Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 649: Art war?

Although Didala strongly recommended Fu, but because of Fenghuo's lust, he finally compromised and took Bai's oil bottle around.

Fenghuo went to look for Sheyue.

After a while, the little girl Fu, with short blue-green hair, smooth skin, and orange pupils, hopped up and down to look for Didala.

"Brother Didala, I'm ready, let's go!" Fu just came in and found another person, "Who is he?"

"My name is Bai. It's the first time we meet. Please give me your advice." Bai introduced himself politely.

"Oh, hello, I'm Fu." Fu tilted her head and looked at Bai, then walked to Didara, took his hand and was about to run out, "Brother Didara, let's go, let's go."

Didara snorted and shook off Fu's hand, then left with her head held high: "If you want to follow, follow."

Bai Congshan followed Didala and Fu towards the outside of the village.

Soon, they came to the foot of a cliff, and there was a scorched black mark stretching 100 meters under the cliff.

If you seal the fire here, you can find that this is the place where he tried to extinguish the great fire that incorporated the celestial chakra at the beginning!

"Brother Didala, hurry up!" Fu looked at Didala with glowing eyes.

With her appearance, Bai Bai's blood boiled, and she looked at Didara without blinking.

Didara flicked her golden ponytail, and said proudly: "Then let you see my latest masterpiece, eh!"

He took out a white four-winged strange bird about the size of a fist, stroked it gently with his hand, showing a look of intoxication, "It's really art!"

When Bai saw it, he couldn't accept it immediately: "This, is this the strange bird in Brother Fenghuo's album?"

So ugly, and so frustrating.

Bai subconsciously used the ice escape, and in the next moment, his hands were covered with ice and snow, and then turned into an ice sculpture, which was a strange four-winged bird, and directly threw the eight streets in Didala's hand!

Although Fu is young, she still has sharp eyesight. Looking left and right, she feels that the ice sculpture in Bai's hand is more beautiful and beautiful.

But what's the use of looking good?

Brother Didala has a bomb in his hand!

It's just that Didara's face is a little ugly.

"You bastard..."

Don't be afraid of not knowing the goods, but be afraid of comparing goods.

Didara looked at the ice sculpture in Bai's hand, and then at the four-winged strange bird made of explosive clay in his hand. His hands were trembling with anger, and then he hummed, "Art is not just as simple as looking good, eh!"

Follower Fu kept nodding: "That's right, Brother Didala's is art!"

"Yes, it is like that!"

Didara glanced at it, and then threw the four-winged monster bird in his hand.

After the four-winged strange bird spun a few times in the air, it flapped its four wings like a living thing and danced in the air. After that, it flew faster and faster, and flew up along the cliff.

Bai looked up, looked down again, and then he also threw out the ice sculpture of the four-winged monster bird in his hand.

Didara looked at it and sneered, "Stop joking, idiot! How can something like yours fly... so... up?"

Didara watched the ice sculpture of a four-winged monster fluttering its crystal-like wings, circling and flying in the air, and finally flew up along the cliff. The speed was no slower than Didara's.

"how is this possible?"

Didara couldn't accept it at all.

His four-winged strange bird is a work of art made of explosive clay, and this one is called Bai, he just...

"Eh? Brat, what you just used was Ice Dun?" Didara's face was serious, "Are you a ninja from Wuyin Village, the land of water?"

Bai nodded, then shook his head again: "I'm Konoha's ninja, but I did come from the country of water, but it's not Wuyin Village."

"Huh, it really is the ice escape of the Minazuki clan, it's really annoying." Didara looked up and snorted, "However, art is more than that, drink!"

Didara yelled loudly, and detonated the four-winged strange bird neatly.


The violent explosion on the cliff directly collapsed a small cliff, and five or six pieces of sharp stones with a radius of several meters fell towards them like meteors.

Bai saw it, and immediately controlled his ice sculpture of a four-winged strange bird to fly under those huge stone slabs.

"Explosion!" Bai Qing shouted.


The ice sculpture also exploded with a bang, and a layer of ice chips swept all directions along with the terrifying air wave, directly blasting those few stone pieces to pieces.

Didara saw that the whole person was not well.

Why can his also explode?

Thinking of the lifelike appearance of the ice sculpture, Didara felt angry.

"Asshole, you're here to find fault, aren't you?" Didara gritted his teeth and stared at Bai.

With an innocent face, Bai said, "Well, I don't have one."

"Stop quibbling, accept my challenge, brat!" Deidara said angrily, "My art will never lose to you!"

"..." Bai was bewildered.

When Fenghuo found Sheyue, this guy was talking to his son Shemu with tears in his eyes. His touching appearance was so hot that Fenghuo couldn't bear to look directly at him.

"Master Fenghuo." Seeing Fenghuo, Sheyue quickly wiped away tears, "Master Fenghuo, thanks to your care during this period~www.readwn.com~ Fenghuo waved his hand: "Actually, I didn't help much." Busy, after all, I'm Konoha's ninja, so I can't directly intervene in your village's affairs. Besides, although Shibuki has a timid personality, as long as he loves the villagers and has the support of Taki Shinobu Anbe, nothing will happen to Taki Shinobi Village. "

Sheyue smiled and nodded, then turned to Shemu and said, "Okay, Shemu, you are the village leader now, so don't waste your time on me, go and deal with the village's affairs."

"But father, I want to stay with you for a while longer." Shimu still attached to his father very much.

"Don't worry, I won't leave anytime soon." Sheyue said.

After Shemu reluctantly left, Sheyue talked about serious matters with Fenghuo.

"Lord Fenghuo, after I left with my confidants, I took a boat to go to the Snow Country alone, while my confidantes stayed in the country. During this time, they have already established a caravan, but as for the ships..." Sheyue wanted to say And stop.

"What's wrong?" Feng Huo asked.

"The price of ships that can withstand the waves of the sea is generally a bit expensive, that..." Sheyue was a little shy.

Although he was the leader of a village before, even Wudayin Village sometimes had financial difficulties, let alone Takinobu Village.

Besides, no matter whether he is a village leader or a father, he can't empty out the village's finances and leave a mess for his son.

So all in all, all in all, no money.

"This... is there no other way?" Feng Huo looked at him solemnly, and said, "Talking about money hurts feelings."

"..." Sheyue.

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