Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 167: Stealing Half A Day's Leisure In Floating Life!

Hoshigaki Kisame, despite being a rebel, is extremely powerful.

The Chakra in his body is huge enough to reach the level of a tailed beast, which can be called a tailless beast!


When Kisame met Uchiha Itachi, he didn't respect Itachi, and it can even be said to have a contemptuous attitude towards Itachi.

But Uchiha Itachi's strength should not be underestimated, he directly used Mangekyō Sharingan to conquer him, and Hoshigaki Kisame also understood that Uchiha Itachi was someone he couldn't afford to mess with.

Under the pressure of strength, Ganshi Guisame restrained a lot.

While working with Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Itachi's personality charm directly conquered Hoshigaki Kisame......

Itachi let Kisame Kisame see his worth.

Kisame Kisame is not a doll at the mercy of others, he has his own thoughts.

The reason why Hoshigaki Kisame became a traitor was to prove his worth in life.

After meeting Itachi, although Itachi is also rebellious, he let Kisame see the value of his life:

He is not a machine at the mercy of others, but a real strong man with his own ideas.

Moreover, Kisame has learned a lot of principles of life and work from his partner Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi once told Kisame a sentence: "No matter who you are, you can't understand your true self until the end~". "

These words touched the dry persimmon ghost shark a lot.


The reason why Hoshigaki Kisame willingly obeys Itachi's order is that first of all, the suppression of strength does exist, but it is not the key...

The most important thing is to help Hoshigaki Kisame, let him know the value of his own life, and also teach him many life philosophies in the process of working together.

Itachi is more like Kisame's "life mentor" than a partner, so he calls Uchiha Itachi "Sir" and willingly obeys Itachi's orders.

"How do you feel about going back to the village? You should be somewhat excited to see your brother's family, Itachi." Kisame Kisame said.

Uchiha Itachi:

Itachi is silent, only the mountain wind blows from time to time.

The wind blows the trees, and the weeds and flowers are crushed to the ground by the wind.

No, Uchiha Itachi stepped forward and left, leaving only one sentence: "Let's go, Kisame."

Looking at the back of Uchiha Itachi in front of him, Kisame Kisame cracked his mouth, revealing his sharp little shark teeth: "Well, Mr. Itachi is really cold."

About 10 days have passed since the Hokage ceremony,

During this time, under the joint negotiation of Hokage Tsunade and Mizukage Terumi Mei, the diplomatic relations of deep friendship and cooperation between Konoha Village and Kirigakure were finally determined.

And, signed a series of cooperation matters.

So far, the strategic partnership between the two villages has been formally established.

The strategic partnership is the highest level among the cooperative relations among the villages in the ninja world...

It not only refers to the ordinary cooperation between the two villages, but also involves a coordinated position on ninja affairs, advancing and retreating together.

Next, wait for the cooperation between the two villages to start, which will definitely bring great development to Konoha Village and Kirigakure, and promote the prosperity of the two villages...

Today, this morning.

The weather is fine, the wind is sunny and the sun is just right.

Terumi Mei is going back to Kirigakure tomorrow,

Therefore, today Terumi Mei specially invited Yuhihong and Tsunade Yusuke to go shopping together, buy some souvenirs from Konoha Village, and buy some gifts as souvenirs.

Tsunade has temporarily dealt with the assassination of Konoha's two high-level advisers (Li's good) Sun,

Considering that Terumi Mei, a new good sister, will leave tomorrow, Tsunade is reluctant to do so.

I specially gave myself a day off to accompany Terumi Mei.

Seeing Tsunade's smiling face, Uchiha Yusuke suspected that Tsunade was actually trying to escape Hokage's busy and endless work.

Steal half a day of leisure.

The plan was originally for 4 people, but Shizune and Uchiha Yusuke's personal secretary, Uzuki Yusuke, were added in the middle.

A group of 6 people left the Uchiha mansion in a mighty manner. .

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