Shimura Danzō is truly synonymous with the darkness of Shinobi.

What he did was crisp and clean.

Shiroyasha hijacked Konoha Village Hyūga Hinata and rolled his eyes in the street. The news of Hinata's killing spread widely throughout the ninja world.

Cloud Shinobi Village Raikage Office.....

The rough, dark-skinned Fourth Raikage looked at the information fed back.

The whole person can't believe it.

The mere White Yaksha dared to openly provoke Konoha Village, one of the five kingdoms' ninja villages.

But immediately, he dismissed this ridiculous idea.


There was a loud bang.

The table in front of him was smashed to pieces.

The sudden loud noise startled Raikage's secretary Azabui.

"Master Raikage, why are you so angry?"

Azabui doesn't quite understand Fourth Raikage's behavior.

This time it's about Shirayasha and Konoha Village, why is Fourth Raikage still so angry?

"Damn White Yaksha, I get angry when I think of him."

Fourth Raikage snorted.

"A wandering swordsman has repeatedly provoked our Ninja Village of the Five Kingdoms."

"Do you really think we are soft persimmons?"

Especially when I think of Su Bai's outing task team against their Cloud Shinobi Village.

Fourth Raikage was even more furious.

Every time they went out to perform missions, the team was completely mutilated.

Either a broken arm or a broken leg.

What angered the Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas the most was...

Bai Yasha didn't kill people, he just beat them to maim.

As if they were specifically disgusting their Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas.

"Master Raikage, no matter what, he is capable of destroying a small country with his own power."

"At the beginning, the team we sent to this country to carry out the mission wanted to arrest him. It was indeed a bit abrupt."

"Fortunately, he is no longer against us and has turned his attention to Konoha Village."

"Speaking of which, it's also a good thing for us."

Azabui tries to calm Fourth Raikage down.

At that time, their Cloud Shinobi Village received a mission from this country to protect the princess of their country from leaving.

But unexpectedly, as soon as the sent Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas arrived at the scene, the country had already been destroyed.

This failure to complete the task is a fatal stain on the ninja, and even on the ninja village.

So the ninja sent out wanted to capture Su Bai to give Cloud Shinobi Village an answer.

Who wants to...

The person was not caught, but was disgusted for a long time.


Is this amplifying the aspirations of others and destroying one's own prestige?

Fourth Raikage was even more annoyed.

Facing such a manic Raikage, Secretary Mabui sighed and shook his head: "Master Raikage."

"Our Cloud Shinobi Village is now expanding by force, and the key is to continue to strengthen the fighting strength in the village."

"Why do you want to have the same knowledge as the people on the black market?"

"What's more, wouldn't it be more beneficial for us if Shiraiyasha targeted Konoha Village and brought trouble to Konoha Village?"


Although Fourth Raikage still couldn't vent the anger in his heart.

But the words of the secretary Mabui are indeed reasonable.

Panting heavily, Fourth Raikage picked up the information in his hand again.

"It's really a pity that this happened."

"If we can intercept the information that Shiraiyasha hijacked Hinata earlier, we can make a good deal with him."

"It's a pity to kill her, we can buy Hinata's white eyes at a high price."


Fourth Raikage snorted again: "A person in the black market is a person in the black market, no matter how powerful he is, he is still a guy with no level."

In a dark cave.

At this time, a group of strange guys gathered.

Except for two people, everyone else is a vain figure of Madara.

Payne: "Let everyone know that White Yaksha killed Hyūga Hinata of Konoha Village in the street."

Deidara: "Hinata? Who is it? Brother Scorpion, do you know him?"

Scorpion: "Hmph! Of course I don't know the nameless person."

Hidan: "Nani! White Yaksha...."

Hidan's voice seems to be different from others.

Deidara and Scorpion were just talking casually, but Hidan's voice was full of anger towards Su Bai.

Hoshigaki Kisame: "Humph... I heard that Shiraiyasha is very good at swordsmanship. I really want to fight him twice."

Kakuzu: "It's okay, it's not very strong, but it can cut off the heads of some stupid people."

Hidan: "Hey... Kakuzu, who are you talking about idiot? Are you referring to me?"

Kakuzu fell silent without denying it.

When he and Hidan were killing bounty criminals before, they had robbed Su Bai of business.

The moment Kakuzu saw Su Bai, Kakuzu's original green eyes shot out a strange light.

It's a pity because Hidan, an idiot, insisted on fighting Su Bai one-on-one.

Claiming to personally sacrifice the other party's soul to the evil god.

As a result, Su Bai took the opportunity to run away.

And Su Bai cut off Hidan's head while entering the different space.

Kakuzu: "If he took your head away on a whim back then, God wouldn't be able to save you."

Deidara: "I said... the people who destroyed this country were obviously me and Brother Scorpion, why did White Yaksha do it? Doesn't it make us look stupid?"

Scorpion: "Stupid! This way we can hide our identities. Those idiots in Cloud Shinobi Village really helped us."

Everyone's discussion made Payne silent.

I heard that Su Bai took action against the famous family in Konoha Village. A guy with such courage can cut off Hidan's head and get away.

The strength is naturally good.

Originally, I wanted Konan to recruit him to the Akatsuki organization.

But judging by the attitudes of a few people, this seems to be very troublesome.

Especially Kakuzu and Hidan.

One had a vendetta of beheading, and the other just mentioned Su Bai, and the light from his eyes seemed to eat people.

Payne had no choice but to dismiss this idea temporarily.

Hidan: "The next time I meet White Yaksha, I will sacrifice his soul to the evil god. I will definitely eat him...Kakuzu, you can't compete with me."

Kakuzu: "Idiot..."

Of the entire team, only Uchiha Itachi heard Su Bai kill Hinata.


He looked paralyzed, not knowing what he was thinking.

PS: The new book asks the boss for food, flowers, votes, I am very grateful!

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