Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 107: Question From Su Bai, How Much Is The Fourth Raikage Worth?

[Picture: Happy New Year to all the big guys!!!!]

The moment you enter the conference room.

Su Bai felt a sense of oppression similar to Tsunade.

Take a closer look.

Good guy!

It turned out to be the emissary of Cloud Shinobi Village, but the representative was actually Cloud Shinobi Village's well-informed, calm and careful person, Cloud Shinobi Jōnin who was deeply trusted by the Fourth Raikage.


The person who came with her, and her brother Aciyi.

And two Cloud Shinobi with the faces of passers-by.

Samyi and Aciyi, siblings, have very obvious differences in their personalities.

Azui fits the mood of Cloud Shinobi Village especially.


But Samui is the exact opposite.

Belongs to the particularly grim Cloud Shinobi Village Iceberg Beauty.

"White Yasha..."

The moment I saw Su Bai enter the conference room.

An inexplicable anger appeared on Azzy's face.

Gritting his teeth, he clenched his fists.

Especially when he thought of the trouble Su Bai had brought to Cloud Shinobi Village, he was a little annoyed, wishing to give Su Bai a ride with the long knife in his hand.

"Azzy, pay attention to controlling your emotions."

Samuel, who was sitting on the seat, closed her eyes slightly, unable to see any waves.


"I can't forget the disgrace he brought to our Cloud Shinobi Village."

Aziyi snorted coldly, a little aggrieved.

It's a pity that Su Bai ignored it.

After being signaled by Utatane Koharu, I sat down with Tsunade.

"Now that everyone is in place, let's get straight to business."

"We have also notified Konoha Village of the specific matters in writing."


Sam glanced over Su Bai and the others with beautiful eyes, checked his facial expressions and waited for a while.

He said lightly: "We at Cloud Shinobi Village hope that Konoha Village can give us a compensation of 1.5 billion yuan as compensation.

"This matter is over."

1.5 billion?

After hearing this, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura's eyes widened.

Looking at the four Cloud Shinobi on the opposite side in disbelief.

"One and a half billion? This is not a small amount."

"You are like lions with big mouths."

Utatane Koharu stood up angrily.

The compensation of 1.5 billion taels is 12, so how many tasks does Konoha Village need to do to earn it.

In the ninja world, money is very important.

It can make ninjas have more time and more resources to practice and improve their own strength.


Totally impossible.

Besides, the current Konoha Village needs to be built, and there are a lot of places to spend money.

They can't afford this large sum of money at all. If they want to reach out to the daimyo of the country of fire......

If you lose the face of the daimyo of the country of fire, then you can't kill the daimyo of the country of destruction.


Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura are also helpless, if the negotiations are flickering.

Then there is a great possibility that there will be a war between Konoha Village and Cloud Shinobi Village.

Konoha Village is bound to face extinction.

Look at the bitter look on the faces of the two consultants.

Su Bai pursed his lips slightly, wanting to laugh.

But he thinks that the people of Cloud Shinobi Village really seem to have no brains.

why no war

It would be nice to take this opportunity to wage war on Konoha Village without a massive war.

Simply looting Konoha Village and arresting a few more people from major secret arts families to go back is not as real as money.

This way, there is no need to be afraid of threats from Iwagakure.

"One and a half billion, that's too much."

"And your request is a bit too much."

"Ninjas have bumps when they go out to perform missions. Besides, Su Bai has never killed the ninjas in Cloud Shinobi Village."

"Open your mouth and you need 1.5 billion..."

Utatane Koharu's old face twitched slightly, but his voice was completely lacklustre.

"Who said no."

However, Utatane Koharu's voice was not over yet, and Aziyi angrily reprimanded on the spot: "The two Cloud Shinobi who died in the Land of Fire a while ago.

"One of them must have been killed by White Yasha."

The person Aciyi said was exactly the Cloud Shinobi who was severed by Su Bai with Chakra Scalpel.

That smooth wound was definitely caused by a sharp blade.

Near the Konoha Village in the Land of Fire, someone who can possess such terrifying sword skills.

