Chapter 012 Future Video 2 has been pushed

Mu Mu waited for the four flowers of Konoha to deal with their own hygiene issues, which was a real feast for the eyes.

Regarding the current situation of the four flowers of Konoha, he also made a scientific and rigorous comparison and made a data table

Ino was right about one thing, Mu Mu is indeed a reserved and shy type.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t talk about that kind of topic with a girl the first time I met her.

Of course, Mu Mu himself would never admit it. This was all Ino’s own request.

Today’s experience made Mu Mu unable to calm down for a long time, and he was full of endless reverie about the future.

Unfortunately, I have to wait two days before I can activate Wood Release and reach the peak of my life.

After calming down, Mu Mu tried to study Ninjutsu

But he found that without the golden finger, his talent was just a bunch of S

Except for the basic three-body technique and basic shuriken technique, I can’t do anything else.

Mu Mu tried to climb the tree by using chakra absorption on the wall of his house

I practiced for nearly an hour, but there was no progress.

Every time I take the first step, I fail and use up all my chakra.

“No, two days is still too long!”

Mu Mu couldn’t stand the reality that he was a waste. He couldn’t even hold his head high in front of the four flowers of Konoha.

For the next two days, he has to keep a low profile, right?

Fortunately, the ability to fabricate the future was refreshed in the early morning. I will patch it then, so that at least I can gain something in the next two days.

So Mu Mu simply gave up on his self-cultivation and started thinking about the content of the next future video.

The ability to fabricate the future only requires that it be relevant to the group members, and there are no other special requirements.

The only limitation is that the time limit is only one month

But it doesn’t have to be in the last month, but from the beginning to the end of the video, a total of one month

He can also make up a future video ten or twenty years from now, but there is no need to do so now.

If Mu Mu wants to change the current situation, he needs to work harder in the next month.

“Fortunately, I didn’t reveal too many details in the previous video, so I can still add a lot of content”

“For example, if I activate Wood Release in two days, I can activate the Sharingan early tomorrow morning, and then accidentally copy some useful Ninjutsu.……”

“The Sharingan is the bloodline of the Uchiha clan. The Uchiha clan has been exterminated, and now only Sasuke is left. So even if I activate the Sharingan, I dare not let outsiders know.”

“Makes sense!”

Mu Mu started to prepare for the content of the next future video around the central idea of ​​”activating the Sharingan”.

Time passed unknowingly until the early morning, and the whole village was silent.

Except for a few patrolling Anbu on night duty, everyone else was asleep, including the four flowers of Konoha.

Mu Mu prepared the video and waited for the refresh time to come.

He has to send the video before he can sleep peacefully.


The alarm clock rang at 0:00, and Mu Mu shuddered instantly, coming out of his half-asleep and half-awake state.

He turned off the alarm and checked his harem. His ability to fabricate the future had indeed been refreshed.

After briefly organizing his thoughts, Mu Mu decisively began to make up a future video

Not long——

【Ding! The group system has pushed a future clip (future video 2.avi) and has been saved to the group file!】

At the same time, all four flowers of Konoha who were sleeping received the reminder.

However, this noise was not enough to wake them up, so no one clicked to watch it immediately.

Mu Mu was excited and had great expectations for tomorrow

I couldn’t fall asleep for a while, so I opened it and watched it out of boredom.

Although he himself is the author of the story, he has never seen the finished film before.


【The video begins, this time from Hinata of the Hyuga family as the first person’s perspective, the time is the next morning of the present】

【Hinata had finished her breakfast and was ready to go to the Ninja School to take the graduation exam.】

【Before leaving, the lovely sister-in-law was waiting at the door to cheer her up. Hinata responded with a smile and patted her head.】

【Afterwards, Hinata went to greet her father, Hyuga Hiashi, and told him that there would be a graduation exam today. Hiashi was indifferent to this and turned around to find Hanabi for training.】

【Although Hinata had long been accustomed to her father’s attitude, she still felt very disappointed. She was in a bad mood and walked towards the ninja school with her head down.】

【When passing through a forest, I unexpectedly saw Mu Mu being bullied by several people.】

【Hinata, who was already ignored by her father, saw this scene. The scene of her running away from home and being bullied by several people emerged in her mind. She felt sympathy with Mu Mu.】

【Hinata didn’t help because she was afraid. But to her surprise, Mu Mu’s reaction was completely opposite to hers.】

【Hinata was crying and apologizing passively because she bumped into someone first. As for Mu Mu, those people seemed to want to steal his living expenses and threatened him by preventing him from taking the graduation exam.】

【But Mu Mu did not compromise. Several people surrounded and beat him. He picked a person and beat him to death. If he couldn’t beat him, he would scratch with his nails and bite with his teeth. The person he picked was injured more seriously than him.】

【This cruelty not only did not scare those people, but aroused their ferocity. One of them picked up a brick from the ground and hit Mu Mu on the head, almost scaring Hinata who was in the dark to scream.】

【Fortunately, they didn’t dare to risk their lives. The brick was not heavy, it was just to scare Mu Mu away. Unfortunately, Mu Mu, with blood on his face, became even more ferocious, his eyes were red, and he finally scared those people away.】

【They thought Mumu was really so cruel that his eyes turned red, but Hinata, who was hiding behind a tree, discovered that there were two magatama in each of Mumu’s red eyes. She recognized it, it was the Sharingan!!】

【When Hinata was shocked and at a loss, Mu Mu suddenly came in front of her. It turned out that when he activated the Sharingan, he found Hinata】

【Mumu asked her to keep it a secret, but Hinata wanted to take Mumu to the hospital for a checkup. Because Hinata didn’t answer directly, Mumu was worried that she would reveal the secret of Sharingan, so he held Hinata’s face and kissed her.】

【Hinata was stunned on the spot, unable to accept that her virginity was gone just like that. Mu Mu didn’t care about that, and said that if Hinata dared to tell others that he had the Sharingan, he would let everyone know that Hinata kissed him.】

【Hinata’s character was indeed threatened, but she didn’t dare to get angry. She was just submissive and could only feel sad in secret.】

【After that, I went to school, and it was basically the same as the previous video. I don’t know what method Mu Mu used to cover up the injuries on his body.】

【Hinata was bullied by Mumu and was always worried about losing her. She was in a bad mood and did not feel better even the next day. When the team gathered and the teacher Yuhi Kurenai conducted a test on the eighth class, she performed very poorly.】

【However, Kurenai did not blame her. Instead, she encouraged and comforted her gently. Kurenai had heard about the Hyuga clan and thought that Hinata was like this because of the attitude of the Hyuga clan leader. She also took Hinata to see Hyuga Hiashi.】

【Unfortunately, Hiashi didn’t even give Hong face and completely ignored them.】


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