Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 617: Kakashi arrives

He was hit by Shenluo Tianzheng head-on, even though Jiaodu's immortal body, his brain burst in an instant, his skull was smashed to the ground, and he lay on the ground for a long time without getting up.

"You lost." Tiandao Payne looked down at Kakuzu with a calm face and indifferent eyes, as if defeating him was nothing more than defeating a dog.

The horns are lying still, as if my brain has collapsed and I'm dead, so don't mess with me.

But the strange thing is that he didn't shed any blood when his brain was broken.

"It's impossible for you to die so easily with Earth Resentment." Tiandao Payne snorted coldly, "Jiaodu, come back with me!"

'It was seen through, **** it! '

Jiaodu became angry from embarrassment, and countless black tentacles rushed out of his cracked brain, and he sewed up the broken skull again, then he got up as if nothing had happened, and looked at Tiandao Payne coldly: "Who are you? What exactly is this power?"

"I am the God who guides the world towards true peace."

Tiandao Payne said, "God tolerates everything, rest assured, I will not hinder you from making money."

Jiaodu looked deeply at Tiandao Payne, pondered for a while, and then smiled: "There is someone like you in Xiaozhong, it seems that I will have the opportunity to fight against people with high rewards in the future, okay, I will join Xiaozhong !"

"Then come with me." Tiandao Payne turned around and said.

Jiao Du smiled and said, "That's not acceptable."


"I still have a mission, so I can't go with you for the time being." Jiao Du showed a strange smile.

"That's right." Tiandao Payne continued to walk forward without stopping, "Then, come to the Kingdom of Rain after the task is completed, and someone will come to take you to me."

"Aren't you afraid of my repentance?" Jiaodu asked curiously.

"I can find you once, but I can find you a second time. Before God, you'd better not lie."

"Hmph! It's really irritating."

Jiaodu moved his limbs, and then retracted all the grudges into his body.

When he came to the previous place, he found that the bandit ninjas he had **** had all run away.


Jiaodu yelled in anger, these bandits have become elite, fleeing into the mountains and forests is like a fish entering the sea, and can escape in all directions in an instant, even if he can catch one or two back, it is really meaningless.

Reluctantly, Jiaodu found the previous caravan with a sullen face, and went all the way to a certain coastal village in the Land of Fire, completing the mission entrustment.

After that, it was entrusted with the task of capturing Kakashi's Sharingan.

Seeing the high commission for this mission, Kakuzu's eyes lit up, and he immediately headed to the northeast of the Land of Fire according to the mission's information.

Taki Ninja Village, Taki Country, sacred tree.

In Feng Huo's tightly closed eyes, the eyeballs moved slowly, even though he closed his eyes tightly, Feng Huo still felt the powerful pupil power spreading out irresistibly.

After days and nights of refining the celestial chakra to supplement the pupil power of the kaleidoscope, Feng Huo's left eye finally regained its light, and the pupil power also increased day by day, gradually reaching the level of the right eye.

Congratulations and celebrations!

Sealing the fire turned off the kaleidoscope, then got up and took out his crotch, and then ran wildly on the holy tree.

In the practice of immortal mode, Feng Huo found that his talent is indeed average. Not only does it take half an hour to absorb natural energy, but it will also be accompanied by a petrified state. For actual combat, you need to find another way!

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from under the sacred tree: "Hey, Fenghuo, are you on the tree?"

Feng Huo was startled, this voice...

He jumped directly from the tree, kicked on the trunk of the holy tree to slow down when he was close to the ground, and then landed gently on a huge tree root.

The two Taki Shinobi Anbe who were monitoring Fenghuo above looked at the obvious footprints on the tree trunk, feeling distressed.

"Kakashi, why are you here?"

Seeing the person coming, Feng Huo was really drunk, "By the way, how do you know I'm here?"

"Don't forget, my psychic beast is a ninja. Unless you use ninja, you can't escape my ninja's nose." Kakashi smiled triumphantly.

"What do you want from me?" Feng Huo asked with a straight face.

"It's not the guy with soil." Kakashi shrugged, "After he left the village, Lin and I were very worried about him, so..."

Feng Huo snorted coldly: "It was Lin who was worried about Obito, so I asked you to ask me?"

Kakashi looked up at the sky: "Don't say that, although I never said it, Obito is my good friend, and I care about him no less than Lin."

"Can you look into my eyes when you're talking?" Feng Huo looked contemptuous, then stretched out his index finger and poked Kakashi's chest. Hey little yellow man.

"Well, isn't that what life is like anyway, gathering and dispersing, parting and reuniting." Kakashi sighed, and said, "Talk about Obito, did he really go to track down Itachi's whereabouts?"

"Why do you ask that?" Feng Huo looked at him curiously.

"I always feel that if Obito is really going after Itachi, he should at least tell me and Lin." Kakashi frowned, "But he didn't even say hello to me, heck, he didn't even say hello to Lin. He just left, obviously trying to avoid us, so I suspect he wasn't going to track down Itachi's whereabouts."

Feng Huo looked constipated, this guy's brain is good, no, it's a lot of shit.

He asked back: "You don't suspect that he is a traitor, do you?"

Kakashi looked at Fenghuo with deep eyes: "I'm going to ask you this."

"Ask me?" Feng Huo looked up at the sky, "Please, I have nothing to do with him other than being a neighbor with him since childhood, having a good relationship, and having the same surname Uchiha. How do I know about this?"

"Hey, you are really lying to me by saying these words~www.readwn.com~ Kakashi held his forehead helplessly, "But forget it, I guessed that you would say that a long time ago. "

"Then you still come here?" Feng Huo was amused, "I have made countless enemies in the ninja world, if you provoke me some messy enemies, can I still meditate properly!"

He is currently suffering from a headache for practicing in immortal mode, if something unexpected happens at this time, then he really has nothing to say.

In the entire ninja world, only the three sacred places known to have a complete immortal model inheritance are Ryuchi Cave, Miaomu Mountain, and Shibone Forest. On this sacred tree of Taki Ninja Village, although one can perceive and absorb natural energy, but At most, it is barely half, so Fenghuo is very concerned about this place!

"Well, the situation in the ninja world is pretty quiet now, and no difficult people will come to trouble you." Kakashi said heartlessly, "But you will find a good place, Taki Ninja Village The environment is very good, and the nearby waterfall is also very spectacular, it is indeed a good place for vacation.”

"Huh? Judging by your tone, you still plan to stay here?" Feng Huo asked.

"In fact, the leader of Takinobu Village, Mr. Shetsuki, just invited me to stay and watch the ceremony." Kakashi said, "You should have known it a long time ago, the leader's body has reached its limit."

"He intends to pass the position of leader to his son Shibuki."

Feng Huo snorted coldly, from father to son, from son to grandson, this Longin village is almost becoming a family village.

However, as long as it doesn't affect his cultivation of Immortal Mode, sealing the fire is fine.

"That's right, so I'm going to stay here for a few days." Kakashi stretched his waist, then looked at Feng Huo curiously, "Master Sheyue told me that you practice a ninjutsu here, What kind of ninjutsu?"

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