Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 623: immortal

After the assembly was over, Scorpion left behind the endless chattering and went to his laboratory to continue to transform his body.

Ze Ze immediately set off to the Land of Fire, and after meeting Orochimaru, he went to look for clues about Kakuto's 'missing'.

As for Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame, they continued to head north.

"Itachi, Uchiha Fenghuo and you belong to the same Uchiha clan. Your relationship should be pretty good, right?" Kisame Kisame looked at Itachi Uchiha with a smile, "If he hinders our mission, if you can't go hand, I can do it for you."

Uchiha Itachi's face was calm, and he said lightly: "You don't need to test me, if what you said really happens, I will put the mission first."

"Really?" The dried persimmon ghost Jie Jie laughed.

The two headed north all the way, and the direction they were heading was the country of Taki.

After Kakashi returned to Konoha, the news quickly reached Danzo's ears.

"Kakuto missed?" Danzo frowned slightly, and then snorted coldly, "If Uchiha hadn't announced Kakutsu's weakness to the ninja world, Kakashi would never be Kakutsu's opponent, what a pity!"

But since Kakashi came back safely, then this matter can only be stopped for the time being, otherwise if there is a slight sign, he will be slashed by Sarutobi!

Back in Konoha, Kakashi went to see Rin. Although he didn't say anything about the fire, at least his attitude showed that Obito was safe, and that was enough.

Although Lin is a civilian ninja, her talent is not bad. Now she has become a special ninja, good at medical ninjutsu, and is currently an important member of the medical class.

When Kakashi came to look for her, he was shot with ambiguous eyes by many people, which made him quite uncomfortable.

"Kakashi, you're back." Lynn looked at Kakashi with slightly glowing eyes. Over the years, Lynn's affection for Kakashi has not diminished with his "reservedness".

"Ah, I just came back." Kakashi scratched his head, really distressed by Lin's favor.

If it was another girl, Kakashi would be impulsive. After all, watching so many pornographic comics every day is also very exciting, but Lin is a woman that Obito likes.


Kakashi shook his head and said, "Although it's not convenient to talk about specific things, I have confirmed that Obito is safe now, so you don't have to worry about him."

"Really?" Lin breathed a sigh of relief, "Kakashi, thank you so much! That idiot Obito dared to track down Uchiha Itachi who wiped out the Uchiha clan by himself. I'm really worried about him. .”

"Then I'll go first." Kakashi turned around without hesitation.

Lin was taken aback, and quickly stepped forward to hold him, and said, "Kakashi, let me treat you to dinner as a thank you."

"This... I don't have time recently, you know, Anbu has a lot of tasks." Kakashi made an excuse.

"That's it, I see." Lin let go of her hand and lowered her head slightly.

She is a woman, how can she not hear Kakashi's perfunctory tone?

‘After so many years, does Kakashi really not like me at all? '

Lin's sadness flowed like a river.

Kakashi couldn't bear it, but finally gritted his teeth and left quickly.

Taki Country, Taki Ninja Village, Sacred Tree Top.

Feng Huo sat cross-legged, comprehending and absorbing the natural energy of the outside world. As time passed, except for his hands, other parts of his body had overflowed with a layer of light stone chips, which looked like a living fossil from a distance!

At this time, under the sacred tree, Sheyue, the leader of Longin village who had been in seclusion for many days, suddenly appeared here.

Sheyue's face at this time is extremely rosy, only a pair of eyes, from the dark brown before, to the current dark green, if you want to compare, they are somewhat similar in color to Jiaodu's eyes.

The only explanation for this change is that he has successfully practiced and mastered Earth Resentment!

As for the heart to continue life, in the prison of Longin Village, many little villains were imprisoned. Sheyue picked out the five most guilty ones, and took their hearts to replace them.

Sheyue, who has five hearts, is the same as Jiaodu, and can already differentiate into four masked tentacle monsters to participate in the battle.

However, there is a big gap in strength. After all, the owner of the heart captured by Kakuzu was a powerful ninja from all over the world. Each masked 'tentacle monster' has the strength of a junin. Once it is enlarged, it is equivalent to five jninjas. Generally, ninjas can only kneel down and call Dad when they encounter it.

It's just that the ninjas imprisoned in the prison of Longin Village are mostly Chunin and Genin. Although capturing their hearts allows Sheyue to continue his life smoothly, he cannot quickly improve his strength.

However, Sheyue's ambition is not that big, and he is already very happy to survive.

As soon as he jumped onto the tree, the shadow clone of Fenghuo jumped out and stopped him.

"Master Sheyue, the main body is still in training, so we can't interrupt it at this time." Said the handsome male shadow clone.

"Understood, since that's the case, I'll just wait here." Sheyue said directly.

"It takes at most half an hour for this deity to practice once, and now half an hour has passed, so you will be able to see him soon." The handsome male shadow clone said.

After the words fell, there was a rush of wind from the top of the sacred tree.

The handsome male shadow clone smiled and said, "Master Sheyue, please."

Sheyue nodded slightly, and sped up quickly with her toes. After a while, she reached the top of the tree and saw Fenghuo running around on the branches.

"Master Fenghuo, are you alright?" Sheyue already knew through Anbu, who monitored Fenghuo, that after Fenghuo practiced, he would appear petrified~www.readwn.com~ So he was not surprised to see it this time.

At the same time, he waved his hand, signaling Anbu in the dark to leave.

"It's okay, just run around twice." Feng Huo glanced at him, his eyes lit up, "It seems that you have mastered the situation, congratulations."

Sheyue smiled and said, "Lord Feng Huo, it's all thanks to you, otherwise I would have died long ago."

Moreover, judging from the strength shown by Fenghuo and Jiaodu confrontation before, it is really easy for him to kill Jiaodu. Uchiha's opponent to seal the fire!

Sheyue, who recognized this, had a natural and respectful attitude.

"It's too outlandish to say these things." Feng Huo asked loudly while running, "Master Sheyue, what are your plans for the future?"

Sheyue's eyes flickered slightly, as if she had realized something, and after pondering for a while, she asked, "Master Feng Huo wants me to leave Taki Ninja Village, right?"

Fenghuo didn't shy away from his purpose: "Yes, if you stay in this village, sooner or later you will bring Longin Village to the point of no return."

Sheyue sighed. It is true that Taki Ninja Village needs a leader, but it is definitely not an immortal leader.

"Where does Lord Fenghuo want me to go?" Sheyue asked nervously.

"Don't worry, that place is quite close to the country of Taki." Feng Huo said with a smile, he likes to talk to smart people, "If you go by sea, it will take half a month at most!"

"Half a month?" Sheyue pondered in her mind and asked, "Is it... the Kingdom of Thunder?"

Seal the fire and shake his head.

She Yue's face paled slightly: "Snow Country?"

Feng Huo stopped slowly and looked at him solemnly: "That's right! Land of Snow!"

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