Chapter 031 No Qualification to Refuse

“Class 9, Nakamura Takushi, Mu Mu, Ma Tonggaizi, follow me!”

As the teams left one by one, it was soon the turn of Class 9 where Mu Mu was.

Mu Mu almost couldn’t hold back when he heard the names of his two teammates.

Nakamura shit? Toilet lid? What kind of name is that!

What the hell is it to put myself in between these two?

Forget it, they are just two insignificant extras, I don’t want to bother with so much.

Mu Mu’s leader is also just a supporting role.

It is the kind of existence that can be easily killed by a strong person passing by in the original book.

Under the leadership of this senior ninja, several people soon came to a secluded training ground in the village.

Nakamura Takushi and Ma Tonggai both seemed very excited. They thought they were already recognized ninjas, and their faces were full of eagerness to try.

The jonin said with a sullen face,”My name is Bi Ya, a jonin of Konoha, and I am in charge of your genin assessment. If you pass my assessment, you will become a formal genin. If you fail, you will return to the ninja school to retake the exam!”

Good job!

Mu Mu exclaimed,”What a guy!”

Just now it was Nakamura’s shit and toilet lid, now here comes a bitch, it’s too much


Unlike Mu Mu’s strange focus, Nakamura Takushi and Ma Tonggai were anxious when they heard that there would be another assessment.

Nakamura Takushi asked excitedly,”Why? Didn’t we already have the test yesterday? Why do we need to do it again?”

Ma Tonggaizi followed up with an urgent voice:”And if we don’t pass, we have to go back to school to retake the course, then what is the point of us working so hard to graduate?”

Bi Zai glanced at Mu Mu and found that he had nothing to say, so he said coldly:”Listen carefully, passing the graduation exam only means that you can leave the Ninja School, but it does not mean that you are qualified to become a ninja!”

“Among the 27 graduates, only 9 of you will be recognized as Genin. The rest will be sent back to school for further training.”

“Also, you only have the right to accept the assessment or give up, you don’t have the right to refuse!”

“I will give you ten minutes to prepare. After that, the three of you will have actual combat training with me. I will judge whether you can become a Genin based on your performance.”

“Now, those who want to give up can raise the issue and go back to the Ninja School. When the countdown is over, the assessment will start directly. It will be too late to give up by then!”

Bi Zai finished what he wanted to say in one breath, not giving them any chance to interrupt.

After he finished speaking, he placed an hourglass next to him, turned around and kept silent.

“”Damn it!” Nakamura Takushi cursed,”Iruka-sensei didn’t tell us there would be an assessment. We are being forced into this now. We are not mentally prepared at all. It would be strange if we could perform well!”

Ma Tonggaizi also said with a bitter face:”What should we do? Should we give up? This jonin teacher seems to be difficult to get along with. Will he be ruthless to us during the actual combat assessment?”

“Give up? How is that possible!”Takushi Nakamura gritted his teeth and said,”It’s been so hard to get to this point, but you’re just giving up without even trying. Can you be willing to do that?”

“And if I give up this time, what about next time? I still have to pass the test before I can become a ninja!”

Ma Tonggaizi thought so too. If he went back to school to retake the courses, he would have to graduate again. After graduation, he would have to take the assessment again. In the end, wouldn’t he still be back here?

“Maybe this test is not as difficult as we thought, there must be a trick!”Takushi Nakamura thought for a while and said:”And he just said that there are 9 people who can be recognized as Genin, and the passing rate is 33.33%!”

“It’s a little low, but it’s not completely without chance!”

“What’s more, my grades are usually among the top 8 in the class. If we count based on 9 people, I will definitely pass!”

“But I am not ranked in the top ten!” Ma Tonggai was panicked when he heard this.

The two of them huddled together and whispered. Mu Mu ignored them and just waited quietly for the countdown to end.

Anyway, he already knew the result and just wanted to go through the motions, so his attention was basically on the chat group.

At this time, except for Team 7 who were still waiting in the classroom for Hatake Gogo to arrive, Ino and Hinata’s teams had already met their leading jonin and introduced themselves.

The two teams did not continue Konoha’s traditional bell-grabbing drill. Both teachers were not the kind of formalists. They fully understood their students’ abilities before leading the team.

Just like Tiantian said, they were all selected.

So at the beginning, Yuhi Kurenai and Asuma had already told them frankly that they were going to have an all-out battle, so that they could gain a deeper understanding of the students’ strength through actual combat, so that they could act together in the future.

There was no mention of any assessment, nor any mention of elimination.

After they finished speaking these words, the countdown on Mu Mu’s side was over.

Nakamura Takushi and Ma Tonggaizi seemed to have reached a consensus. Seeing their half-hidden glances at Mu Mu, Mu Mu knew that they were planning to plot against him.

Mu Mu sneered secretly in his heart, but didn’t care too much.

With him on guard, his physical fitness improved after opening the Sharingan was enough to beat the two of them.

If they dare to attack me, don’t blame me for sucking them dry later.


At the moment the countdown ended, Bi Zai, who had not been paying attention to this place, suddenly flashed between the three people.

Without any warning or prompting, Bi Zai attacked the three people at the same time.

He punched Nakamura Takushi and Ma Tonggai with his fists, and kicked Mu Mu with his foot.


There were three consecutive muffled thuds, and Nakamura Takushi and Ma Tonggai screamed and were blown away almost at the same time.

Although Mu Mu raised his hands to block, he was still kicked back by the opponent’s huge force. His hands were numb.

Bi Zai looked at Mu Mu in surprise, and then, without waiting for Nakamura Takushi and Ma Tonggai to protest, he said coldly:”I told you before that when the countdown ends, the assessment will start directly!”

“As a result, except for Mu Mu, the two of you were not prepared at all. If I were an enemy, you would have been dead just now. You can’t be a ninja at this level.”

“Now I’ll give you another chance. If you’re still so unbearable, I don’t need to say more!”

Nakamura Takushi and Ma Tonggai looked at each other, gritted their teeth, took out a few shurikens from their arms, and threw them at Bi Yai in two directions.

But they didn’t avoid Mumu, and two shurikens hit Mumu before hitting Bi Ya.

Bi Zai’s original move to dodge was suddenly half a beat slower. Mu Mu knew that he wanted to see his reaction first.

In fact, it was easy for Mu Mu to dodge these two shurikens, but he didn’t want to continue playing with them here.

So he pretended to be shocked and had no reaction at all……

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