Konoha: From Aburame to God

Chapter 36: Danzo's Disposable Wood Release Weapon

Experiments do not succeed overnight.

Even if Orochimaru and Aburame Zhiyi had records of previous wood escape transplant experiments, it still took a lot of time.

This one-time wooden escape weapon experiment was successful, at least the subject did not die.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I will always be shocked by the terrifying vitality of the Shodaime-sama's cells. This kind of vitality may make the Shodaime-sama immortal forever."

Aburame Zhiyi couldn't help but sigh every time she saw Hashirama's cells.

Even though Senju Hashirama is dead, his body cells are still active and can even continue to multiply and divide.

"Yes, Hashirama Cells are indeed terrifying. I'm afraid there are only a few people who can withstand Hashirama Cells. It's hard to imagine how powerful the original target was while alive."

"However, I'm afraid it still doesn't meet the standard of immortality, because the Shodaime is already dead."

Aburame Zhiyi's words aroused Orochimaru's interest. Orochimaru has always been very concerned about immortality.

Compared to the village and the Will of Fire, Orochimaru's main energy and interest are in scientific research, especially in the pursuit of immortality.

"Is Mr. Zhiyi also interested in eternal life?"

"Ah, this... I am naturally interested. After all, no one would think that they live too long."

"However, it is still too difficult to achieve immortality. Although I have some ideas, I am still immature, but it doesn't matter. I am still very young now."

Aburame Zhiyi pretended to be relaxed and said, revealing that she also had some thoughts about eternal life.

Orochimaru became more and more interested. Although he could see that Aburame Zhiyi was deliberately attracting him, he didn't care.

As long as the idea of ​​Aburame Zhiyi's immortality can inspire him, he doesn't mind dealing with Aburame Zhiyi.

The collision of different immortality ideas can always give birth to some incredible miracles.

Besides, dealing with a young, thoughtful junior is like dealing with Shimura Danzo, who has a sullen face every day.

Although Shimura Danzo has always been Orochimaru's biggest financial backer and supporter.

He collected a lot of funds and resources by studying Hashirama cells and Sharingan for Shimura Danzo.

"Zhiyi-Jun, could you tell me your idea of ​​eternal life? Maybe we can discuss it?"

Orochimaru stopped what he was doing.

In fact, it is not difficult to implement a one-time wooden escape weapon due to the Aburame Shiyi Phosphorus Bad Insect, but the process is very cumbersome.

Orochimaru is not very interested in disposable wooden escape weapons, because they are not of much help to him and are useless for immortality.

Moreover, the strength of disposable wooden escape weapons is also limited, reaching the level of jounin at most.

That is to raise the strength of genin and chunin to jounin.

As for jounin, there is no need to be a test subject, because jounin is very precious, and if a jounin undergoes experiments, his ability will only improve a little, but there will be no qualitative breakthrough.

"Ah, since Lord Orochimaru is interested, let me talk about it. This is what I had in mind when I was cultivating bugs."

Aburame Zhiyi also stopped. He didn't care much about the disposable wooden escape weapon.

The reason why it is expanded is to increase its own value.

If successful, Aburame Shiitsu's status at the root will be improved again. This is not relying on Shimura Danzo, but a real status.

Because the phosphorus bugs in the disposable wood escape weapon depend on him, Aburame Zhiyi, and he, Aburame Zhiyi, is the core of the disposable wood escape weapon.

Danzo, I am the core!

"Lord Orochimaru also knows that I am from the Aburame clan, and I have to deal with insects. My idea of ​​immortality is also related to the insect swarm."

"Insects are very fragile and have a short life span. I often think about how to make insects stronger and live longer."

There was encouragement in Orochimaru's eyes, and he knew that what Aburame Zhiyi said next was the key point.

"But I discovered that no matter what I do, insects have their limits. When I gave up in despair, I saw the entire swarm of insects."

"I feel ashamed to say that although I have studied many species of insects, I don't know much about insect swarms. Once I was attracted to insect swarms, I became deeply fascinated by them."

"Although a single insect is very fragile, the entire insect swarm is different."

"In a sense, the insect swarm can be regarded as immortal. All bugs perform their duties according to the will of the insect swarm, just like the cells of the human body."

"Even if many of the insects die and are replaced, it is meaningless to the entire insect swarm. They still act according to the will of the insect swarm, and the will of the insect swarm remains unchanged."

"If we can transform ourselves from a single individual into a group like the will of the swarm, can we achieve immortality?"

"From individuals to groups? It's a good idea, but it's not easy."

Orochimaru is very interested in Aburame Zhiyi's idea of ​​immortality, but he doesn't really agree with it.

Because it's too difficult.

Orochimaru's corpse reincarnation is almost completed, but there are still many problems that have not been resolved, such as damage to the soul, body fit, etc.

It is so difficult for an individual to live forever, let alone the transition from an individual to a group.

There are too many technologies that need to be overcome.

Of course, Orochimaru does not intend to attack Aburame Zhiyi, if Aburame Zhiyi achieves something on the road to eternal life.

Orochimaru will bless him happily and then go to study.

"Yeah, it's too difficult, whether it's an individual body turning into a group, or an individual soul turning into a group."

"The body is fine, but the soul is difficult. Whether it is split or swallowed, it may lose itself, so it needs an anchor."

“An anchor to remind myself, to anchor myself in case I lose myself.”

"Anchor? It seems that Mr. Zhiyi already has an idea. My method of immortality is simpler than Mr. Zhiyi. Since the body will age, then we must constantly replace the body and extend our life through the reincarnation of the soul. This is my immortal reincarnation.”

Orochimaru looked at Aburame Shiitsu like a piece of jade. The idea of ​​the anchor gave him inspiration, and he might be able to perfect the immortal reincarnation.

"You two should finish the experiment first and then we can talk."

Shimura Danzo didn't know when he appeared in the laboratory, looking at the two guys chatting expressionlessly.

I paid a lot of money to treat you two just so you two can chat? Give me a job, Hundan!

Of course, after all, Danzo Shimura didn't blame him too much.

He is also very interested in eternal life, otherwise he would not have listened to it for so long.

"Teacher, the Mudun experimental body has been successful. This is the result."

Aburame Shiitsu smiled awkwardly and showed the results of the wooden escape weapon to Shimura Danzo.

"Oh, let me take a look."

"This experimental subject is a genin, now injected with Hashirama's cells and suppressed by my Phosphorus."

"Let go of the suppression, and the experimental subject's strength will increase rapidly. It will be able to use some simple wood escapes, and its overall strength will reach the level of a special jounin."

"That's enough for special jounin."

Shimura Danzo evaluated it and felt it was okay.

In Shimura Danzo's understanding, ninjas themselves are consumables, and war is a reward.

If you can use your genin to defeat the enemy's jounin, it will be a huge gain.

If the genin test subject doesn't work, then switch to the chunin test subject.

Even if you can't defeat the Jonin, you can still use the Genin Experimental Body to defeat the enemy Chuunin on a large scale.

With these experimental bodies, Danzo Shimura can also play a huge role on the battlefield.

He must become the key to turning the war around. As a hero, he appears on the battlefield where Monkey failed to turn the tide.

A little shock to those guys who call him a gutter rat.

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