Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 690: Powerful 3 generations

"Danzo-sama, the latest information just came, someone attacked Hokage Tower!"

In Gen headquarters, a Gen Ren knelt on one knee and reported respectfully.

Danzo's figure slowly walked out of the darkness, under the lowered eyelids was a pair of emotionless and indifferent eyes.

"Just after Uchiha Fenghuo came back, someone attacked Hokage Tower. It shouldn't be a coincidence." Danzo ordered, "Check this out!"


Hyuga Clan.

Patriarch Hinata Hizuru looked at Hinata Hinata who was practicing in the yard, and slowly frowned.

Hinata's talent can only be said to be mediocre, not even comparable to Neji who is separated from the family. It is too reluctant for her to inherit the Hyuga clan.

Just when Hyuga Hyuzu was worried, an elder Hyuga rushed in and said, "Master Hizuru, something happened!"

"Continue training!" Hinata Hinata yelled at Hinata who was distracted, then turned to look at the elder and asked, "What happened?"

"Master Nizuzu, the Hokage Tower has been attacked!"

"What?" Hinata Hyuzuki frowned, "How is it possible? This is not a time of war, who would take such a big risk to attack Hokage Tower?"

"Yes, yes..." The elder hesitated to speak.

"Who is it?!" Hinata Hyuzu asked.

"Maybe... Uchiha Fenghuo who just returned to the village." The elder whispered.

"What are you kidding!" Hyuga Hyuzu looked disbelieving, "How could Uchiha Fenghuo attack Hokage Tower?"

The elder said anxiously: "Master Nizuzu, our clansman checked the chakra of the masked man who attacked Hokage through the white eyes, and it is exactly the same as the one that Uchiha sealed the fire! You can't be wrong, it is him!"

Hinata Hidetsu frowned more and more.

"Master Nizuzu, Uchiha Fenghuo belongs to the Uchiha clan after all!" The elder said again, "And he has been away from the village for nearly two years this time, so many things can happen during this time!"

"I see." Hinata Hidezu's brows slowly loosened, and then turned to look at Hinata.

"Master Nizuzu, what about us?"

"Restrain the people in the clan and wait and see what happens. No matter what the inside story is about this matter, I believe Sandai and Anbu can handle it well." Hinata Hinata said lightly.


Immortal Art-Fire Escape-Extinguish Fire!


The nearly 100-meter violent wall of fire stretched across most of the street, exuding scorching heat, swallowing countless tongues of flame, and pushing straight towards the Hokage Building and more than a hundred Anbu in front of the building.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned: "Such a powerful fire escape ninjutsu..."

In his impression, the only one who can emit such a terrifying fire escape is... Uchiha Madara?

However, Uchiha Madara has already died in the hands of the first generation!

Although Sarutobi Hiruzachi was distracted and pondered, but the fingers of both hands turned into afterimages, and the seal was completed in an instant: "Water escape-water wall!"


In an instant, the violent water turned into a wall of water erected to block the blaze before it was extinguished.

Water escape - the name of the water wall is very lousy, but in the end it is an A-level ninjutsu developed by the second generation of Senju Tomona. In addition, Sarutobi Hiruza made some changes to this technique, making the water wall stronger and more durable. It can also absorb other people's water escape!

No, Anbu beside Hiruzaru Sarutobi has already made a move: "Water Dun-Shui Luanbo!"

Dozens of water flows merged into the water wall like hundreds of rivers and seas, which greatly increased the power of the water wall, which could withstand the immortal fire escape that sealed the fire.

But this scene made Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Anbe beside him sink in their hearts.

Only by gathering the strongest Hokage and many Anbu's joint blows can they withstand the opponent's fire escape ninjutsu. This, isn't this an exaggeration?

"Quickly inform Lord Shuomo!"

"There are also Master Lu Jiu, Master Ding Zuo, and Master Hai, hurry up!"

Several Anbu quickly fled towards the distance.

Fenghuo met and did not stop them.

"The sealing class immediately set up an enchantment, and everyone else retreats!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi ordered Anbe beside him.

The opponent is very powerful, and Anbu has no one to stop him except Sakumo Hatake, and if he rushes up, he will die. The benevolent Sandai will naturally not let Anbu be cannon fodder.

He slowly took off the Hokage robe on his body, revealing the Ninja costume, and then channeled the ape demon.

The ape demon is an old white-haired ape wearing only a tiger skin, with his arms folded across his chest, and his brown eyes are full of vicissitudes and wisdom.

"Ri Zhan, the opponent is not easy." The ape demon stared at the masked man in front of him with a dignified expression.

"Otherwise I wouldn't have asked you to come out, old buddy!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi stretched out his hand, "Come on, let's fight together!"


The ape demon directly transformed into a wish stick and flew into the hands of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The latter tiptoed and rushed towards the masked man.

At the same time, four red light curtains rose from the ground.

"Four Purple Flame Formation!"

Anbu's sealing team successfully launched the barrier, enclosing Fenghuo and Sarutobi Hiruzen, but considering the terrifying fire ninjutsu of the masked man, there are still many Anbu who are good at water ninjutsu standing around, in case of fighting The aftermath jeopardizes surrounding buildings.

In the Four Purple Flame Formation, Hiruzaru Sarutobi rushed in front of the masked man, hit the head directly, and slammed down viciously. At the same time, he formed a seal with one hand and sprayed out a powerful fireball.

Feng Huo jumped back to avoid the fireball, and at the same time formed seals with both hands, but in the next moment, the Ruyi stick in Sarutobi Hiruzen's hand had become thicker and longer, and became ferocious, like a huge stone pillar, smashed hard .

Feng Huo frowned slightly, and hurriedly exchanged seal gestures.

Earth escape - super earth flow wall!


A two-meter-thick earth wall instantly rose from the ground, blocking Ruyi stick.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen has once again completed the one-hand seal: "Fire escape-fire dragon flame bomb!"

The blazing flame is wrapped around the thick Ruyi stick ~www.readwn.com~ whirling and dancing like a fire dragon.


With just one blow, Lieyan Ruyi stick shattered the two-meter-thick earth wall, and hit the masked man unabated.

It's not over yet.

Sarutobi Hiruzhan kept imprinting in his hands, "Fire escape - Phoenix Immortal fire technique!"

The overwhelming fireballs arrived first, locking up all the space around the masked man!

Feng Huo looked at it, good guy, the speed of making seals with one hand can catch up to his two hands, and these ninjutsu have been improved by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and their power is extremely powerful!

Feng Huo's eyes closed slightly, and a pair of black eyes instantly turned into blood-colored three-pointed jade. The tyrannical power of the pupils crushed downward as if they were real, as if the space was suppressed for a moment.

"What?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi saw the eyes of the masked man, and his whole body was not well!

In the next moment, the Sangouyu turned into a black and red pentagram, and the masked man was completely surrounded by dark purple ribs.


The wishful stick wrapped in flames slammed into Susanoo's ribs, making a dull sound.


The sound of the ape demon came from the Ruyi stick, and then it grew wildly longer, directly pushing the masked man on top of the flame barrier of the four purple flames, and the flames of the barrier and the flames on the Ruyi stick were like maggots attached to the bones, Surrounded by Susano, it is burning!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi held the wish stick between his elbows, staring at the masked man with a solemn expression.

"This kaleidoscope-shaped Sharingan... who are you... exactly?!"

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