"No red, I'd better go back.

Thinking of this, Uzuki Xiyan shook her head and refused.

Xi Rihong, who has her own thoughts, still insists on staying: "It's nothing, Xi Yan, you will live here tonight, anyway, you will live alone when you go back, and you won't go back to your parents... ..."

After Uzuki Yuyan graduated from ninja school and became an independent ninja, she didn't live with her family.

She lives alone in a rented house.

"So, Xi Yan, you don't have to disturb me if you stay here overnight, right, Yusuke-kun."

Saying that, Jiu Hong stepped forward and grabbed Uyue Xiyan, an old classmate who wanted to leave.

In the end, Kurenai Yuhi turned her head to look at Uchiha Yusuke and asked the host what he meant.

For this reason, Uchiha Yusuke, who didn't care too much, said in the same way: "Yes, there are so many rooms here anyway, Xiyan, you can stay here tonight, don't be so restrained."

"Besides, it's convenient to go to work here tomorrow.-"

Actually, Uchiha Yusuke really doesn't mean anything else.


And at this time,

Looking at Kurenai Yuhi's overly enthusiastic look, Tsunade, who had already sensed that something was wrong, couldn't help but be suspicious.

Tsunade always feels red in the evening, what kind of crooked idea is she playing with her good sister?

And this scene...

In the scene of trying to keep Uzuki Xiyan, Tsunade feels a familiar instant feeling inexplicably.

It seems that I was deceived by Xi Hihong in such a similar way before.

Anyway, it's a weird feeling....

"Forget it, maybe I'm thinking too much." In his heart, Tsunade said secretly, then turned around and went to take a shower.

After working hard all day, the two things that Tsunade feels most comfortable and comfortable when he comes home are:

The first thing is to enjoy the delicious food of Yuhihong, a beautiful wife and cook, and the second thing is to take a bath.

Taking a nice bath in the bathtub, Tsunade felt very comfortable, and felt exhausted all over his body.

Now that Uchiha Yusuke, the male host, has already agreed, and Yuhihong is still enthusiastic to stay, Uzuki Xiyan is very moved, so she agrees to stay here.

And soon, Uzuki Xiyan will regret it...

I regretted my decision to stay tonight.

The moon is deep, and all the lights in Uchiha's house have been extinguished.

At this time, Uzuki Xiyan, who was sleeping in the guest room, turned from side to side, making it difficult to fall asleep.

It was the first time I stayed at Uchiha Yusuke's house. Even though I was in the guest room, I was still a guest, but Uzuki Xiyan couldn't help being a little excited and couldn't sleep.

After being excited for a long time,

0 for flowers...

Just when Maoyue Xiyan felt drowsy and slowly wanted to fall asleep, suddenly, bursts of voices came...

In an instant, Xiyan's drowsiness disappeared.

"What's that sound?" In the dark night, Uzuki Xiyan couldn't help but whispered with her bright eyes open.

Then, she was startled by the pouring rain outside the window and instantly lost all sleepiness.

The heavy rain outside the window was so loud that people couldn't sleep,

What's more, outside the courtyard, the heavy rain mercilessly hit the two beauties of Tsunade and Yuhihong, making crackling noises...


Maoyue Xiyan was originally a big girl with yellow flowers, she was blushing when she heard this strange sound, her heart was restless, her blood was so boiling that she couldn't sleep at all......

The torrential rain and the rain mercilessly hit the two beautiful banana trees, and the strange crackling sound lasted until the middle of the night before slowly ending.

As for Uzuki Xiyan who was lying in the guest room, she kept staring and listening from side to side, and she didn't know when she would fall asleep...

Uzuki Xiyan only remembered that listening to that strange voice with red cheeks, she finally couldn't bear it and fell into a deep sleep......

The next day, early morning.

After a deep sleep last night, everything began to slowly recover and a new day began.

at this time,

At the gate of Konoha Village, two unexpected guests came. .

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