Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 115: Hinata: What I Have Experienced Is Called An Indiscriminate Disaster

next morning.

Kurenai Yuhi came to the Hokage office building with a feeling of anxiety.

Last night Su Bai excused himself to go for convenience and never came back.

Chojuro told her and Xiyan that Su Bai had left.

Originally, Yuhihong still felt uncomfortable.

What kind of man is this? He ran away without saying a word?

As a result, Uzuki Xiyan's analysis made Xi Hihong feel guilty.

According to Xiyan

It seems that Su Bai seems to have some special feelings towards him.

Otherwise, how could I find an excuse to sneak-leave?

He was even more disappointed before leaving.

And according to Uzuki Xiyan, it seems that the fact that Su Bai abducted Hyūga Hinata to help her improve her strength is also fake.

Perhaps the purpose is to leave an impression in Yu Hihong's heart.

Whether it is a good impression or a bad impression, at least it succeeded.

In Xi Hihong's heart, she really wanted to kill Su Bai every day.

Of course, Su Bai never thought that these women would be so self-important.

If only she knew that Uzuki Xiyan was farting at Yuhihong there.

Su Bai had to block her.

And these two are too good at nonsense.

Hyūga Hinata is also involved.

Unfortunately, they never thought about it.

Today's Hyūga Hinata is no longer an apprentice of Kurenai Yuhi.

The mind-body was deformed long ago.

bang bang bang!

There was a knock on the office door.

Tsunade, who was sitting on Hokage's desk, was stunned, and Yuan hurriedly said, "Come in."

After hearing Tsunade's seemingly lifeless voice, Yuhihong was stunned for a moment, but didn't think too much, and went straight to the office.

"Master Hokage, you are looking for me."

Kurenai Yuhi said politely, and glanced at Tsunade.

Those dark circles are really too obvious.

"Uh! Master Tsunade, did you not rest well last night?"


Hearing Kurenai Yuhi's concern, Tsunade was a little annoyed.

Do you have the nerve to ask?

If you hadn't quarreled with Su Bai, how could I have suffered an indiscriminate disaster and become a sandbag to vent.

Of course, this is just an excuse Tsunade made for himself.

Su Bai was not angry at all.

Just told Tsunade about Terumi Mei.

"Hong, you've done a great job this time."

What Tsunade blurted out made Yuhihong stunned on the spot.

meritorious service?

When did this happen?

Seeing Yu Hihong's bewildered face, Tsunade shook his head and said, "I know about you and Xiyan inviting Su Bai to dinner last night."

"You said there was something wrong with that Terumi Mei."

"Reminded Su Bai, Su Bai went to investigate immediately, and found out that the other party was an undercover agent sent by another village.

"But it's a pity that the other party took the opportunity to escape after fighting with Su Bai."

"Earlier this morning we found out from their shop that there was surveillance equipment in every house.

"Presumably it's for investigating information on Konoha Village."

Tsunade's words are both true and false.

This is what Su Bai asked her to say.

About Terumi Mei and Chojuro.

Chojuro had indeed left Konoha Village directly since last night, presumably Terumi Mei ordered him to leave.

At this time, Terumi Mei had already fallen into the hands of Su Bai and was locked in the home space.

But her words moved Yu Hihong greatly.

In an instant, I felt even more ashamed in my heart.

Before, I thought Su Bai was just a coward who dared not face his own emotions.

But the fact is that the other party used an excuse to investigate Terumi Mei.

Even in order to prevent her and Xiyan from being affected, Changjuro deliberately asked them to tell them that he had left.

Thinking of the indignation she felt when she left, Yuhihong wished she could slap herself a few times.

If it doesn't work, it's okay to ask Su Bai to slap himself twice.

"Master Tsunade, this..."

"Yes, Hong, you really did a great job for our Konoha Village."

Tsunade smiled slightly.

She was a little unclear why Su Bai gave such credit to Yu Hihong.

But Tsunade had to admire Su Bai even more.

He has paid so much but is not greedy for merit at all, and even if he is wronged, he has to warm the hearts of the people in the village.

Hey! What a responsible man!

Thinking of this, Tsunade unconsciously remembered what Su Bai said about paving the way for their children.

I felt a little sad in my heart.

Sure enough, Su Bai is enduring things that others cannot bear.

It was really hard work.

Su Bai is really working too hard.

in home space.

He looked at the sacred tree in front of him.

Recently, the sacred tree has grown again.

"Senior Su Bai"

"I've already washed the melon."

Behind him came Hinata's laughter.

Su Bai turned around and left. When he came to the hall, he cut the watermelon in half with one knife.

"Bring a spoon and we'll dig and eat."


Hyūga Hinata had never eaten watermelon like this before, but it was very interesting.

The two of them held half of the melon and ate it.

Every time Hinata took a bite, his face showed enjoyment.

The fruit this time is completely different from the previous ones.

Although there are no ninjutsu and characteristic rewards, every bite will be accompanied by an increase in the upper limit of Chakra and the upper limit of physical skills.

The same goes for Su Bai.

In addition to my own part of the rewards, as before, I also got the rewards of a lower level of Hinata.

