Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 796 The Bamboo Hat Is Too Ugly

Konoha Village will also take action.

This is also an interesting thing if you think about it carefully. He was the one who gave the order to let the people from Konoha Village come to hunt him down.

Because Uchiha Itachi's time was under his control, he was the one who issued this order.

This is a game where the cat catches the mouse and the mouse plays with the cat. It’s quite fun when I think about it. Who would believe it when I say it’s gone?

The two of them were walking slowly like this, giving people the impression that they were on a sightseeing trip.

After walking for several hours, Loquat Juuzang suddenly stopped and saw Loquat Juuzang parked in front.

Uchiha Yusuke looked around cautiously. If he stopped so suddenly, he must have discovered a special situation.

Otherwise, he would not stop, he said to Loquat Juuzang.

"Why did you stop?"

He didn't sense any danger at all, and there was some confusion in his eyes.

Just as he was about to answer Uchiha Yusuke's question, Loquat Juzo turned his head and saw him. He didn't know when he started wearing a hat, and he was a little confused.

"Where did you get such an ugly hat and put it on your head?"

Loquat Juuzang had a headache and kept patting his forehead with his hands. He did not have this problem in the past.

Ever since he started following Uchiha Yusuke, his head has been feeling a dull pain. This must be a new problem.

"It's not as ugly as you said. I think it's pretty good and can help me block the sun."

"Not only does this also cover my face, don't forget that my identity is quite special, so it's better to be cautious so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Looking at his carefree appearance, he actually has such a cautious side, this kid has a lot of thoughts.

Everyone knows that the whole hat is worn on the head, he said to Uchiha Yusuke.

"Your idea is still very good, you should do it, your identity is a bit obvious.

"But don't worry too much. Even if he catches you, it doesn't matter. In the worst case, we can follow him back to Konoha Village."

"Who made you do such shocking things? It's normal to be punished.

Listening to what he said before, Uchiha Yusuke was still complacent.

Because he praised what he did well, and it felt good to be praised.

…Please give me flowers…………

Just when he was feeling triumphant, a sudden brake came on and he almost fell into the ditch.

How could anyone talk like that and ask him to return to Konoha Village? If he went back, wouldn't his life be dead? This is not a simple punishment!

"Are you taking revenge on me? You want me to follow them back to Konoha Village."


"You must already know what I have done. Based on the things I have done, they will impose the death penalty on me."

"You are so cruel that you don't have a completely muddy body until you die."

"You are my companion. If they show up, they will definitely take you back. Don't get too carried away.

Loquat Juzo was also paying attention to Uchiha Yusuke's every move, and felt funny watching his changes before and after.

Finally, this kid made a fool of himself. Whoever let him plot against him deserved it. At this moment, I didn't hate this guy so much.

It's nice to have such a fickle brat by your side.

"Why should you take me back? First, I am not from Konoha Village."

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