Chapter 41 Mu Mu and Hong Dou were poisoned

Gaara appeared, and his eyes, which seemed to regard everything around him as livestock, frightened several little girls.

Fortunately, although I don’t know why, Mu Mu also participated in this Chunin Exam

With Mu Mu’s protection, nothing should happen to them.

Even in reality, Mu Mu had no emotional foundation with them at that time, they were just acquaintances.

But in the future they will all be Mu Mu’s women, so Mu Mu should take the initiative to protect them, right?

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【When Team 8 and Team 10 encountered Gaara, something happened in Team 7.】

【Naruto was swallowed by a giant snake, Sasuke and Sakura were killed by a strange man’s eyes, the scene was a one-sided beating】

【Although Naruto had a flash of inspiration and used his brute force to defeat Orochi and scolded Sasuke awake, his willpower could not change the reality of his lack of strength.】

【Soon, Naruto’s Nine-Tails Chakra was sealed, strawberries were planted on Sasuke’s neck, and the newly collected Heaven and Earth Scroll was also burned by the other party.】

【Sakura dragged her broken body and barely brought back Sasuke and Naruto. Seeing them in such a state that she didn’t know whether they were alive or dead, she was so panicked that she burst into tears. She had no idea what to do next.】

【At this time, Mu Mu, who was protecting Ino, Hinata and the others, happened to pass by here with Karin. After understanding the situation, he left Karin to help and followed the trail alone to track the enemy.】

【He judged that the enemy might not be a regular Genin, and might have sneaked in by hiding his identity, so he planned to investigate the intelligence first.】

【Surprisingly, Karin was able to use medical ninjutsu to heal Naruto and Sasuke’s injuries and comfort Sakura. Both of them were not in danger of life, which made Sakura feel relieved.】

【Sakura didn’t want to be a burden anymore, so she asked Karin for advice on medical skills. Karin didn’t keep any of her skills to herself, but she didn’t expect Sakura to be quite talented in this area.】


【Haruno Sakura: So scary, is this really the exam for Genin to Chunin? Let’s not talk about the one playing with sand just now, what’s going on with this? I feel it’s scarier than Zabuza!】

【Yamanaka Ino: Sakura, just be thankful that you are fine even when facing this kind of enemy. You have Sasuke protecting you in front and Mu Mu-kun comforting you from behind. You are luckier than me.】

【Haruno Sakura: Now that I think about it, it’s true! And I’ve learned medical ninjutsu from Karin, so I’m actually good at it? Then I should find a way to learn it in advance so that it can be put to good use!】

【Uzumaki Karin: I don’t know anything about medical ninjutsu, so I should have learned it in Konoha, right? But all in all, I’ve only been in Konoha for more than half a month, and I’m still an auditor at the Ninja School, how did I learn medical skills? It seems that I’m very proficient in it!】

【Yamanaka Ino: Maybe because you have a special constitution and have healing abilities, it is easier to learn medical skills? Maybe you came into contact with medical skills by accident and learned them in a short period of time. Isn’t it the same for Mu Mujun?】

【Tiantian: There are too many details that are not described clearly here. We can only wait and see whether they will be mentioned in future videos.】

【Tiantian: However, based on the current clues, this Chunin Exam is unusual. Not only will there be many masters, but there will also be other unexpected events. Everyone should be extra careful.】

【Hyuga Hinata: I don’t know if I can also learn medical skills……】

Hinata’s personality is destined to not like fighting. She would rather be a medical ninja with little combat power, hiding in the back to assist teammates.


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【Mu Mu followed the trail that Orochimaru had left and soon caught up to a giant tree. He happened to see Red Bean stopping Orochimaru and wanted to die with him, but was easily avoided.】

【Mu Mu took advantage of the situation and launched a surprise attack, even using the power of Wood Release to make Orochimaru suffer a great loss.】

【Orochimaru managed to escape the disaster by using the Great Snake Style Substitution Technique, but his chakra consumption was huge and his body became weak. He dared not continue to wander around.】

【He recognized that Mu Mu used Wood Release, which he found very interesting. He wanted to leave something behind before leaving, but he only took out a handful of poison, threw it at Hongdou with a weird smile, and left.】

【Mu Mu thought that he had a strong physique and should not be afraid of the poison, so he stepped forward to help Hongdou block it. However, the poison spread directly when it came into contact with the air, and both of them were infected at the same time.】

【Hongdou felt it and her face changed drastically. She wanted to stay away from Mumu, but finally gritted her teeth and took him to a nearby cave.】


【Haruno Sakura: This guy is called Orochimaru? Just like his name, he is a snake charmer. It feels so disgusting.】

【Tiantian: This name……】

【Yamanaka Ino: Xiaotiantian, do you know him?】

【Tiantian: Do you know who is the strongest female ninja in the ninja world? Her name is Tsunade, and she is the granddaughter of the first Hokage. She is very powerful and is also the most powerful medical ninja. My dream is to become a ninja like Tsunade in the future!】

【Haruno Sakura: What does this have to do with Orochimaru?】

【Tenten: Tsunade-sama was active in the Second Ninja World War and became famous as one of the”Three Ninjas”.”】

【Haruno Sakura: Could it be……?】

【Tenten: That’s right, the Sannin is composed of three ninja teams of equal strength. Tsunade-sama is one of them, and this Orochimaru is also one of them.】

【Sakura Haruno: He was a famous ninja during the Second Ninja World War, which was several decades ago. Why would such a veteran strong man hide his identity and sneak into the Chunin Exam to bully us Genin?】

【Yamanaka Ino: And if he was in the same team with the granddaughter of the first Hokage, then shouldn’t he be one of us? Why would he be so cruel to the Konoha ninja?】

【Tenten: I once looked up information about Tsunade-sama because I admire her. Of course, I also did some research on the three ninjas who are as famous as her.】

【Tiantian: It is said that Orochimaru once competed for the Fourth Hokage, but failed. Some people say that he was resentful, and some people say that he violated some taboo. The specific situation is not clear, but he defected in the end.】

【Haruno Sakura: Rebel Ninja!!】

【Tiantian: And he’s an S-rank rebel! So when you meet him, be careful!】

【Haruno Sakura: Now that you say that, I don’t even dare to take part in the Chunin Exam】

【Yamanaka Ino: Wait, that guy poisoned Mumu-kun!…What are they doing?!!】

【Haruno Sakura: It looks like… Who is that woman? She actually took advantage of Mu Mu when he was poisoned?】

【Tiantian: No, she was also poisoned. She should be trying to find a way to detoxify.】

However, Tiantian was obviously deceiving himself.


Video continues——

【Mu Mu was poisoned more deeply than Hongdou, and his consciousness seemed to be a little blurred. Hongdou wanted to keep a distance from him at first, but for some reason, she ended up taking him to a nearby cave.】

【Soon, a blushing and heart-pounding sound came from the cave. Although the light was insufficient, the swaying figures could roughly see what they were doing.】

【At the same time, several Anbu were searching for Hongdou separately because they were worried about her safety. A female ninja wearing a dog-faced mask and with flowing purple hair happened to find the traces left by Hongdou and found her way to the cave.】


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