Apart from Bai Yasha, the people in Cloud Shinobi Village can't think of anyone else. Of course, their purpose is to coerce Konoha Village into submission, even if it wasn't done by Su Bai, it must be done by Su Bai.

But Aziyi's words made Tsunade frown, and Nara Shikaku's eyes showed a trace of anger.

This group of people really dare to button their hats indiscriminately, obviously the two guys are here to grab their eyes.

This is really under the eaves, and I have to bow my head.

Knowing that the other party is messing around, Nara Lu Jiu doesn't know how to respond.

"Hmm! I'm the one who killed the person."

"Not only one of them, I killed both of them.

Just when everyone didn't know what to say, Su Bai smiled slightly.

Although the other was killed by Hinata, it was also ordered by Su Bai.


Aciyi just wanted to scold Su Bai angrily, but was stopped by Samyi.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura were even more jaw-dropping.

The two originally wanted to push the cause of death of the two Cloud Shinobi to other places, but they never expected "Su Yu himself admitted.

"Su Bai..."

Utatane Koharu was still trying to turn the situation around, but Samyi was the first to speak: "White Yasha..."

"It's better if you admit it."

Utatane Koharu, who spoke on the spot, was discouraged by this remark, and the even more angry old woman trembled all over.

He kept scolding Su Bai in his heart for being stupid, as expected he was still too young, and this kind of thing was handled poorly.


After hearing what Samyi said, Su Bai didn't care and leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair and smiled: "Let's put it this way."

"I remember when the Fourth Raikage of your village took a few men to the country of Sugi to steal other people's secret arts..."

"Raikage, Nikai, Rakai, the three of them were hit by Xuanyuanzhong's blasters."

"Nikai even caused the blaster to explode because of the random use of Chakra, and he was directly blown to pieces."

"Rakai and Raikage, if I remember correctly, they are the Fifth Hokage Tsunade-sama of our Konoha Village and his subordinate Shizune"

Speaking of this, Su Bai raised his eyebrows lightly, and said with a dismissive smile: "They saved Raikage and Rakai, right?"

"Of course, let's not mention Raikage, your Fourth Raikage, how much money can his life offset?"

As soon as this remark came out, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura were surprised again.

The two of them had no idea that Tsunade and Shizune would save Cloud Shinobi Village's Fourth Raikage?

This kind of thing can't be Su Bai's nonsense.


After hearing this, Aziyi was about to get angry, but Su Bai took the lead and said, "What? Don't you guys admit it?"

"Of course it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, after all, the people in Cloud Shinobi Village want to suit the local environment.

"The skin is thicker too."

"But I see that blond Jōnin is thin-skinned and tender. I think I was wrong."

Su Bai paused for a moment, then his expression changed, and he suddenly realized: "Oh!"

"I understand."

"It turns out that the life of your Fourth Raikage of Cloud Shinobi Village is very worthless."

"Hey! Master Tsunade, I should have said earlier, I shouldn't have thought about the blaster in Fourth Raikage.

"Wait for him to use Chakra, it will explode when he uses it. Anyway, in Cloud Shinobi Village, this kind of person is worthless and can die casually.


Just as Su Bai's voice fell to the ground, four sounds sounded at the same time.

Even Samyi, who has been keeping calm all the time, couldn't help but hold back when he heard Su Bai insulting Fourth Raikage.

Stand up collectively.

"White Yasha!"

"Su Bai!"

No matter it is the people of Cloud Shinobi Village, even Utatane Koharu stood up in surprise by Su Bai's words.

She really didn't expect that when Konoha Village was in such dire straits, Su Bai could fill it up again.

I'm afraid that the fire is not strong enough, and Konoha Village is not thick enough.

Samyi even stretched out her white arms, her fingers trembling with anger: "Bai Yasha, I advise you to pay attention to your words for the sake of peace between the two villages."

"Su Bai..."

Tsunade was also a little confused.

Although Su Bai's words are full of mockery of Fourth Raikage and praise of Tsunade.


Now is not the time to say such things, the price is very high for a moment of refreshment.

Tsunade's heart was also pounding in shock.

She made it very clear to Su Bai before that Su Bai is different from Konoha Village as a group.

The other party's purpose is not him.

Seeing Su Bai nodding seriously, Tsunade thought he already understood what he meant.

