Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 566: the way of the future

The Land of Fire, high in the sky.

The second form of Chaolun Dance **** its wings and flies, chasing stars and moons in the clouds, soaring freely, and making high-pitched eagle calls from time to time, shaking the sky.

Bai held the platinum eagle feather tightly with both hands, his cheeks flushed with excitement: "Brother Fenghuo, look, it's so tall, so tall!"

"Hold on tight, don't fall." Feng Huo stretched his waist, then turned his head and looked down at the ground, feeling as if his mind was sublimated.

Uchiha Shisui has returned to his original appearance, but unfortunately his eyes are bandaged and he cannot see the scenery below.

"Don't be so stern, from now on you can just let the fish jump in the sea, and let the birds fly in the sky." Feng Huo suddenly turned his head and said to him.

Uchiha Shisui sighed: "I'm just a little worried about things in the clan."

Feng Huo snorted: "Don't you believe in Itachi Uchiha, and you even gave him your own kaleidoscope, and even committed suicide to allow him to open the kaleidoscope, since you have done this, you have the right to treat yourself as dead It’s fine if you don’t.”

"I'm just worried." Uchiha Shisui said, "The Snow Country is so far away, I may never come back in this life."

Feng Huo said: "Don't worry, there is a chance to come back, after all, the future is very exciting."

As long as the Bietenjin Kaleidoscope in Danzo's hand is taken back, Uchiha Shisui will immediately become a super-high combat power, and will surely shine in the future.

As for the long distance of Snow Country...

Feng Huo stroked the feathers of Chao Rondo II, thinking that this guy must be in his teens, and he should be about mating age, right?

When the new generation of ninja eagles multiply, there will be no pressure at all for Uchiha Shimizu to become a psychic beast.

"Brother Fenghuo, where are we going?" Bai suddenly turned to look at Fenghuo.

Feng Huo said with a smile: "Go to a very distant country."

"Then will we come back again? I miss Sister Yaoshi a little bit." Bai looked at Fenghuo worriedly.

"Of course, the timing is right, how about I send Elder Sister Pharmacist directly to Snow Country?" Feng Huo said.

"Really!" Bai looked at him excitedly.

Seal the fire and nod.

He wasn't coaxing the kids, but he really meant to.

This time to send Uchiha Shisui out, Fenghuo called Nara Shikahisa and Yakushi Nonoyu. The former has a high status in the village, so Fenghuo naturally doesn't worry about him, but Yaoshi Nonoyu is very likely to be implicated, but fortunately At the same time, he brought Shiro out, and with Shiro's position in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart, he must ask the pharmacist Nonou something, and with Hatake Sakumo, Danzo would not take him away.

But her situation is probably not much better.

Feng Huo looked up at the sky close at hand, feeling quite complicated.

Finally got to this point.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's energy has dropped sharply over the years, and his tendency to maintain success has become more and more obvious. Coupled with Danzo making troubles, Feng Huo and him naturally drifted away.

He has to plan for his future.

Although Fenghuo has a high prestige in the village, is a tycoon in Anbu, and has a good relationship with Zhuludie and other families, but so what?

Families with high prestige and ninjas abound in the village, and with the newspaper as an artifact of public opinion, Feng Huo will not naively take prestige to heart.

Anbu tycoon, it sounds nice to say it, but in fact he is just a high-level wage earner. In terms of rank, Anbu and Genbu are on the same level, and Danzo is the master of Genbu. In this comparison, Fenghuo is obviously inferior by more than one grade .

As for the contacts established over the years, Feng Huo smiled wryly.

It was always Hokage who supported Ikacho. After the death of the fourth generation, these families returned to the arms of Sarutobi Hiruzaru, and Sarutobi Hiruzawa kept it. How dare these families be radical?

After all, it is different!

This time I went to ask Nara Shikaku for help, if Nara Shikaku disagreed, there was absolutely no way to seal the fire.

Recently, Fenghuo has thought about his future from the perspective of his own interests more than once.

Restore relationship with the Uchiha clan?

Putting aside the matter of extermination, even if he really returned to Uchiha's arms, Uchiha Fugaku could still give him the position of patriarch?

With Uchiha Fugaku's ambition, it is absolutely impossible!

The most he can give Fenghuo is the status of an elder.

An old Uchiha can be domineering in the Uchiha clan, but what about going out?

The roots of the Hyuga clan, Danzo, and the Anbe of Sarutobi Hiruzen, aren’t they going to shrink their necks?

Work hard in Anbu, strive for promotion and salary increase?

Could he still replace Hatake Sakumo as the boss of Anbe?

Even if he could, he still couldn't escape the Anbe rules set by Hiruza Sarutobi!

And Danzo, as the master of the root, belongs to the person who makes the rules. How can Fenghuo fight against him?

Therefore, the only future for Fenghuo is to obtain the power to "participate in political affairs". This is the only "official" way out that can compete with Tuanzang on the open side, gain enough benefits, and develop its own power in the village.

Just like Danzo back then, he first became an elder advisor to guide the country, then established his roots to develop his own power, and then silently became a behemoth of Konoha!

But this road is almost a dead end!

To become an elder advisor in a village, in addition to qualifications and meritorious service, you also need the recommendation and consent of the elder advisors you have served.

At present, the three elder advisors in the village, Mitomon Yan, Zhuanju Xiaochun, and Danzo... have a worse relationship with Fenghuo. How could they recommend Fenghuo?

So it's not realistic at all to take the normal channel.

Unless Hiruzaru Sarutobi desperately pushed Fenghuo to the top.

But is it possible?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's policy has begun to hold~www.readwn.com~How can he push Fenghuo, a radical young man, to a high position?

Therefore, Fenghuo has given up putting his future on Konoha.

He looked up and looked ahead, that was the direction of Snow Country, where was his future!

The couple Natsuri Xing and Hotaru Mars who came out of Hoshinobu Village, Uchiha Shisui and Shiro next to him, and the pharmacists Nonoyu, Xiao Li, and Kurama Yakumo who are still in Konoha, these people are his future.

Thinking of this, Fenghuo couldn't help but think of Hong, Obito, and Kakashi.

If one day he leaves Konoha, will Hong follow him?

What about belt soil?

His life in the Uchiha clan is actually not good, so it should be okay to drag him to the Snow Country?

As for partners such as Kakashi and Shiranui Genma, Fenghuo will not be considered. They are all family members, and they are unlikely to go with him no matter what they think.

Although Kai was alone, but this hot-blooded guy had already been soaked in the will of fire to sparkle green, and it was impossible for him to leave Konoha.

Feng Huo smiled wryly, the road ahead is too difficult.

Akatsuki, Rokudo Madara, Otsutsuki Kaguya...

After leaving Konoha, can he bring these 'old, weak, sick and disabled' to the finale smoothly?

Fenghuo suddenly missed Namikaze Minato.

If Namikaze Minato is alive, the roots must be disbanded, Danzo must be rubbed on the ground by himself, and he must do whatever he wants...

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