Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 142: Unknowing Kushina, Su Bai Cheapskate

Kushina secretly smiled inwardly.

As long as it is not poisonous, she stuffed the strawberry into her mouth with a little sarcasm.

After taking this sip, his eyes widened immediately.

Su Bai looked at Kushina in front of him speechlessly, thinking of Tsunade back then.

The minds of the two should be similar.

"Hey, talk, don't just stare at your big eyes.

"It's a good thing you're not lying on the ground, if your legs twitch a few more times, those who don't know will think I poisoned you to death.

Feel a slight increase in strength in the body.

Su Bai joked.

The system voice in his head also shows that Uzumaki Kushina has discovered his own changes at this time.


Kushina remained silent, pointing at the remaining things with trembling fingers, without saying a word.

"Yes, you are right."

"But the bad thing is that the effect of taking the same thing continuously will be greatly reduced."

"So I still think that you can eat the three items as you like."

"The remaining three, if you consume a little every day, it can resist your hunger anyway."

Su Bai shrugged his shoulders slightly and shook his head disdainfully.

As if laughing, Kushina looked like he had never seen the world.

But the next moment, Su Bai was a little dumbfounded.

I saw that Uzumaki Kushina didn't care about what he said at all, and immediately swept everything away.

"Wait a minute? Hello?"

never mind!

Seeing that all the things had fallen into Kushina's belly, Su Bai had no way to take them out.

"It's exactly as you said."

"The effect of the same item is indeed much worse."

Kushina clicked his mouth.

The expression was still a little apprehensive: "No wonder you are so powerful. At that time, the ninja world in your time was full of people as powerful as you?"

"It's all because of these high-end items.

No! Things are not at all what you think they are.

Su Bai rubbed his nose and smiled coquettishly: "Well, yes, so you must live well.

"When I come to pick you up, you will be able to see a completely peaceful Rensi.

"Of course before that, I will stay here to help you build the island and teach you some basic ninjutsu by the way."

Having said that, Su Bai took out the scroll that he asked Shizune to engrave for him from the system space.

Wind, fire, thunder, earth and water.

Five Dunjutsu Encyclopedia.

And various sealing techniques in Konoha Village.

"These sealing techniques?"

"Yes, most of them are related to your Uzumaki clan."

Hearing this, Kushina stared at the sealed scroll in front of her eyes.

The memory was pulled back to the time when I lived in Uzumaki Village.

At that time, she didn't have so many thoughts in her heart.

Live a simple and happy life.

But now?

Looking at Kushina's sad appearance, Su Bai coughed lightly and continued: "The past is all in the past."

"I also wanted to try to send the time-conditioning to a farther direction to save your Uzumaki Village, but I failed.

"But fortunately, at least I caught up with you before becoming Nine Tails Jinchūriki, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

"When I come again, I will take you to meet the great hero who made the ninja completely peaceful.

This seemingly without any comforting words made Kushina calm down a lot.

She is not hypocritical.

And because Su Bai's behavior is considered to be full of friendliness, Kushina has a little trust in him.

Things in the past may not be changed, but the future is already developing in the direction Kushina desires.

Why doesn't she live in the world she desires?

Thinking of this, Kushina is full of interest in the hero Su Bai said.

The great hero who can make the ninja completely peaceful is naturally a stalwart image of a hero in her heart.


"Are you sure you can take me to meet that great hero?"

Kushina's originally silent expression finally revealed a hint of yearning.

Yes, it is!

You have seen the great hero!

"Ahem! Of course, didn't I tell you?"

"I also have some fate with him, and this kind of thing can still be done.

Kushina nodded, and the next moment, her face suddenly became serious.

Then he exclaimed: "It's over, if I knew it, I wouldn't be angry and eat everything. If this is the case, what should we do at night?"

Kushina, who was still looking tugging at the beginning, finally revealed her true colors.

Trembling fingers kept shaking in front of Su Bai.

"We're going to starve to death soon," muttered to himself in panic.

"No, it's okay, it seems that there are still sea fish that can temporarily satisfy our hunger."

"But it's not good to eat fish alone. Unbalanced nutritional intake is also bad for the body."


Although this kind of Kushina is a bit speechless, it also looks extraordinarily cute.

Looking at her nervous face, Su Bai sighed: "Yeah, it looks like we need to eat sea fish for a whole year."

"Wait until the newly planted fruits and vegetables and grain grow to achieve nutritional balance.

"And I told you the solution to the matter long ago, but you don't listen to who to blame."

Hearing this, Kushina gave Su Bai a disdainful glance: "You sound good."

"You said those things were given to me, even if I do as you asked, how can you return them?"

"You don't have to eat either."


These words were beyond Su Bai's expectations.

He didn't expect that the other party's mind was still sharp, and he was still thinking about his own affairs.

"I'll do it like this."

As soon as the words fell, Su Bai stretched his hand into the system space.

When he pulled out his arm again, a night of steaming ramen had already appeared in his hand.

In and out again, the ground was soon filled with rich meals.

It looks like it's just out of the pan.

"This is?"

293 Uzumaki Kushina was dumbfounded upon seeing this.

The meals looked like they were freshly prepared, and she was amazed at how Su Bai did it all.

It's a pity that she didn't know that Su Bai left behind several Shadow Clone before coming to the isolated island.

In order to buy all kinds of daily necessities.

Then there is the food served before everything is ready.

Shadow Clone can directly stuff the purchased things into the system space.

Su Bai can take it out directly through the space.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this, why can you come up with so many things out of thin air."

"Preparation before coming, this space-time ninjutsu was taught to me by that great hero, the only advantage is that it saves the scroll for temporarily sealing items."

"Ninjutsu for home and travel."


Unexpectedly, the stinky guy in front of him has prepared food for a year.

Still fresh out of the pan.

Fourteen-year-old Kushina seemed to be an innocent village girl once again.

Looking at Su Bai with twinkling eyes: "Can you teach me this ninjutsu?"

"No, I can't! So I have a fate with that great hero."

"Tch, what a cheapskate."

Feel the grievance from Kushina.

Su Bai lowered her eyes slightly, and gently grabbed her face with both hands.

After gently tugging a few times, he said with a sinister smile: "In order to save you, I have traveled across time and space and traveled across mountains and rivers.

"Fortunately, I have prepared so many things with good intentions. If you make any mistakes again, I will make you pay a terrible price."

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