Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 110: The Hateful White Yaksha Sent Me Undercover

Konoha Village late at night.

The Uchiha Sasuke chair leans against the top of a tree.

Ever since he recovered in the hospital, he wanted to find Su Bai immediately.

It was exactly as Su Bai said.

Now I can't beat Uchiha Itachi at all.

Even the strength in the body could not be fully exerted.

After meeting Su Bai finally, the result was - beyond his expectation.

Su Bai actually sent him to find Orochimaru?

Uchiha Sasuke was dumbfounded on the spot.

According to the information obtained by Su Bai, the purpose of Orochimaru coming to Konoha Village is actually to take away Uchiha Sasuke's body.

What they want is the Sharingan of their Uchiha clan.

According to Su Bai's words, Orochimaru's Living Corpse Reincarnation Technique takes three years to perform once.

And Orochimaru will strengthen Sasuke's training before taking away Sasuke's body.

After making him stronger, Orochimaru will take him.

But don't worry....

Uchiha Sasuke let out a long breath and looked up at the bright moon in the sky.

What Su Bai meant was that he wanted him to take this opportunity to sneak into Orochimaru's side as an undercover agent.

By the way, he practiced with Orochimaru for three years.

And Orochimaru's practice to him can make him more proficient in mastering the Chakra that grows in the body.

After three years, Sasuke must contact Su Bai after finishing Orochimaru.

At that time, Bai can give him a second substantial increase in strength.

Help him kill Uchiha Itachi.

Of course Sasuke was worried about his body being taken away by Orochimaru, but Su Bai told him it was okay.

Then, Sasuke listened to Su Bai chanting words. After tens of seconds, Su Bai told Sasuke that he had performed the secret method of protecting the soul for him.

Orochimaru's Living Corpse Reincarnation Technique has no effect on him.

It's just that Sasuke doesn't know that there is no such secret technique at all.

Su Bai is pure nonsense.


"As expected of Hokage's assistant, I always put Konoha Village's interests first when doing things."

Thinking of going undercover, Sasuke clenched his fists unwillingly.

Su Bai's behavior made him a little unhappy.

But after thinking about it, there was nothing wrong with them.

Su Bai didn't exist specifically to avenge Sasuke for him, and being able to help him avenge is already giving him a lot of face.

"Even if it's a deal."

Sasuke muttered to himself.

It's a pity that he didn't know that the reason why Su Bai asked him to go to Orochimaru was just to get rid of his follower.


Sasuke seemed to sense some movement around him, and looked up, but saw four figures appearing not far away.

"who are you?"

Looking at the four people in weird costumes, Sasuke was slightly taken aback.

He seems to have seen this kind of clothing with a thick belt around the waist.

Wearing is extremely similar to Orochimaru in the dead forest.

"Are you from Orochimaru?"

Seeing this, Sasuke pretended to be shocked and stood up immediately.

Long before, Su Bai told Sasuke that if Orochimaru can send someone to find you, then you follow them.

But don't let them have any vigilance.

Of course, if Orochimaru doesn't send someone, then Sasuke can only find a way to seek refuge with Orochimaru.

"What luck."

Sasuke secretly smiled inwardly.

In this way, it saves me trying to find Orochimaru myself.

"Hum hum……"

"We are the Otonin four."

"I'm Kidomaru from the East Gate."

"I am Zuo Jin of Simon.

"South Gate Jirōbō."

"North Gate Tayuya."

The four signed up.

Seeing Sasuke's shocked expression.

They showed a little disdain.


I saw four black shadows flashing suddenly.

The Otonin four charged at Sasuke without saying a word.

bang bang bang!

After a short fight, Sasuke quickly brought the four of them down on the tree.

Unfortunately, a cloud of smoke came out.

The four people who fell to the ground in front of Sasuke turned into four pieces of wood.

Body Replacement Technique?

Sasuke sneered in his heart, and glanced back slightly: "I'm in a bad mood now, if you don't want to die, just get out of here."

The mood is definitely not good.

How dare a person at this level dare to challenge himself?

I am afraid that I dislike the fact that I live a long life.

What's more, being forcibly led by the nose by Su Bai, Sasuke's anger has not yet vented.

It happened that these four guys hit the muzzle of the gun.

The four Otonin stood in a row, listening to Sasuke's arrogant speech, but they just grinned.

"You kid is so weak, don't exaggerate to us."

"Come on, let the horse come here.

"Watch me play you beautiful music with your ribs."

He hooked his fingers on the left.

Seeing this, Uchiha Sasuke was immediately angry.

He rushed directly towards the four of them.

bang bang bang!

After fighting again, the four of Otonin were a little horrified.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Sasuke is not as weak as Orochimaru said.

After a few tricks, the four of them were beaten to the ground again.

This time...

But he was really beaten to the ground.


Sasuke spat at the other party: "Is this Orochimaru's favorite subordinate?"

"It's just embarrassing."

Unfortunately, afterwards, Sasuke felt a little regretful.

How can you get them to take me to find Orochimaru after you beat everyone down?

However, at this moment, the four Otonin who were lying on the ground let out a weak laugh: "Heh heh heh, it's indeed the person Orochimaru-sama has his eyes on."

"But it's a pity that with your strength, it's not enough to defeat us."

The voice fell.

The four of Otonin stood up again, but black lines appeared on their bodies.

"Have you ever heard of the power of the curse seal?"

Zuo Jin smiled again.


