Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 626: monthly reading

Under the protection of a group of Anbu, the young Shiki rushed to the gate of the village.

Seeing Uchiha Itachi's pair of sharing eyes full of strange aura, and Kisame's shark-like face, especially the sharp teeth he showed when he laughed, Shiki was so frightened that his heart thumped Plop.

But when he saw the two villagers in front of Itachi Uchiha, Shiki suddenly mustered up his courage and strode forward: "I am the leader of Taki Shinobi Village, if you have anything to do, please negotiate with me face to face, please let them go immediately!"

"As the leader of a village, you are indeed qualified, but as a ninja, don't you look down on us a little bit by saying this!"

The dried persimmon ghost instantly grabbed the shark muscle behind him, swung it in the air, and brought up a strong wind, which made Shimuki back again and again, and finally sat on the ground with his buttocks.

Shiki's eyes were red at that moment.

The surrounding Anbu saw it, and immediately rushed up to surround the two of them, each of them took out their kunai and shuriken, and were fully on guard.

Itachi Uchiha grabbed Kisame's hand and said, "Leave it to me."

After looking around, Qianshi Guishui smiled and said, "It's just some miscellaneous fish, I have no desire to make a move at all."

"Damn it, you two, don't underestimate people!"

"Dare to invade Taki Ninja Village, you are too courageous."

"Wait, this guy's eyes..."

"Sharingan? In the ninja world, except for Fenghuo-sama and Kakashi-sama..."

"He, he... is it Uchiha Itachi who destroyed the Uchiha clan?!"

A group of Anbu guessed the other party's identity, looked at each other in blank dismay, and stepped back several steps.

According to the information released by Konoha, Itachi Uchiha was the ninja who wiped out the entire Uchiha clan by himself, and his strength might not be inferior to Master Fenghuo. Against such a person...

Anbu said that the pressure is great.

At this time, Shiki had stood up again, he would be ashamed to face others, but remembering what his father told him when he left, he still gritted his teeth and walked out of Anbu's encirclement, facing the "vicious" Uchiha Itachi.

"I know you are here to find Kakuto!" Shibuki said loudly, "He has been killed by the copy ninja Kakashi from Konoha, and his body has been burned. If you want revenge, go to Konoha to find Kakashi Casey!"

"Kakashi? That copy ninja of Konoha?" Kisame Kisame looked at Itachi Uchiha, "I heard that he also has a Sharingan."

"It was given to him by his friend." Itachi Uchiha explained a few words, and then the three hook jade in his writing wheel instantly condensed and turned into a shuriken shape.

Monthly reading!

Sheki was shocked, and then found himself in a strange space, empty and boundless, especially a **** bright moon in the sky, exuding an ominous atmosphere.

"What's your name."

Uchiha Itachi's figure suddenly appeared behind him.

"Where is this place? Why am I here? Did you bring me here? You, you let me out." Shemu was so frightened that his tongue was tied.

Uchiha Itachi made a random move, and countless crows appeared out of thin air, screaming and rushing towards Shiki, the black minions tore at him fiercely, and within a short while, Sheki was covered in blood.


"No, don't come here!"

"I don't know anything, it was Kakashi who killed Kakuzu!"

Shemu thought he was going to be eaten by crows, but after a long time, he opened his eyes and found that his body was intact!

"Just now... what happened?"

He looked up, and the **** bright moon in the sky still shrouded his head.

"If you don't want to go through it again, then let me ask you a question." Itachi Uchiha said slowly, "The three Konoha ninjas who killed Kakutsu, what are their names?"

"It's Fenghuo-sama, Kakashi-sama." Shiki recalled the scene of being frantically pecked at by crows, and hurriedly said, "There is another person about my age, named Didara."

"Who killed the horns." Uchiha Itachi's calm face showed no emotion fluctuations, and no one could guess his true inner thoughts from his appearance.

"Yes, it's Kakashi-sama!" Shibuki yelled, "He really killed Kakutsu, and all Anbu can prove it!"

"Why did Uchiha Fenghuo and Didara come here!" Uchiha asked the last question, which was also his most curious question.

"This... I don't know, I really don't know, it was my father's personal guards who received Mr. Feng Huo, but they are leaving with my father now." Shimu said honestly.

Uchiha Itachi just looked at him quietly and didn't speak.

Shiki became more and more nervous until screaming crows appeared in the air again, and he couldn't hold back immediately: "It's the holy tree, he came for the holy tree!"

"Sacred tree?"

"It's a holy tree. The holy tree can produce the hero's water. Drinking the hero's water can instantly increase the chakra by ten times." Shibuki said anxiously, fearing that the black crow hovering in the air would pounce on him.

"I've heard of Hero's Water, but this kind of water also has a lot of side effects, at the cost of sacrificing a lot of vitality, right?" Uchiha Itachi asked.

"Yes, none of the ninjas in our village who drank the hero's water before lived long." Shiki said aggrievedly, "I've already told you everything I know, please let me go, please. "

Shiki had tears falling down.

Uchiha Itachi sighed lightly, then closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, Shibuki's spirit had returned to his physical body.

Shibuki blinked his eyes twice, and saw the familiar environment around him and the Anbe ninja standing next to him. At that time, his legs went limp, and he slumped on the ground.

"Master Chief!"

"Master Shiki!"

Anbe hurriedly helped Shiki up ~www.readwn.com~ and asked him what happened.

Shiki looked at Uchiha Itachi's pair of Sharingan eyes that glowed blood-colored like a god, shook his head and said nothing.

"let's go."

Uchiha Itachi also turned around and left.

Dried Persimmon Kisame was stunned: "Let's go? We won't ask anymore? Hey, Itachi, what are you thinking!"

Itachi Uchiha kept walking, and said as he walked, "I've finished asking."

"Ah? I'm done asking? When did it happen? Why didn't I hear anything? You're not kidding me, are you?" Gan Shi Gui Jiao believed your evil intentions.

"Kakuto was indeed killed by Kakashi. As for Uchiha Fuho and Didara, they have already left here, and we need to track them down again."

"Okay." Kisame Kisame still looked skeptical, and then suddenly asked, "Wait, where are we going?"

"Go and see the sacred tree that can attract Uchiha to seal the fire." Uchiha Itachi looked up, and there was a huge ancient tree in front of him, towering to block out the sun, like a pillar supporting the sky.

"There is such a big tree in this world?" Qianshi Guixier stretched out his hand to the shark's muscle, as if Chaifu was eager to try when he met good firewood.

Uchiha Itachi frowned slightly, and said, "Onisame, don't cause trouble! Now is not the time for us to show our talents."

"Hmph, I got it." Gan Shi Gui Sha let go of his shark muscles unhappily.

Soon, the two came under the holy tree. Looking up from their perspective, the whole world was covered by the branches and leaves of the holy tree, and they could only see the bunches of colorful flowers that had been cut to pieces by the lush branches and leaves. Sunlight.

Uchiha Itachi tipped his toes and rushed up quickly.

Dried persimmon ghost shark not to be outdone, followed closely behind.

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