Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 146: Return Of Kushina, Death Of Orochimaru

Konoha Village is unusually quiet during the day.

Suddenly, a roar that resounded throughout the world came from Hokage's office.

"Damn guy, he came back without a sound and then disappeared without a sound?"

As the Fifth Hokage of Konoha Village, Tsunade was very excited after hearing the news of Su Bai's comeback last night.

Similarly, when she couldn't find the other party, she became even more furious.

Shocked, Hyūga Hinata rubbed her little hands and didn't know what to say.

Since Su Bai came back last night, Hyuga Hanabi hurriedly told Tsunade who was sleeping soundly the news.

This is a big deal.

Tsunade quickly got up from the bed and returned to the home space.

But found that in the homeland, the Chakra fruit on the sacred tree disappeared.

This indeed shows that Su Bai, who has been missing for more than two years, has returned.

Unfortunately, Tsunade finally "840" can only find Hyūga Hinata sleeping in the basement in the home space.

"Where did he go? Didn't he tell you a little information?"

Tsunade looked at Hyuga Hanabi with dark circles under his eyes.

Hanabi just shook his head in fright.

Regarding the matter of Su Bai's return, they are not good at publicizing it.


Tsunade, who was about to show off again, suddenly felt a twist in the space in the office.

Su Bai's iconic portal appeared in everyone's eyes.

"I'll take you right now to meet Fifth Hokage, Tsunade of Konoha Village."

"Let me tell you, I never really lied to you.

Before seeing anyone, several people heard a voice that was so familiar that they couldn't be more familiar with it.

Under their eyes, Su Bai took Uzumaki Kushina's hand and walked out of the portal.

"Su Bai!"

"Master Su Bai!"

After confirming the identity of the person in front of them, Tsunade and Hyūga Hinata shouted excitedly.

Su Bai couldn't help but shiver in fright.

"What are you doing?"

What are you doing?

It was so shocking and endless, Su Bai just opened his mouth, which caused Tsunade to roll his eyes.

Originally, she wanted to educate the other party severely, but the moment she saw Su Bai, she dismissed the idea.

As long as the person in front of me is still there, everything is fine.

Immediately, Tsunade turned his attention to Uzumaki Kushina behind Su Bai.

The more you look at it, the more familiar it is.

"Huh? Are you from the Uzumaki clan?"

Looking at the beautiful red-haired Uzumaki Kushina, Tsunade frowned.

After looking at it for a long time, she always felt that the person in front of her was very familiar.

"You... feel like a sister I used to know."

Tsunade spoke slowly.


Following Su Bai's introduction, Uzumaki smiled awkwardly.

She is like entering a strange New World.

The current Konoha Village has changed too much in her eyes.

Especially Tsunade in front of me.

Uzumaki Kushina couldn't believe that the mature woman in front of him was Tsunade back then.

Back then, it wasn't that big.

"Tsunade-senpai? Are you really Tsunade-senpai?"

As soon as these words came out, it was coupled with that incredible expression.

Tsunade was sure that the person in front of him must be Uzumaki Kushina.

"You are really Uzumaki Kushina..."

"I remember when..."

Tsunade and Uzumaki Kushina, who hadn't seen each other for twenty years, chatted excitedly and passionately again.

Only then did they understand what Su Bai had done back then.

It's just that all of this is a little bit beyond their imagination.

After Kushina worshiped Uzumaki Mito, everyone came to Hokage's office again, but Shizune ran in with Jiraiya in a panic.

"Su Bai?"

"You're back?"

Jiraiya was obviously taken aback when she saw Su Bai.

"It's really been a long time."

Jiraiya didn't have much reaction.

It didn't take long for him to return to the village with Uzumaki Naruto.

I just heard that Su Bai was out to carry out the secret mission released by Tsunade, so I didn't think too much about it.

Also, Jiraiya didn't have time to be surprised when she learned that Kushina was still alive.

He turned his eyes to Tsunade and Su Bai with a solemn expression, and said slowly: "According to outside sources, Orochimaru..."

"Killed by Sasuke."

Orochimaru was killed by Sasuke?

Tsunade's expression changed suddenly upon hearing this.

This kind of thing is simply unbelievable.

Just as puzzled as she is, that is Uzumaki Kushina.

Even after leaving Konoha Village for more than 20 years, she is no stranger to Orochimaru's name...

It is the existence that is called the legendary Sannin along with Jiraiya and Tsunade.

The strength is naturally powerful.

"Who is that Sasuke?"

"Master Orochimaru will be killed?"

Kushina asked curiously.

By the way, he looked suspiciously at Su Bai not far away.

It seems to be asking the other party, isn't it a good peace?

It doesn't feel like this at all, even the legendary Sannin was killed.

Moreover, she didn't know that Orochimaru had become a rebellious ninja, and thought that the other party was still a ninja from Konoha Village.

Only Su Bai acted nonchalantly, this kind of result was within his expectations.

It is absolutely impossible for Uchiha Sasuke to let Orochimaru go.

It is said that he was asked to go undercover under Orochimaru.

But Su Bai also told Uchiha Sasuke to give him another chance to become stronger after he finished Orochimaru.

It's time to help him take revenge on Uchiha Itachi.

Of course, only Tsunade and Su Bai in Konoha Village know about this matter.

Even Jiraiya doesn't know what's going on.

"Yes, Orochimaru he..."

Jiraiya gave Uzumaki Kushina a brief overview of the past few years.

The result made Kushina's eyes widen in disbelief.

After saying this, Jiraiya didn't care about Uzumaki Kushina's surprise, but turned his attention to the silent 2.7 Su Bai.

The Akatsuki organization has already started to act. At this critical moment, Inshemaru was killed by Uchiha Sasuke.

So what's the next step? Jiraiya knows very well that Sasuke will go to Itachi for revenge.

In that case, Uzumaki Naruto will definitely follow Sasuke's footsteps again after hearing the news.

It is very likely that you will meet people from other Akatsuki organizations.

This behavior is very dangerous.

"Why don't you guys talk? This matter is likely to affect Naruto."

Jiraiya was a little impatient in her heart, and looked at Su Bai and Tsunade with burning eyes.

He couldn't even believe that the current Uchiha Sasuke could have power beyond Orochimaru.

Tsunade didn't reply, only Su Bai let out a long breath after half a sound.


"It looks like the sky is about to change!"

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