Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 144: Su Bai Returns, New Summoning Technique

Su Bai, who originally wanted to meet Uzumaki Kushina directly, took a little time to chat with Hyuga Hanabi who was in front of him.

He looked at Hanabi who had shy eyes in front of him.

Su Bai still looked a little surprised.

According to Hyuga Hanabi, she grew up so fast.

Or due to Su Bai's research.

The original Hanabi swallowed all types of items in one breath, and suddenly felt something strange happened to his body.

His stomach swelled like a ball.

The distended Chakra spun violently in his belly.

After finally waiting for Chakra to calm down, Hanabi was too tired to support himself.

Rested overnight under the careful care of Hiashi Hinata and others.

But when the next morning, everyone was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Hanabi grew up overnight, and looks like she is the same age as her sister.

"Well, although this matter is quite weird, it's good that you are in good health."

Su Bai said lightly.

"Well, of course it doesn't matter. Now I don't feel anything wrong except that I can feel the powerful power."

"Speaking of which, it's been almost two years.

When Hanabi said this, it seemed that he suddenly remembered something.

His expression suddenly changed.

He said nervously: "Master Su Bai, while you were away, the Akatsuki organization had already started to act.

Hearing this, Su Bai grinned in embarrassment.

Calculated according to the time, the Akatsuki organization should indeed take action at this time.

Fortunately, he came back in time, otherwise there might be such a messy scene. 210

"Then what?"

Su Bai pondered for a moment, but still maintained respect for Hanabi, intending to hear what happened in the past few years.

"I heard from my sister that Sunagakure's Fifth Kazekage, Gaara was taken away by Akatsuki.

"It seems that for some reason, Lord Fifth Kazekage was killed by the Akatsuki organization."

"But fortunately, my sister brought the mysterious potion given by Master Su Bai with her, and helped Gaara come back to life again."


Hearing this, Su Bai frowned slightly.

So, it seems that watermelon juice saved Gaara's life.

In other words, Sunagakure's mother-in-law Chiyo did not pay for her own ecology.

Of course, some things have also changed subtly.

After all, according to normal circumstances, Hyūga Hinata did not participate in this rescue operation.

"Where is Uzumaki Naruto? Where is he now?"

"Uzumaki Naruto?"

Hyuga Hanabi put her finger on her lips when she heard the sound, and looked a little cute thinking.

After a long time, she shook her head.

Not sure.

"I don't know very well, but he seems to have returned from practicing with the legendary Master Sannin Jiraiya."

"Ah, by the way, Master Su Bai."

"Speaking of saving people, two strange guys killed the monk of the Temple of Fire a few days ago."

"When Squad 10, who was at the same time as my sister, went to investigate, (bcfi) Senior Asuma seemed to be killed by those two Akatsuki members."

"Fortunately, thanks to your research and development, senior Asuma survived."

"That's all I can know, but I think my sister should know more, but I don't know exactly where she is."

"Seldom see her at night."

"That's why I sneaked here tonight to see if she has been resting here with you.

Hyuga Hanabi's words surprised Su Bai.

He didn't expect that until now, Hyūga Hinata is still hiding the matter of his own sister's home space.

And, for those two weird guys she was talking about, presumably it was Kakuzu and Hidan.

"I really didn't expect that two years have passed, and it stands to reason that all Xiaoqiang have taken all the items at least once."

"Asuma was actually killed by the opponent."

After all, Su Bai received many rewards as soon as he came back.

According to the reward, he can also guess the development of the situation.

But after thinking about it, Su Bai felt relieved.

Hidan and Kakuzu have special abilities, and they joined forces with Shikamaru and others to deal with Hidan alone.

Kakuzu didn't interfere at all.

If once intervened, even if Shikamaru has been strengthened, it may not be the opponent of the two of them.

"Master Su Bai, what did you say?"

Hyuga Hanabi didn't hear clearly.

He tilted his head and looked curiously at Su Bai in front of him.

"No, nothing.

"Okay, I understand the general situation, so you don't have to worry about it, just rest here tonight. y"

"I'll go find Lord Hokage first."

Leaving a word, Su Bai's figure stepped into the portal.

This behavior strikes Hyuga Hanabi as a little strange.

She was very curious about the purpose of this portal.

As far as she knows, besides Su Bai, the only person who can use this space-time ninjutsu is her older sister Hyūga Hinata.

Of course, the affairs of other people did not leak even a tiny bit to the outside world.

"Next time, I will also ask Master Su Bai to teach me this task."

After Hyuga Hanabi muttered a bit.

Suddenly startled.

"Eh? Aren't you going to find Tsunade-sama?"

"Hokage's office is so close, is it necessary to use special space-time ninjutsu?"

But Hanabi didn't know, Su Bai didn't intend to ask Tsunade for anything at all.

According to the calculation of time, if there is no accident, after Kakuzu and Hidan are solved.

Orochimaru will die at the hands of Uchiha Sasuke.

At that time, it is not clear whether Sasuke will come to him according to the original agreement.

Of course, Su Bai doesn't mind visiting Uchiha Sasuke himself if he has any questions.

It's time to deal with the old fox Danzo.

Su Bai tonight has only one idea, and that is to go to the isolated island and bring back Uzumaki Kushina.

Coming to the home space through the portal, Su Bai intends to go to the island in his mind through the transit of the home space.

For this reason, he also deliberately left a special symbol on that island.

Just when he just stepped into the home space.

Daodao white light is particularly dazzling.

"This is?"

Su Bai was slightly taken aback.

It stands to reason that the home space should be in the same night as the outside world at this time.

But now, the light is as bright as day.

Covering the entire home space.

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded in Su Bai's mind.

[Congratulations to Host, the Divine Tree has reached its full body. 】

[Current number of Chakra fruits: three. 】

【Congratulations to Host for getting the reward, reward: Summoning Ōtsutsuki Kaguya】


Su Bai was a little surprised that the sound of the system was real.

"This feeling?"

Su Bai suddenly remembered what it was like.

The day that lights up in the night feels like Infinite Tsukuyomi.

However, these white lights are emitted by the Chakra fruit.

Use Tenseigan to make a general observation.

Hyūga Hinata is indeed in the home space, but maybe because of the daylight outside the house.

At this time, Hinata was sleeping in an underground cell.

One of the cells has been renovated into a bedroom at some point.

"Three Chakra Fruits?"

Su Bai murmured to himself.

With a wave.

Three Chakra fruits came to him immediately.

Looking at the Chakra fruit that shone with intense white light, Su Bai had some thoughts.

"Well, I plan to eat two by myself, and if there is one left..."

He thought about it.

Still decided to use it to fool Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Of course, Su Bai doesn't care about the immortality of Hinata and others.

With the divine tree becoming a complete body, the speed of absorbing natural energy in this world is much faster than before.

Three Chakra fruits have been produced in a little over two years.

It will definitely be faster in the future.

"This ninja world must be well guarded."

Su Bai smiled, and temporarily put the Chakra fruit into the system space package.

The moment the Chakra fruit disappeared, the light of day also disappeared.

The home space has also become a normal night.

"Okay, it's time to find Kushina."

"That guy, you should wait anxiously.

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