Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 574: Kill or not?

Rock Hidden Village.

Heitu had been waiting for good news since he came back from Didara, but after several days passed, there was no news at all.

"Could it be that big brother failed?"

Black Soil was a little unbelievable.

After mastering the explosive clay, Didara is an excellent ninja who can come and go freely by sea, land and air!

Looking at the huge Hidden Rock Village, there are many ninjas who can defeat Didara, but very few who can defeat him and catch him!

Heitu told herself to wait with peace of mind, but as time went by, her heart became more and more disturbed.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and went to find the third Tsuchikage Onoki.

The reason why she didn't look for her father, Heitu, was because she was worried about being beaten.

As for Grandpa Onogi, it's good that she doesn't bully him.

The Third Dokage Onoki is working at the club, seeing his precious granddaughter coming in, he put down the work in hand, and said with a kind smile, "Kuroto, why are you here? Is there something you don't understand about cultivation?"

"Of course not. I'm a genius. How could I have a problem with my training? Hehe, Grandpa, I have something to tell you." Heitu approached with a smile.

Onoki immediately showed a vigilant look: "What did you call me?"

"Grandpa." Heitu stared at innocent big eyes.

"You have always been called me by old men and old men." Ohnoki said with emotion, "Every time you call me grandpa, it is when you cause trouble."

Heitu scratched his head in embarrassment, and then told the story of Didala all at once.

Onoki's face was not good at that time, and he reprimanded: "Heitu, how many times have I told you that you are not allowed to contact that **** Didara!"

Heitu said aggrievedly: "But he is my senior brother after all."

"Then he is also a terrorist!" Onoki said, "How many black market missions this **** has taken and how many terrorist attacks he has made in the past two years, don't you realize it at all?!"

Heitu lowered his head to accept the criticism: "But he treats me very well."

"That won't work either!" Onoki stood in front of Heitu, only to find sadly that he was as tall as his ten-year-old granddaughter, which made him uncomfortable.

He silently used the technique of ultra-light and heavy rocks, greatly reducing the weight of his body, and then floated into the air, then looked down at the black soil, and sternly reprimanded, "I will send Anbu to follow you, and if I find you in contact with Didara...until Until you reach adulthood, don't even think about stepping out of the village!"

When Heitu heard this, his true nature was revealed immediately, and he jumped up to grab Onomu's white beard.

Onoki was more clever than himself, so he flew to a higher place at that time, avoiding the salty pig hands of the black soil.

"Smelly old man, come down to me." Heitu pointed at Onoki who flew to the ceiling and shouted.

Ohnoki said dissatisfied: "Kuroto, you are already a ninja now, so you should respect me, Tsuchikage!"

"No!" Heitu grabbed the documents on the desk, threw them at Onoki, and shouted, "Smelly old man, send someone to rescue Brother Didala."

Onogi snorted, "He has left the village now, he is no longer a ninja from Yanyin Village."

"You weren't kicked out yet." Hei Tu said angrily.

"That's his own fault. He dared to create a terrorist attack in the village. It's a great mercy not to arrest him as a traitor." Onoki suddenly lifted his eyelids and asked, "By the way, Uchiha's matter of sealing the fire, How did you know?"

Hei Tu's wild action was taken aback for a moment.

She is not afraid of being Tu Ying's grandfather, but she loves her father Huang Tu very much. Hearing this, she smiled and said, "Grandpa, you haven't agreed to my request yet."

Onoki looked at his granddaughter's expression, and thought about how this **** Didala is also his disciple, alas.

"I see, let me handle this matter." Onoki said.

The moment Deidara woke up, he forced himself not to open his eyelids, and then he sensed his body.

The injury on the body seems to be a lot lighter, huh? Chakra was actually sealed!

Damn Uchiha seal fire!

Then he relied on his ears to distinguish the surrounding environment.

There is the sound of the wind blowing the leaves, and the sound of water coming from a distance. The sun shining on my face is very warm, and the air is filled with the fresh smell of soil, which smells intoxicating.

But Didara panicked.

The land of earth has a dry climate, and there are mostly rocky mountains, rock walls and other terrains. Where can there be such a comfortable environment?

‘Could it be that I’ve been taken to the Land of Fire? '

While thinking this way, a faint voice came from beside my ear.

"Now that you're awake, stop pretending to be dead."

It's the voice of Uchiha sealing the fire!

Didara opened his eyes, but the glare of the oncoming sunlight forced him to close them tightly.

He got used to half pay.

Standing up from the ground, looking around, there are towering trees and lush greenery. This is definitely the land of the Fire Kingdom.

He turned around and saw Uchiha Fuho sitting on a huge tree root exposed on the ground, crossing his legs and looking at himself leisurely.

Didara tried to mobilize Chakra, but it turned out that the seal was so strong that he couldn't mobilize it at all.

Without Chakra, his Detonating Clay will also be useless.

Damn it!

The situation is very bad.

But even so, Didara still had a haughty expression on his face: "Uchiha Fuhuo, what are you capable of bullying a child like this!"

"Child? Where is it?" Feng Huo looked around.

"I, it's me! Where are you looking!" Didara snorted dissatisfied, "Don't look at me as mature, but I'm only eleven years old this year, um."

"Hey, are you starting to act cute if you can't beat it?" Feng Huo joked ~www.readwn.com~ Before, you were very arrogant and wanted to blow me to pieces. "

Didara snorted, "That's because my explosion art is not perfect yet."

"Let's gossip, since I have defeated you, then you can follow me from now on." Feng Huo said.

Didara raised his eyes to his head, and said disdainfully: "Impossible, I will never join Konoha!"

Feng Huo smiled and said, "You were not asked to join Konoha, but to follow me. Do you understand the difference between the two?"

Didara narrowed his eyes slowly: "Do you want to defect? ​​If so, then I can prepare a big gift for you!"

Feng Huo had a black question mark on his face.

"I'm currently researching a super bomb, just give me a little more time and I can finish it!" Didara said excitedly, "When you defect, I will put the bomb in Konoha's Hokage Building and blow it up for you." Three generations of Hokage will die, so we will be cleared, eh!"

Well, you big-headed ghost!

Sealing the fire and covering his head, looking at his expression of fearing that the world will not be chaotic, he looks like a terrorist.

In the entire ninja world, I am afraid that only Xiaogan took him in.

Or, just cut him off?

Although Fenghuo easily suppressed Didara and even captured him in one fell swoop, as Didara said, he is only eleven years old now, and after a few more years of his growth, he will develop those terrifying bombs in the original book. Threat will increase crazily!

Killing him before he grows up is indeed a very good idea!

Didara was very sensitive to Fenghuo's killing intent, but he didn't say a word of begging for mercy. He raised his head proudly, looked straight into Fenghuo's eyes, and showed a proud attitude that he was willing to sacrifice his life for art.

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