another kick from Fenghuo, Chi Xing finally swallowed his last breath.

Feng Huo was still worried that he would die from the explosion, so he kicked down hard, breaking his internal organs!

When Feng Huo turned around, those Xing Ren backed away in a hurry, all of them were frightened, for fear of being kicked to death by this demon.

"Stop, don't come over!"

"Damn it, even if you are Konoha's ninja, I, you..."

Looking at these stern faces~www.readwn.com~ Feng Huo looked at Xia Rixing: "What are you going to do?"

Xia Rixing said firmly: "Sealing Star!"

"No, Xia Ri Xing, you, you can't, you can't do this!"

"Star Ninja Village will be destroyed by you."

"Xia Ri Xing, please, don't do this."

"We agree with you to be the fourth generation star shadow, as long as you don't seal the star!!"

Feng Huo crossed his arms and looked at Xia Rixing with a smile: "It's decided?"

Xia Rixing nodded: "Yes, the existence of Xing is the biggest threat to the village! I have to fulfill Master Xingying's will and completely seal Xing, Lord Fenghuo, please!"

Saying that, Xia Rixing bowed deeply.

"If you do this, how will you live in this village from now on?" Feng Huo turned around and rushed towards the 'temple' where Xing was.

Xia Rixing followed closely, and said: "After sealing Xing, Ying Huxing and I will leave with our children. I believe there will be a place for us in this country."

Feng Huo's heart suddenly moved, and he said: "If you want, you can go to the Land of Snow."

"Snow Country?" Xia Rixing looked at Feng Huo suspiciously.

The Country of Snow, but in the farther north, is separated from the Country of Bears by a Country of Ghosts.

Feng Huo said meaningfully: "That country...is very interesting."

As for Xia Rixing and Ying Huxing, although he intends to subdue them, he is not in a hurry. At least, he will have to wait for Bai to come to the Land of Snow.

Soon, the two arrived at the 'temple' where meteorites were stored.

"Then, I'll leave it to you next," Xia Rixing said.

In the previous battle, she and Ying Huxing were both injured. Even if they could barely seal Xing in this state, there might be hidden dangers left behind.

"Okay, leave it to me."

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