Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 611: talk nonsense with eyes open

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Sheyue didn't expect Fenghuo to be so frank, so she nodded and said: "Master Fenghuo, I shouldn't have asked, but last night on the cliff north of the holy tree, I saw the scorched marks left by the powerful fire escape ninjutsu... "

"Oh, that's what I left from experimenting with ninjutsu." Feng Huo nodded and admitted, "I didn't expect to alarm you."

Sheyue sighed deeply, and said weakly, "It's related to the holy tree, right?"

Seal the fire and nod.

"It really is." She Yue's expression turned ugly.

Feng Huo looked at him strangely: "Did you have some misunderstanding?"

Sheyue was startled, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she asked, "Master Feng Huo, what exactly is the ninjutsu you practiced on the sacred tree?"

Feng Huo thought for a while, and felt that he should not tell the truth at this time to provoke him, so he opened his eyes and said blindly: "Actually, I am absorbing the water of heroes."

"What?" Sheyue looked confused, "Water of Heroes?"

The Water of Heroes is a powerful item that is condensed from the sacred tree every hundred years. It can greatly increase the amount of chakra in the human body, but it is also very harmful to the human body!

Feng Huo said nonsense: "The hero's water is condensed by the holy tree, so I wanted to absorb the hero's water directly through the holy tree. God is sorry, after years of hard work, I finally succeeded!"

Sheyue said in disbelief: "But Lord Fenghuo, don't you already know the dangers of the Heroic Water?"

Feng Huo nodded: "That's true. After absorbing the Hero's Water through the Holy Tree, my body was almost petrified, and it was time-sensitive. After a long time, the effect of the Hero's Water will disappear, but it can be greatly improved in a short period of time. Enhance the power of ninjutsu."

"I see." She Yue nodded slightly.

After all, absorbing the Water of Heroes will indeed greatly increase the amount of chakra, and it makes sense to use that kind of terrifying power of fire escape ninjutsu.

And in this way, he doesn't have to worry about the idea of ​​ninjas hitting the sacred tree. The danger of the hero water is enough to scare off most ninjas.


Shouldn't absorbing the hero's water consume vitality?

But looking at Feng Huo's face, don't question me, I'm a serious ninja, Sheyue chose to believe it.

"Master Fenghuo, thank you for telling me frankly." Sheyue thanked.

Feng Huo sighed, and said: "Your Excellency is serious, I should have told you earlier, which caused you to worry for so long."

The two pretended to be courteous for a long time before leaving Sheyue's house after sealing the fire, and then ran towards the sacred tree without saying a word.

The whereabouts of Fenghuo was naturally passed on to Sheyue by Taki Shinobu Anbe.

After Sheyue found out, the smile on her face froze suddenly, he was not a fool, if he told the truth before sealing the fire, then why did he go to the holy tree?

Continue to absorb the water of heroes?

Isn't there a petrochemical hazard, and is it time-sensitive?

Obviously, there are reservations about sealing the fire.

But what can Sheyue do?

Grab him and question him?

He couldn't do it, and neither could Taki Shinobu Anbe.


Sheyue coughed heavily, thought for a while, and asked Anbu to notify his son, Shemu, to come over.

I don't have much time, so I should tell Shiki about this matter, so that he can be alert.

After a while, Sheki walked over with a peaceful face.

Seeing the expression on her son's face, Sheyue hesitated.

"If you tell Shiki about Uchiha's sealing of fire, with Shiki's character and the city government, I'm afraid there will be a deadlock with Uchiha's sealing fire soon, and then..."

Although the Uchiha clan has been wiped out, no one in Taki Ninja can stop him even with Uchiha's own strength.

Just don't tell him.

If Uchiha Fenghuo really has malicious intentions... shouldn't it?

After all, even Jinzhu Lifu of Nanao was dangling under Fenghuo's nose, and he didn't pay too much attention to Fu. Obviously, he didn't have the idea of ​​doing evil with Taki Ninja Village.

"Father, what did you ask me to do?" Sheki asked timidly.

Sheyue came back to her senses, smiled and patted her son's head, and then began to teach him to love the villagers, the village, and peace, to have a good relationship with Nanao Jinzhu Lifu, to unite the ninjas in the village, to...

Under the holy tree, Feng Huo first separated a dozen shadow clones, and let them go to the distance to practice separately, then came to the top of the holy tree alone, and sat down cross-legged.

He took a deep breath, then closed his eyes, and began to sense the natural energy around him.

With the successful experience last night, this time it only took him half an hour to successfully feel the natural energy lingering around his body, and then inhaled it into his body.

In an instant, the natural energy turned into a wild horse, galloping through the meridians in Fenghuo's body.

Fenghuo proceeded step by step, calling Chakra to guide this natural energy, and then began to peel off the cocoons, merging this natural energy with physical energy and spiritual energy one by one, and finally transformed all of them into fairy chakras!

At the same time, on a branch not far away, two Anbu who had been ordered by Sheyue were silently observing the sealing of the fire.

"Look, his face has changed."

"That's... dark circles?"

"Probably not?"

"Wait, look at his skin, it seems to be petrified?!"

The two Anbu stared at the past with wide-eyed eyes, not letting go of the slightest change.

Fenghuo at this time also felt the stiffness of his limbs~ www.readwn.com~ as if a hundred layers of plaster had been cast on it, and it was difficult to move even a little.

He opened his eyes abruptly, looked down, and found that there was a layer of light stone dust on his body surface, which frightened him.

When comprehending natural energy, one must concentrate on nothing but forget one's own existence, but in this way, when his body turns into stone, he will not feel it either.

What if his body is completely petrified before he absorbs the natural energy, what should he do then?

Gotta figure out a way.

Feng Huo looked down at his hands and feet, his heart suddenly moved.

By the way, the thunder escape body!

Under his wise leadership, after several years of hard work of the shadow clone, today's Lei Dun body has successfully developed the left-handed version and the right-handed version, and the two-footed version has been developed halfway. I believe that it will take another year or a half. It will be successfully developed!

Can you use the thunder shield to restrain petrification?

Seal the fire and start trying immediately.


Accompanied by a burst of ear-piercing thunder, the left and right hands of Feng Huo suddenly gushed out a faint light of thunder.

The Thunder Dun chakra runs in a specific route in his hands, frantically stimulating the activity of the cells in his hands.

The meridians, flesh and blood all seem to be soaked in hot springs, and the feeling of tension and stiffness slowly disappears.

Looking at Fenghuo, the stone chips on his hands quickly dissipated in the faint thunder light.

Sure enough!

The Lightning Protector is originally a ninjutsu that stimulates the activity of the body cells, which happens to be able to restrain the petrification of the body!

However, the feet and body parts need to rely on a lot of activities to dissolve them.

Feng Huo dug out his crotch, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Then he got up and ran around on the holy tree, and at the same time integrated the newly refined celestial chakra into his right eye to supplement the pupil power of the kaleidoscope.

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