Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 599: Didara Bubble Tea

At this time, Nara Shikajiu stepped forward, stopped Danzo, and said solemnly: "Master Danzo, if there is no conclusive evidence or clues, I don't think it is you or your roots, who have the right to investigate any Alone, unless there is an order from Hokage-sama!"

Of course, Danzo didn't have Sarutobi Hiruzen's order, and he didn't need it.

For a long time in the past, Danzo and Genbu have always done things with Hokage doing Hokage, Danzo doing Danzo, Anbu doing Anbu, and Genbu doing root.

This is the tacit understanding between him and Sarutobi Hiruzen, but it must not be said in public.

At this time, Shikahisa Nara knowingly asked him to use "Dayi" to run on him, and Danzo could only withdraw Gennin aggrievedly, and left unwillingly.

But the gloomy one-eyed eyes when he left clearly told everyone that he would never let it go.

"What a hateful old man, he is even more annoying than the old man in our family!" Didara was full of thoughts.

You must know that this guy stole the forbidden art of Yanyin Village when he was nine years old, and then went crazy in sabotage activities in the village, forcing his teacher, the third Tsuchikage Onoki, to kick him out of the village with his own feet.

Such a troubled boy, even Ohnoki couldn't convince him, let alone a Danzo.

If it wasn't for Chakra being sealed, Didara would have to stuff hundreds of small bird bombs in Danzo's **** balls!

Fenghuo ignored him, and smiled and invited Nara Shikahisa, Akimichi Choza and Yamanaka Kaiichi to come in.

When he came to the living room, Fenghuo said to Didala: "What are you doing still in a daze, why don't you pour tea!"

"Damn it, you're treating me like a human being!"

Didara stared at Fenghuo viciously, but walked towards the kitchen honestly.

"Damn it, **** it, why is this happening, stop it for me! Uchiha Fenghuo, you bastard, I can't finish with you!"

Shikahisa Nara and the others looked at each other, a little speechless.

Qiudao Dingzuo asked: "Feng Huo, what is the origin of that kid? He seems to have a big... uh... prejudice against you?"

Feng Huo waved his hands and said with a smile: "Brother Ding Zuo doesn't need to care about these details, he's just a wild child and needs discipline. I can take care of him."

"I always feel that this child is not simple." Yamanaka Haiyi took a deep look at Fenghuo, and then changed the subject, "Without Naruto, this family is indeed quite deserted."

"Not really." Feng Huo shook his head with a wry smile.

Yamanaka Hai was stunned, and then he reacted and shook his head with a smile.

Ever since Naruto moved out of Yuhihong's house to live alone, he came over every three days to paint on the outer wall of Fenghuo's house, rain or shine, and worked tirelessly. I don't know how many times he was moved and cried for Fenghuo.

Feng Huo said: "This time you came here, you probably just passed by."

Nara Shikahisa was not pretentious, and went straight to the point: "Actually, Hokage-sama invited us this time."

Feng Huo snorted and said, "Could it be that you want me to go back to Anbu?"

"As expected of Fenghuo, I guessed right!" Qiudao Dingzuo laughed, "Returning to Anbu, Fenghuo, you want to treat us to barbecue."

Feng Huo smiled and shook his head.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to go back to Anbu?" Qiudao Dingzuo was puzzled.

Shikahisa Nara showed a smile that he knew this before.

Feng Huo said: "I'm too tired, the days in Anbu really feel like years."

"Is that so?" Qiu Dao Ding Zuo scratched his head. He is now the head of the family, but his family affairs are usually taken care of by his family members, so except for some special tasks, his little life is a joy. , otherwise it wouldn't be round enough.

Feng Huo nodded, and said: "Anyway, it's a peaceful age, and Anbu's mission is not as important as it was in wartime. So, instead of being tied to Anbu, it's better to learn from Master Zilaiye and travel to the ninja world."

"Isn't Master Jiraiya looking for Orochimaru's whereabouts?" Akidou Dingza asked.

Yamanaka Kaiichi smiled bitterly and said: "Ding Zuo, with Jiraiya-sama's character, I'm afraid I won't forget to have fun while chasing Orochimaru."

This is actually an understatement. After all, it is Ziraiya. If he really wants to find Dashemaru, based on his friendship with Dashemaru for many years, he must know the other party's character and how he behaves. progress?

He must have forgotten the business behind his **** while playing.

Nara Shikahisa said: "Fenghuo, you are still blaming the third generation."

Feng Huo nodded, shook his head again, and said, "Maybe I've been with the fourth generation for too long, so I still can't get used to the third generation's way of life. Alas, I can only say that twisted melons are not sweet."

When mentioning the fourth generation, Nara Shikahisa and the three also sighed and expressed their feelings.

At this time, Didara walked in refreshed, completely different from the gloomy expression when he went out before.

"Here, tea!" Didara smiled and served tea to Fenghuo, Nara Shikuhisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi and Akido Dingza, "This is a good tea I brewed myself, eh!"

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo didn't doubt that he was there, so he took a sip from his teacup.

A sly glee flashed in Deidara's eyes.

Feng Huo stared at Didara suspiciously, and then lightly picked up the teacup. Didara looked at it, and an even stronger look of anticipation flashed in his eyes.

Feng Huo raised the teacup to his mouth, then put it down again.

The anticipation on Didara's face suddenly turned into anxiety. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com

Nara Shikahisa and Yamanaka Kaiichi are both good people, they would not dare to drink tea after seeing this scene, they raised their teacups, then put them down after making a gesture, but they all stared at Akimichi Dingza.

"Lu Jiu, Hai Yi, what are you all looking at me for?" Qiu Dao Ding Zuo finished his tea in two or three gulps, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Ah, it's nothing, just, um, is the tea good?" Yamanaka Hai asked with concern.

"This... tastes similar to other teas." Qiudao Dingzuo was a little puzzled.

"Cough cough." Feng Huo coughed twice, and said, "Didara, you made tea for all four of us, thank you so much."

"It's not hard, it's not hard, um." Didara said calmly, "Hurry up and drink tea, it won't taste good when it's cold, um."

Didara spit several mouthfuls of saliva in these cups of tea, especially the cup of Fenghuo, all the phlegm was spit in!

I really feel sorry for him if I don't drink.

Nara Shikahisa had a smile on his face, and when he heard Fenghuo's opening, he knew the meaning of Xianxian, and said: "Didara is so obedient at a young age, it's really rare."

Yamanaka Kaiichi is not a good guy either: "Why don't you give my cup of tea to Didara."

Didara's face darkened.

Feng Huo said: "I will reward you with this cup too, Didara, come on, don't be shy."


Make your uncle ashamed!

Didala didn't realize that his little trick was exposed, so he turned around and ran away without saying a word.

"Come back to me, you!"

To seal the fire, he kicked him back, then picked up the teacup and poured it into Didara's mouth.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you bastard...Stop it, don't, I was wrong, ahhhhhhhh..."

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