Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 707: Orochimaru should be worried

After the news that Feng Huo became an S-rank rebel spread across the ninja world, those who had enemies with him were looking for him, those who coveted him for Sharingan and Sanwei Iso were also looking for him, and ninjas from various hidden villages were also looking for him. The ninjas of the other forces gathered in the Land of Fire and searched everywhere, but so far no one has successfully found it.

After Kakashi left Konoha, he left the Land of Fire directly. He didn't think that Feng Huo would continue to stay in the Land of Fire after defecting.

After leaving the Land of Fire, Kakashi's first stop was Taki Ninja Village.

Last time he found Fenghuo here!

But this time, as soon as he arrived at Longin Village, Sheki, the leader of Takinin Village, hurriedly promised with a pale face that Uchiha Fenghuo, this shameless traitorous ninja, would beat him once they saw him, and if he found him, he would notify Mui as soon as possible. Ye, Taki Shinobu Village is Konoha's most loyal friend, and they will definitely not stand on Uchiha's side.

blah blah blah blah blah.

Kakashi looked at Shibuki's face flushed purple, and couldn't laugh or cry. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

However, through Shiki's performance, there is one thing Kakashi can be sure of, that is, even if Fenghuo is not in Takinobu Village, it must have a close relationship with Takinobu Village, and it will never be as "innocent" as Shiki said.

But the other party is a village leader after all, Kakashi must give enough respect.

Moreover, in order to prevent surprises, even if Kakashi saw through his lies, he could not expose them face to face.

Hello, hello, everyone. After the conversation, Kakashi said that he would live in Taki Shinobu Village for a while.

Shibuki had no reason to refuse, so he appointed a Taki ninja Anbe as Kakashi's guide to entertain him. Of course, he also meant to monitor this copy ninja by the way.

Kakashi didn't refuse.

After staying in Taki Shinobu Village, Kakashi wandered around the village while looking at Xiao Huangman. For three days in a row, the weather was calm. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Three days later, Kakashi bid farewell, but not long after he left, he turned back again, this time from light to darkness, silently hiding in the dark to watch.

But no matter how long he monitors, he is destined to not find anything.

After Fenghuo became a rebel, he knew that Kakashi would definitely come, so he moved his residence to a hidden place outside, and even Obito, Didara, and Shiro lived there, Kakashi Xi wanted to "wait for a rabbit" in Taki Ninja Village, but the result was obvious, and it was impossible to succeed.

Kakashi waited for more than half a month, and finally gave up.

Although he really wants to find Fenghuo, he is not Jiraiya. He can wander in the ninja world for more than ten years because of Orochimaru. He is Konoha's Anbe, Konoha's ninja, and has his own responsibilities and commitments.

After he left, people such as Fenghuo and Daitu appeared.

Obito's face was a little sad. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Kakashi is not only his friend, but also his rival in love. Now, there seems to be another layer of chasm that cannot be bridged. I don't know if I will have a chance to have a big fight with him like I did when I was a child. .

Seeing him like this, Feng Huo felt a little sorry in his heart, and comforted him, "Obito, in addition to black and white, there is also gray in the middle of this world. We are standing in the gray area right now. Don't worry, we will come back one day. to its original location."

Obito lowered his head and said: "Fenghuo, after the family was destroyed, Itachi and you became rebels, Shisui was blown to death, I am neither human nor ghost... Is the Uchiha clan really cursed?"

"This is the power of others coveting our Sharingan sharing, but they are afraid and afraid of us, so they deliberately discredit us, just like your neighbor is a rich man who changes girlfriends every day. He can't help it, so you go around talking bad things about this rich neighbor, saying that his private life is chaotic, he is rich and unkind, and over time, everyone will think that your rich neighbor is just rich and unkind." Feng Huo forcefully explained. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Is that so?" Obito half-understood, always feeling that something was wrong.

Feng Huo grabbed his shoulders: "It must be like this, otherwise why do so many people hate us, but desperately want to get our Sharingan?"

Obito gritted his teeth: "Fenghuo, you mean Danzo? That nasty old thief!"

"Well, it's useless to complain, if you want bread and milk, you have to fight for it yourself!" Feng Huo said, "Obito, do you know why I am so powerful?"

"Why?" Obito asked solemnly.

"Without it, I just used the time you spent helping the old lady cross the road to practice!" Feng Huo looked indifferently like an outsider.

Obito was stunned for a moment, then became furious, rushing forward with punches and kicks!

In the next few days, Feng Huo retreated again to derive the Thunder Protection Body. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

At the same time, Junmaru's progress in the Snow Country is also going very smoothly.

After Orochimaru left the Snow Country, Fenghua Futao began to grab with both hands, one hand grabbed Uchiha Shisui, trying to seize his Sharingan, and the other hand grabbed the Snow Mountain Mountains, trying to find Orochimaru with so much effort. Also get something.

But the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is too cruel.

On the other side of the Snow Mountain Range, Fenghua Nutao sent dozens of Xueren to enter, and after entering the Snow Mountain Range, every day, Xueren was attacked and killed by the powerful beasts living there!

After nearly half of the damage, those Xuenin didn't dare to go deeper, turned around and ran back in despair.

As for Uchiha Shisui's side, let alone, the ninja sent out was inexplicably hit by an illusion as soon as they went out, and came back with a dazed face, so frightened that Fenghua Futao couldn't even sleep well.


Therefore, as soon as Jun Malu appeared, Fenghua Nutao borrowed the donkey from the slope, expressing that he would obey Master Dashemaru's will, honestly be a daimyo of the Snow Country, and absolutely not cause trouble.

As soon as Junma Lu left, Feng Hua Nu Tao put aside the matter of the snow mountain range, and then sent civilians to Uchiha Shisui to apologize.

As expected, Zhishui did not attack these civilians. After receiving the message from the civilians, Zhishui couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Could it be that Fenghuo and Orochimaru have reached a cooperative relationship?" Xia Rixing asked with a frown beside him.

After she and Zhishui started to track down Xue Ren, they found Fenghua Nutao by following the clues, and they have been watching here all the time, so Jun Malu's appearance can't be hidden from them.

The Snow Ninjas just made a move~www.readwn.com~ Before sealing the fire, Orochimaru sent someone to intervene first, obviously there was something tricky in the middle.

"If my guess is correct...the captain did hide something important in the depths of the snow mountain range. Orochimaru noticed it and managed to find it through Yukino!"

After Shisui connected these things that were born in the Snow Country together, he figured out the truth, "Then, Orochimaru used this thing to force the captain to cooperate with him!"

"That is to say, Orochimaru instigated Fenghuo to assassinate the third Hokage behind the scenes?" Xia Rixing said solemnly, "If this is the case, will Fenghuo be controlled by Orochimaru?"

"Absolutely not!" Zhishui said with a smile slowly, "Based on what I know about the captain, he is a person who refuses to suffer. It's Orochimaru who's worried."


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