The four continued to attack Sasuke.

bang bang bang!

During the confrontation with the four of them, Sasuke was a little surprised.

After these four people used the power of the seal, they were obviously much stronger.

But they are still not their opponents.

Feeling the collision of power, Uchiha Sasuke is the means to frighten and Su Bai.

If it was him back then, Sasuke knew very well that in the face of four people...

Don't say four people, even one of them.

Sasuke will not be an opponent.

"Damn Su Bai, he definitely has a way to help me improve my strength quickly."

Uchiha Sasuke was a little annoyed.

This battle made him fully understand the meaning of Su Bai's behavior.

Su Bai can definitely make him gain the strength to defeat Uchiha Itachi in a short time.

Asking him to join Orochimaru is just to use him as a pawn to monitor Orochimaru's every move.

"Damn guy."

The more Uchiha Sasuke thought about it, the more blocked he became. As a result, it will take another three years, and three more years, before he can get Su Bai's help again.

But he has no choice but to be slaughtered by Su Bai.


Sasuke roared.

Hurry up and let go of your strength, deliberately revealing flaws.

Seeing this, the four members of Otonin exerted force at the same time, and instantly knocked Sasuke several meters away.

"Perhaps you are already very good among the ninjas of the same period."

"But for us, you are still far behind."

"Yo Sasuke!"

"You don't forget your purpose, do you?"

"If you have been in this kind of peaceful village, it is impossible to obtain the power to achieve your goal.

"Come with us, because Lord Shemaru can grant you the power of curse seal like us."

Zuo Jin thought that the so-called hatefulness in Sasuke's mouth was because he couldn't beat the four of them.

He hurriedly took the opportunity to fool him.

But Sasuke was disdainful in his heart.

That's it?

In fact, he hasn't used his full strength yet.

But in order not to make the other party wary, Sasuke can only do things against his own will.


He pretended to have a resigned expression on his face.

...ask for flowers...

He said lightly, "Can Orochimaru really give me strength?"

After hearing Sasuke's question, Tayuya said a little annoyed: "Huh! Of course Master Orochimaru can give you more powerful power.

"Do you still want to play house with the ninjas from Konoha Village?"

Lord Orochimaru has the power to kill Konoha Village Third Hokage.

Uchiha Sasuke:


Orochimaru was just a little guy who was hacked by Su Bai and kept running for his life.

Sasuke sighed and suddenly remembered Hyūga Hinata.

I really hate that I didn't give birth to a daughter.

Otherwise, it is impossible to go undercover in exchange for strength.

"That bastard Shiroyasha!"

Sasuke was getting more and more angry, but in the end he could only let out a long sigh: "Let's go! Take me to Orochimaru now."

The four of them were stunned when they heard the words.

They also did not expect this trip to be so easy.

But looking at Sasuke's frown, and those cannibalistic eyes.

The four immediately understood.

Presumably the hatred for Uchiha Itachi has completely blinded his mind.


Zuo Jin looked at the other three, and the other three nodded.

"Well! Then let's go together."

After the five people left.


Two figures walked out of the distant woods.

Tsunade's face was a bit ugly: "Su Bai, is this really appropriate?"

"If Sasuke falls into the hands of Orochimaru, the Sharingan..."

"What's more, once the Nine Tails in Naruto go berserk, we don't need the power of Sharingan to suppress Nine Tails.

After seeing Sasuke leave, Tsunade suddenly regretted it.

He shouldn't have followed Su Bai's advice and asked Sasuke to go undercover next to Orochimaru.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Su Bai just smiled lightly.

He slapped Tsunade twice casually.

"Hey, I said, you..."

Tsunade is true and speechless, this Su Bai is dishonest.

"And what happened at Cloud Shinobi Village, who is pouring dirty water on the two of us, do you know exactly who it is?"

For Su Bai's occasional mopping, Tsunade really has nothing to do.

Especially when Su Bai said that he had dealt with Eight Tails Jinchūriki in Cloud Shinobi Village, she was horrified and didn't know how to describe these things.

Of course, Tsunade dare not mention these things to the outside world.

Once the mouth is slipped, the unlucky one is definitely Konoha Village.

"Anyway, the current Cloud Shinobi Village must be in disarray. They don't have the time to manage our Konoha Village."

"Of course about the person who poured dirty water on both of us...

When Su Bai said this, he paused.

Tsunade waited for a few seconds and found that Su Bai did not continue to speak.

As soon as he closed his beautiful eyes, his face was a little displeased.

"What's the matter, do you have anything else to hide from me?"

Tsunade was a little unhappy.

She found that the man in front of her must have hidden many things from herself.

This is the sixth sense of being a woman, and there should be no mistakes.

The more Su Bai did this, the more uncomfortable Tsunade felt.

after all…………

Been a Bronco for nothing?

At this moment, Su Bai poked Tsunade's stomach with his fingers, which caused Tsunade to itch and laugh.


With a slap, Tsunade's white palm slapped Su Bai's fingers aside, pretending to be angry: "Bastard! Be more honest.

"If you are dishonest again, your fingers will be cut off.

But Su Bai was not angry at all, instead he said with a smile: "When will my child jump out of here..."

"I won't hide anything from you."

Tsunade: "?????"


This bastard actually admitted that he was hiding something from him?

Tsunade was furious when he heard this.

I got angry and didn't think much about it.

He punched Xi fiercely at Su Bai. .

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