As well as a slight bonus to Hyūga Hinata's own growth.

It's just that only three watermelons produced.

But what's interesting is that if you wash the whole watermelon and put it in the included blender to make watermelon juice.

After taking it, people who died within seven days can be completely revived.

Even the small equipment for force-feeding the dead is very complete.

Three melons, one shared by Hinata and Su Bai.

One was beaten into watermelon juice and put into a special container, and six bottles of watermelon sweat that could revive the dead were made.

These things are only prepared by Su Bai just in case.

Su Bai kept the remaining melon.

Now in Su Bai's hands, there are not many things.

Except for one watermelon, there are only two bottles of milk left.

Of course, new milk is about to be produced.

"Senior, why don't you go and see the undercover agent who was arrested in the basement?"

Hyūga Hinata looked up at Su Bai curiously.

She didn't expect such a terrifying place to exist in the home space.

Through a certain tunnel, there is even a hidden cell for interrogating prisoners.

"Go and have a look after eating."

Thinking of last night's experience, Su Bai immediately felt amused.

Terumi Mei, who came to the home space, was slashed by Su Bai and passed out before she had time to react.

I think she will be surprised when she wakes up.

But Su Bai didn't think about the underground cell that would enable the home space.

There is also a small episode in this.

Back then, Su Bai was bored and had a one-sided mind.

An underground cell was built from the real world.

By the way, the entrances to all the cells were destroyed, and the only way to get in was through Su Bai's space portal.

Even until now, Su Bai has forgotten the specific location of the underground cell, and can only enter directly through the portal.

It was originally intended to play games with the captured people.

It's the kind of hide-and-seek game where you shout, and no one saves you when you shout.


After everything was built, Su Bai suddenly remembered.

If you really want to play games, wouldn't it be better to play in the home space?

Save it in case some powerful person can use powerful ninjutsu to penetrate the underground cell.

Didn't he just run away?

Thinking of this, Su Bai wanted to scold himself for being mentally ill.

Fortunately, the cell was still in use.

At this time, Aziyi was tied up in a cell with iron chains, and four Shadow Clone of Su Bai were guarding him.

Of course, with Aziyi's ability, he might not even be able to drive a piling for the cell door.

Wait until Su Bai and Hinata are full.

Su Bai pulled Hyūga Hinata, and the two came to the underground cell.

at this time.....

Terumi Mei woke up slowly, feeling her body was bitingly cold.

It was as if something was holding her tightly.

She was still a little puzzled.

After hearing Su Bai's words last night, she immediately made arrangements for Changjuro.

Let Chojuro rush back to the Land of Water overnight, and wait for Terumi Mei's arrival in a village in the Land of Water.

Follow Terumi Mei's idea.

Just like Su Bai was drunk, he could retrieve all the information within one night.

You can also leave Konoha Village before dawn.

Even after Su Bai reacted, it would be too late to pursue.

But unexpectedly, just as she followed Su Bai into the portal, she was lightly slapped on the neck.

Then his eyes darkened and he lost consciousness.

"Senior, she woke up"

Hinata saw Terumi Mei after waking up, and said falteringly.

What a terrible senior.

If such a thick iron chain is tied directly to a person's body, isn't it afraid of destroying the other person's skin?

Hearing Hinata's voice, Terumi Mei was still a little puzzled.

Where is this place, and whose voice is this?

She raised her head slowly, and made a tentative move.

Only then did I find out...

I don't know when, I have been tied up and hung up.

"White Yasha?"

The moment she saw Su Bai, Terumi Mei panicked and blurted out Su Bai's black market title.

But immediately, her expression changed, and she suddenly realized her mistake.

Hastily smiled and said, "Master Su Bai, what do you mean?"

"Why hang me up and lock me up in a place like this?"

Terumi Mei looked left and right, and finally guessed her situation.

Passing through the gate with the iron bars in front and the various torture devices hanging on the wall, she deeply realized that she was locked in a cell in Konoha Village.

"This is my basement, not your Konoha Village cell."

"I want to explain the purpose of Hua here to you, you should be very clear in your own mind."

"Tell me, what is your purpose in coming to Konoha Village?"

Su Bai still asked curiously.

Although he feels that the other party's goal is not Konoha Village, but just in case, it's safer to confirm.

It's a pity that Terumi Mei pretended to be stupid, and looked at Su Bai aggrievedly: "Master Su Bai, I don't know what you are talking about?"

"I'm just an ordinary businessman."


Su Bai smiled and said, "Changjuro left overnight last night."

"I'm just curious, what did you tell him, after you left, he immediately packed his bags and left Konoha Village.

"Terumi Mei, for less flesh and blood

Bitter, I advise you to tell your purpose earlier, it will be good for everyone. "

Su Bai smiled, picked up a mace and shook it in front of Terumi Mei.

"Look at this sharp thorn, if it goes down with a stick..."

"Hinata, what do you think will happen?"

Hinata? Hinata?

After Su Bai laughed, he found that Hyūga Hinata didn't answer himself, and he turned his head to look in doubt.

But at this time, Hyūga Hinata was trembling all over.

I have never seen such a terrible scene.

