Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 540: Danzo's goal

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Anbu headquarters, the office of the head of the supervision department, cough, that is, in the office where the fire is sealed off, there are two ninjas wearing Anbu uniforms and masks standing at this moment.

The two stood there straight, each silent.

Soon, the door of the office was pushed open, but it was the deity of Fenghuo who rushed over.

He rubbed his head, walked to his seat and sat down, his eyes swept back and forth on the two Anbu.

Of the two Anbu, one of them is the wooden escape user, Yamato.

It was Sarutobi Hiruzen's self-righteous bargaining chip in exchange for Shiro.

And the other one, who just entered Anbu not long ago... Uchiha Itachi!

Fenghuo, one head and two big ones, went to Xingren Village to perform the task by himself, and it took more than half a month to go back and forth. He didn't expect to receive such a big gift package as soon as he came back.

Uchiha Itachi?

Even if he joined Anbu, he wouldn't be assigned to him, would he?

Shouldn't he be on Kakashi's team?

Feng Huo sighed, feeling like he had received a hot potato.

Uchiha Fugaku finally agreed to let Itachi enter Anbu as a spy!

Feng Huo checked the documents on the table, and found that the day Uchiha Itachi entered Anbu, Uchiha Shisui quit Anbu.

Why does this operation feel so familiar?

Fenghuo looked at Yamato, then at Uchiha Itachi, who was slightly shorter, and the wretched smiling face of Sarutobi Hiruzen appeared in his mind.

Feng Huo was silent, and Yamato and Uchiha Itachi didn't say a word, and the atmosphere in the office became more and more awkward.

Feng Huo felt that as their immediate boss, he should take the lead, so he said, "Yamato, Uchiha Itachi, thought that joining Anbu would require him to work harder. In the future, he will be promoted and raise his salary. Marry the general manager and climb to the pinnacle of life in the Ming Dynasty!"

After sealing the fire, the atmosphere in the office became even more awkward.

At half-pay, Yamato said: "Captain, please call us by our code name in Anbu. My code name is Tianjia."

Uchiha Itachi also spoke: "The crow."

"Hehehe." Feng Huo smiled, "Tianjia? Why aren't you called Tianzang?"

Yamato followed the good advice: "Then let's call it Tianzang."

"..." The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched slightly, he didn't expect this guy to be quite skinny.

Then, Fenghuo asked them about their current working conditions.

His department is called the Supervision Department, which is responsible for monitoring those restless guys. In the village, it mainly monitors Danzo and the Uchiha clan. Uchiha Itachi entered his department. choose one.

Itachi Uchiha shook his head slightly: "I'm following Tian... Zang now, and there are no specific arrangements yet."

Fenghuo had a headache, this Sarutobi Hiruzawa is really good.

This is clearly to make him nod himself, let Uchiha Itachi to monitor the Uchiha clan, and let him be the bad guy.

However, it is also possible that Tuanzang is contributing to the flames.

In the original book, Uchiha Itachi became a double agent, and Danzo contributed the most.

Feng Huo stroked his chin and thought for a long time before asking, "Tianzang, what about you?"

"I am currently in charge of the department's intelligence coordination work." Yamato said.

"It's a bit overkill." Feng Huo knocked on the table, pondered for a while, couldn't help showing a smile, and said, "Well, Crow, you join the first group and are responsible for monitoring Danzang and the roots. Tianzang, you enter the second group , responsible for monitoring the Uchiha clan."

Let Itachi, who was born in the Uchiha clan, monitor Danzo, and let Tianzang, who was born in the root, monitor the Uchiha clan, which happens to be able to avoid all minefields, which is perfect!

Especially letting Uchiha Itachi monitor Danzo is simply a stroke of genius!

I don't know if Danzo will be so happy that he can't sleep when he knows the news.

Yamato and Uchiha Itachi looked at each other and nodded in unison: "Yes!"

"Okay, let's go to work." Feng Huo waved them away.

The efficiency of Anbu is very high. Almost in the afternoon of the same day, Yamato and Itachi Uchiha had already entered the second group and the first group of the Supervision Department respectively, and participated in the monitoring work.

As soon as the action of sealing the fire was completed, several forces had already obtained relevant information.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was smoking his pipe, shaking his head and laughing half-heartedly: "This guy really doesn't want to suffer at all."

It's a default.

But Danzo was not satisfied.

Although he came out again at this time and has strong roots, Hiruzaru Sarutobi seems to have noticed that he stole the first and second generation cells. Although Hiruzaru Sarutobi has no evidence, he is already extremely afraid of Danzo!

In this case, there is only one way Danzo wants to get more and greater voice, and that is to eradicate the Uchiha clan.

In the process of eradicating Uchiha, he can place people everywhere, win over ninjas openly, gain the support of those ninjas in the village who are dissatisfied with the Uchiha clan, and increase his right to speak.

And when the Uchiha clan completely disappears from Konoha, there will be a large number of real power positions vacated. He can send people to control these positions, or give favors to other people. Indispensable important high-rise!

At the same time, he can also get a lot of Sharingan!

His right arm ~www.readwn.com~ was transplanted from Uchiha Shin, and the task cells and tissues can be transplanted in the hand without rejection!

He can't wait to transplant Manshu Sharingan on it!

And to accomplish all this, there must be absolutely credible Uchiha intelligence.

Danzo tried to control a high-level Uchiha, but Fenghuo's supervision department monitored them both day and night, Danzo had no chance at all, but he had no choice but to hit Uchiha Shisui with his idea!

Uchiha Shisui is a genius of the Uchiha clan. He has a large number of supporters in the clan, and is watched by Uchiha Fugaku and those elders very much. He is also a member of the Supervision Department. Once he controls him, he can not only get all of the Supervision Department Information, and can get countless important information directly from Uchiha senior management!

It's a pity that after several contacts, Danzo found that Uchiha Shisui didn't eat soft and hard, and he couldn't control it at all, so he had no choice but to choose another target!

That's Uchiha Itachi.

Let Uchiha Itachi replace Uchiha Shisui into Anbu, Danzo spent a lot of energy, but he didn't expect that at the last moment, Uchiha Fenghuo, the bastard, sent Uchiha Itachi to monitor him.

How can this embarrass Danzang?

The supervision of the Ministry of Supervision is a cross-surveillance by several ninjas. Once he contacts Uchiha Itachi, he will be discovered by other monitors. With Uchiha's **** nature, once he is discovered...

Danzo gritted his teeth secretly with a dark face.

‘It seems that the only way to control Uchiha Itachi is through Sarutobi Hiruzen! Uchiha sealing the fire...hehe, you are not invulnerable...'

Danzo's eyes flickered, and a cruel sneer slowly appeared.

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