Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 699: actor

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"Master Orochimaru!"

Junma Lu looked at the back of Orochimaru who was testing his blood, and passed the two pieces of information in his hand, "Uchiha Fufu failed to assassinate the third Hokage, and has defected from Konoha. This is the specific information."

"Oh? Fenghuo-Jun's movements are really fast." Orochimaru turned around, and excitedly stuck out his tongue and licked his face.

As guessed before Fenghuo, Orochimaru still has feelings for Sandai. Although he hopes that Sandai will die in his heart, he would rather die in his own hands than being killed by Fenghuo!

After receiving the information, Orochimaru looked at the two pieces of information, one was sent by Danzo, and the other was naturally Yaoshidou!

The two pieces of information recorded in detail how Fenghuo attacked Hokage Building and assassinated the third Hokage, including the battle against the third Hokage with Susano, the battle against Kai who opened the Eight Door Dunjia, and a series of things that happened after that. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

After reading the information, Orochimaru's golden pupils narrowed slowly.

"Opening the eight-door dunjia formation can gain dozens of times the strength of Yue Wuying in a short period of time. Hehe, I really didn't expect Kai to have cultivated the eight-door dunjia to such an extent!"

Orochimaru sneered, "Konoha's strength is really hidden."

"Master Orochimaru, will Uchiha's defection to Konoha affect us?" Junma Lu was a little worried.

"Hehe, don't worry, Lord Fenghuo is our ally now." Orochimaru smiled excitedly.

"What? How come?" Jun Malu looked surprised.

"Are you still holding grudges against Lord Fenghuo?" Dashewan said with a light smile.

"No, as long as it is beneficial to Oshemaru-sama, I am willing to give up anything!" Jun Malu said emotionally. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The burns on his body were thanks to Fenghuo, but as long as Orochimaru said a word, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his own life, let alone this mere burn.

"Very good." Orochimaru showed a satisfied smile, and continued, "According to my agreement with Fenghuo-kun, after he betrayed Konoha, he will come here, Junmaro, and I will leave the job of welcoming him to you."

"Yes!" Jun Ma Lu solemnly agreed.

Within a few days, the figure of Fenghuo appeared in the dense forest outside Yinren Village.

Junmalu got the news and went out of the village to greet him in person.

"Master Fenghuo, this way please! Master Orochimaru has been waiting for you for a long time." Jun Malu didn't have the slightest emotion when facing Fenghuo, with a respectful expression on his face.

He really regards Orochimaru as his belief and god, so he can execute and complete any order of Orochimaru 100%! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Feng Huo smiled, followed him straight into Yinnin Village, and came to Dashemaru's laboratory.

"Mr. Fenghuo, you really didn't disappoint me." Da Shewan had put the experiment aside, and looked at Fenghuo with a smile.

Feng Huo shrugged, with a strange smile on his face: "Aren't you afraid that this is just a scene between me and the third Hokage?"

Orochimaru chuckled and said, "I have my source of information, so if this is a scene, hehe, it is impossible for you to hide it from me."

Whether it was the news from Danzang or the information from Yaoshidou, they all clearly explained the authenticity of Fenghuo's defection!

"You're really confident, Orochimaru, be careful not to capsize in the gutter!" Feng Huo kindly reminded him.

There is no one in the ninja world except him if he can do what he does.


Feng Huo silently praised himself.

Orochimaru smiled and said, "Mr. Fenghuo, let's talk about cooperation next."

Feng Huo said with a smile: "Of course, but you have to tell me what you want first, and what I can get."

Orochimaru said: "You should have known it a long time ago. For Sharingan, I am bound to win! But since we are a cooperative relationship, of course I will not attack you, so this time the target is Uchiha Itachi!"

Feng Huo frowned: "You know better than me how powerful that organization is. If you attack them now, can you bear the anger of Samsara Eye?"

The most important thing is that Itachi Uchiha is a Konoha spy, so why do spies make things difficult for spies?

Orochimaru showed a mysterious smile: "I told you before, the Akatsuki organization is not as united as you imagined, even if one or two people die, it will anger Payne, but as long as he can't find us, No matter how angry he is, he will have nothing to do with us." &1t;i>&1t;/i>

With a twitch in Feng Huo's heart, he instantly understood that Orochimaru and Jue hooked up.

It is definitely Akatsuki who is in charge of intelligence collection. In this regard, his ability is number one in the ninja world. If he deliberately conceals it, he can indeed make Orochimaru disappear from Akatsuki's sight!

In this way, it is naturally not a problem to seek Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan.

And he couldn't find a reason to refuse for a while.

Orochimaru saw that Fenghuo was lost in thought, and smiled: "Actually, in the Akatsuki organization, any action is a team of two, and Uchiha Itachi's teammate is Kisame Kisame, and in his hand are the seven ninjas of Kirigakure. The shark muscle, one of the knives, is said to be a pair with the rock in your body, I want Itachi's Sharingan, and the shark muscle is yours!"

Feng Huo stroked his chin and said, "Compared to shark muscles, Sharingan is the most important thing. I'm at a disadvantage." &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Orochimaru smiled and said: "Then, what is the condition of Lord Fenghuo?"

Feng Huo laughed and said, "I want the complete cell transplantation technology in your hands!"

Orochimaru narrowed his golden vertical pupils: "Cell transplantation technology?"

Feng Huo said with a smile: "If possible, I will give some first-generation cells as a gift."

Orochimaru laughed when he heard this: "So that's the case, then, I agree to your terms!"

He thought that Fenghuo, like Danzo, wanted to transplant the cells of the first generation and awaken Mutun.

But the facts have proved that even if the cell transplantation is really successful, the awakened Mu Dun will not be able to reach the terrifying level of the first generation!

Feng Huo said with a smile: "I'm not good at intelligence gathering, Orochimaru, Uchiha Itachi's whereabouts, I leave it to you."

"No problem at all."

After that, Feng Huo wandered around Yinnin Village for a long time, and then psychically produced the second form of round dance, and flew towards the country of Taki.

In the air, Lun Wu II flew swiftly, and the fierce gust of wind slapped Feng Huo's face like a door panel, but it kept slapping the thoughts in his mind.

Konoha has the highest IQ~www.readwn.com~ is Nara Shikahisa, but in terms of planning, Nara Shikahisa is still half behind Uchiha Itachi.

From this point of view, even if he and Orochimaru can defeat Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame, it is somewhat difficult to kill Uchiha Itachi.

At that time, if I act better, Orochimaru should not be able to see it... right?

Wouldn't it be bad to keep acting?

Feng Huo was a little tangled in his heart. If he played Dashewan like this, would Dashewan report him?

The Sage of the Six Paths wouldn't jump out of the coffin and ban himself, right?


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