Su Bai:


Not only Hyūga Hinata, but even Terumi Mei's heart trembled.

She knew something about the undercover torture information captured in Ninja Village.

Usually through spiritual investigations.

Of course, there are also those who suffer from flesh and blood.

But like Su Bai, he just takes a mace at hand, and a torture tool hanging on the wall, any one of them seems to be able to kill a person at once.

...ask for flowers...

This kind of torture can yield fart information!

Suddenly everyone disappeared.

"Hehe, Lord Su Bai, stop joking."

Terumi Mei smiled slightly.

In the next second, her face changed suddenly.

"What's wrong? Do you feel like you can't use Chakra, Lava Style and Boil Style?"

"Oh! And Water Style."

Su Bai shrugged, but his words finally brought fear to Terumi Mei's face.


How did this guy in front of him know his details so clearly.

Terumi Mei was shocked in her heart, completely unaware of where she was showing her feet.

It is even less clear how Su Bai learned about his abilities.

Could it be that he was betrayed?

Terumi Mei was horrified, suddenly remembered something, and shouted: "What happened to that child Chojuro?"


Su Bai was startled when he heard this.

Immediately understood.

"Do you think my information came from Chojuro?"

Terumi Mei didn't speak, but the anger in her eyes said it all.

It must be that after Chojuro was arrested, Konoha Village called up all the information.

"It seems that you have been scared out of your wits. If you say that I got the information from Chojuro, why do I need to interrogate you?"

that is!

Of course you don't need to, you are just satisfying some of your hobbies.

Terumi Mei felt disdainful.

But still asked: "How on earth did you stop my Chakra from flowing.

Hearing this, Su Bai didn't say anything.

He lifted a white cloth and put a full-length mirror in front of Terumi Mei.

At this time, Terumi Mei saw her real situation.

He gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Bai Yasha, you bastard, what did you do to me?"

Looking at the red dots all over her body, Terumi Mei felt like she was going crazy.


"This is the acupuncture method of the Gentle Fist of the Hyuga family."

"Able to perform acupressure by observing the meridian points in your body.

"To stop the flow of Chakra in your body."

"Of course this kind of thing will definitely be accompanied by pain and blood marks."

"I ordered it while you were unconscious, just to make you less painful.

Hearing this, Terumi Mei looked at Hyūga Hinata behind Su Bai.

If it is expected to be good, it should be the acupressure method performed by this white-eyed girl.

"Let me tell you, Chojuro, I didn't stop him.

"Let him go."

"Of course, I can guarantee that if you tell me your purpose, I will let you go."

"I'm very talkative.


What a load of nonsense.

Terumi Mei felt amused in her heart.

As a ninja, doesn't she know what will happen if she falls into the hands of the enemy?

easy to talk

There is nothing to talk about among ninjas.

Especially born in the dark blood mist village, Terumi Mei has seen too many cruel things.

For falling into the hands of Su Bai.

She doesn't care at all.

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? You let Chojuro go? Then how did you get information about me?"

"Hehe, it's really ridiculous, the dignified White Yaksha would say such a ridiculous thing."

"Since it has fallen into your hands, I have nothing to say."

"You can do whatever you want."

Afterwards, Terumi Mei never wanted to name even a single minister.

Even if Su Bai knocked himself to death with the mace beside him, Terumi Mei didn't care.

Nor will it say anything about Kirigakure intelligence.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Senior Su Bai really let that Changjuro go.

"If you tell your purpose, because the white predecessors will not embarrass you.

Hearing Terumi Mei's mockery of Su Bai, Hyūga Hinata was not happy.

Facing Terumi Mei on the spot, it was a mouthful of output.

Said Terumi Mei is still dismissive, without saying a word.

"Well! Not bad, he is a man with a lot of backbone."

"Forget it, that's it.

Su Bai spread his hands.

Turn around and plan to leave.

Seeing this, Hyūga Hinata also walked out together.

"Senior, did you let her go like this?"

Hinata was a little curious.

Su Bai didn't say anything.

did you let her go

That is impossible.

Predictably, Terumi Mei will definitely fight herself to the end.

Even if Su Bai doesn't kill her at that time, she herself will choose to go on a hunger strike and die.

But it's not clear if Terumi Mei was exhausted from the hunger strike and then heard about Uchiha Obito controlling Fourth Mizukage.

It's not clear how she will react.

After walking to the cell beside him, Su Bai suddenly stopped.


Hinata behind him didn't expect that Su Bai would stop suddenly, he didn't pay attention, and bumped into Su Bai's body.

Then she also turned her head to look at the empty underground cell.

The expression is a little strange.

It's not quite clear what Su Bai is thinking.

However at this moment.....

But Su Bai said: "Hinata, when I asked you about what would happen if the stick went down, how could you stop and not answer?"

"Won't this make me ashamed in front of Terumi Mei?"

"That's why she's not afraid of us at all."


It is really not easy to find a mistake by Hinata.

But when Hyūga Hinata heard this.

The whole person froze in place.


It turned out that Su Bai's interrogation process was hindered because of her poor performance.


Hinata was ashamed.

Shrugging his head, he said in shame: "I'm sorry senior, it's all my fault.",

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