Who would have thought that this opening made the other party even more annoyed.

And it's mocking Fourth Raikage again, the chance of starting a war seems to be higher than before.

"Su Bai!"

Tsunade's pretty face was slightly wrinkled, and there was a little panic in his eyes.

It's a pity that Su Bai ignored it and continued: "It's just like this."

"One and a half billion yuan, of course we will compensate."

"We don't count when Shizune saved Raikage, but we can count on the Fourth Raikage who was saved by Master Tsunade."

"Offset the price of the Fourth Raikage, and we will definitely supply the rest to your Cloud Shinobi Village."


What Su Bai said was light and easy, and the sincere look on his face made Ling Si's teeth itch with hatred.

Fourth Raikage at Cloud Shinobi Village?

That is their movie, how can it be measured by money?

"White Yasha!"

Samyi really couldn't bear Su Bai's ridicule, just about to get angry, but a figure jumped out beside him.

The hot-blooded boy Aziyi couldn't stand the humiliation anymore, he drew the long knife in his hand, and wanted Su Bai to die.

"Cloud Flow Fire Flame Slash."


The scorching flames wrapped the long knife, making a sound of piercing through the air.

Aziyi's fire attribute Chakra used the blade to draw out flames and slashed at Su Bai.

Seeing this, Tsunade and Nara Lujiu beside Su Bai were shocked and subconsciously backed away.

"Su Bai?"

The moment Tsunade withdrew, he saw that Su Bai hadn't moved at all, and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

At this moment, she heard Su Bai snort, and said coldly: "Go back."



A huge Chakra burst out from Su Bai's body.

The flames that Aziyi slashed misfired on the spot, and even he himself was ejected by this powerful Chakra.


Seeing this, Sam screamed in surprise.

Looking back, he saw Aziyi slam into the wall heavily, and he sat paralyzed on the ground.

But fortunately, there is simply no 280 life-threatening.

The other two Cloud Shinobi followers

It was a cold sweat from fright.

Could this be the White Yaksha who had been regarded as a thorn in the side of the villagers before?

It was so terrifying.


However, before everyone reacted, they heard Su Bai's angry voice again.

"It's because of you bastards from Cloud Shinobi Village that I was stigmatized for killing the daimyo of this country.

"Living in the black market, I can only communicate with Third Hokage through private correspondence."

"How much is this account worth?"

Su Bai's indignant words came together in one go, without any clue at all.

For a moment, Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura and Nara Lujiu were even more stunned.

No wonder Su Bai was so angry.

It was actually resentment for not being able to accompany Third Hokage back then.

"Su... Su Bai, I know how you feel, but..."

Utatane Koharu was completely dumbfounded.

This not only insulted Fourth Raikage, but also had a violent dispute with the people of Cloud Shinobi Village on the spot.

It's over! It's all over.

This time it is not a matter of compensation or not.


Big trouble.

"White Yasha!"

Samuyi has completely lost her composure at this time, and she doesn't care what Koharu wants to explain.

Immediately glared at Su Bai angrily, trembling with anger: "You...you..."

"Master Fifth Hokage, this matter..."

Samui looked at Tsunade who was similar to her.

Tsunade was about to speak, but was preempted by Su Bai: "Sorry, we Fifth Hokage still have a lot of things to consider.

"These little things, she has authorized me to take full responsibility."

"That's our answer."


Tsunade was completely stunned, feeling like his mind went blank.

She didn't want things to develop in this direction.

But even if I want to say [ten hours], I still don’t know how to start.

"White Yasha, White Yasha!"

"very good!"

"I will report to Fourth Raikage as it is."

"You Konoha Village, just wait for the wrath of our Cloud Shinobi Village."

See Su Bai's attitude is firm, but he does not open his mouth to develop his attitude.

Samui was even more trembling with anger.

Su Bai couldn't help shaking when he saw it.


It's amazing.

Su Bai quickly regained his energy.

If you think about it well, there are still many things to follow.

After he met Samui, Su Bai thought about

Can you take advantage of the iceberg beauty of Cloud Shinobi Village in front of you and take Cloud Shinobi Village into your pocket? .

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