Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 722: curse seal

Danzo is a little depressed. After the destruction of the Uchiha clan, there are only a few pairs of Sharingan in the ninja world. Orochimaru 'picked away' the easiest one to get. The rest of the Sharingan is really hard to get. It took a lot of thought.

"Don't worry, I have high requirements for containers. If Uchiha Sasuke's capacity is limited, I will not take him away." Orochimaru seemed to see through Danzo's thoughts, and smiled softly.

"Really." Danzo said noncommittally, "Behind Uchiha Sasuke is Uchiha Itachi, you attack his younger brother... Huh, and Uchiha Sasuke is still in the ninja school, and there is still more than a year before graduation , Waiting for him to take the Chunin Exam...who knows when it will be."

"If that's the case..." Orochimaru frowned slightly.

According to the plan he had thought before, this year's Chunin exam, he will send the lower ninja of Otonin Village to participate normally, and when next year's Chunin exam, he will implement the "Konoha collapse plan". &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Uchiha Sasuke is graduating next year, if he takes the Chunin exam in the same year, Orochimaru can kill two birds with one stone!

If he didn't take part in next year's Chunin Exam...huh, that means Uchiha Sasuke's talent and stamina are just that, not worth mentioning, how can he be qualified to be his reincarnation vessel?

Danzo raised his eyelids, and suddenly asked, "Oshemaru, do you know the whereabouts of Uchiha Fuho?"

Orochimaru smiled and said: "Uchiha seals the fire? Hehe, so what if you know? Danzo, it is impossible for your people to defeat him."

Danzo was thoughtful, wondering if Orochimaru would hook up with Uchiha Fenghuo, right?

By the way, in his Konoha collapse plan, the main problem is to block Konoha White Fang, and Orochimaru has to deal with Hirazan, so who will resist Konoha White Fang.

Uchiha seals the fire! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Danzo's face changed slightly.

Orochimaru and Uchiha Fenghuo are mixed together...

Wait, could it be that Orochimaru planned Uchiha's attack on Hokage and the killing of Hiruzen before?

But that attack was massive, but it was anticlimactic. In the end, not to mention Sarutobi Hiruzen, not even an ordinary ninja died!

Danzo guessed at the time that Uchiha Fuho was acting with Sarutobi Hiruzen to show him...

But if it wasn't for acting, how could it be possible that no one died?

Danzo couldn't understand it.

"I can't stay here for too long. If it's okay, I'll leave first." Da Shewan stretched out his tongue and washed his face, then left with a smile.

Looking at the back of Orochimaru leaving, Danzo felt a little uncomfortable. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Back then, he dragged Orochimaru into the sea with his own hands. The two of them have also cooperated sincerely in these years to usurp Konoha's power. How come in the end, there is suddenly a Uchiha seal between the two of them?

Danzo felt uneasy in his heart, but at the moment he was helpless.

When Fenghuo was in Konoha, he could still go to Sarutobi Hiruzen from time to time to make rumors, blow in his ears, create pressure on him, and even deliberately dangle in front of Fenghuo to stimulate him, anyway, he would not dare to assassinate himself .

But since Fenghuo betrayed Konoha, what can Danzo do?

Go to Hiruzaru Sarutobi to spread rumors?

What rumors are you making?

People have already defected, can your rumors be bigger than this?

And after defecting, Fenghuo took off the shackles and turned from light to darkness without any scruples! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Danzo dared to bet Sarutobi Hiruzen's life, as long as there is a chance, Uchiha Fuho will definitely assassinate himself!

And the Konoha crash chance...

If Orochimaru really asked Uchiha Fuhuo to help, hehe, at that time, maybe Orochimaru killed Sarutobi Hiruzen, or he Uchiha Fuhuo came to kill himself.

Danzo was so worried that he couldn't sleep, and his heart was filled with infinite melancholy.

He not only hopes that Orochimaru can kill Sarutobi Hiruzen with Konoha's collapse plan, but also fears that Uchiha Fuho will assassinate himself in this plan.

‘Should I…should I support Orochimaru? '

Danzo frowned.

Pharmacist No Naoyu's research had a problem, and the time it took was likely to double. Feng Huo was worried that he would be exposed, so he left Konoha for the time being. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

As a result, as soon as he returned to Taki Shinobi Village, he was blocked by Jun Ma Lu.

"Master Fenghuo, Master Orochimaru, please!" Jun Malu said expressionlessly.

Feng Huo frowned, looking for him at this time, is there any news about Uchiha Itachi again?

How long has it been?

Sealing the fire is puzzling.

Follow Jun Ma Lu to Tian Zhi Guo Yin Ninja Village, Feng Huo met him in Dashemaru's laboratory.

As the craziest and most persistent scientist in the ninja world, Orochimaru spends most of his time in the laboratory,

"Fenghuo-jun, you are finally here."

When Dashewan saw that Fenghuo had arrived, he smiled even more.

Feng Huo glanced at Libra Zhongwu lying on the operating table with his eyes closed, and asked in his heart, "You don't think about natural energy, do you?"&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Orochimaru smiled softly and said, "You should have understood that the scale weighs on my body."

Feng Huo nodded: "It can automatically absorb the natural energy of the outside world, and the balance weighs my body... eh? Orochimaru, you don't want to test the magic chakra on him, do you?"

"That's right, as long as Chongwu can control his own reason, he can integrate natural energy, physical energy, and spiritual energy into celestial chakra. There is no more suitable research object than him!" Orochimaru's eyes were full of light.

"As far as I know, once he absorbs natural energy, he will lose control and turn into a beast. I want to keep him rational, hehe." Feng Huo said.

But at the same time, when he recalled the original work, he seemed to remember that Chongwu had been a few times when he was "immortal" and kept a little bit of reason, but in that state, it was impossible to refine the fairy chakra!

Because xianshu chakra is to fuse natural energy, mental energy, and physical energy in a one-to-one ratio. Under the "immortal transformation", Chongwu's body is filled with violent natural energy, which is beyond control. How can it be completed? Got Fusion?

Orochimaru seemed to see through what Feng Huo was thinking~www.readwn.com~ smiled and said: "Of course I know that Chongwu can't complete it, but using his cell-improved Heaven and Earth Curse Seal, we can go one step further!"

Although several human experiments failed, Orochimaru would not give up so easily. No, he put his idea on Fenghuo.

Fenghuo itself can absorb natural energy and extract celestial chakra. He is an experienced person, so he is definitely the best candidate for the experiment!

Feng Huo's face is full of anger, no, it's the expression of being screwed by Erha.

His heart is in denial.

But when I think about it carefully, since I cooperated with Orochimaru, I don't seem to have suffered much. If I refuse again, will Orochimaru tear up the ticket in a fit of anger?


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