Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 2: Wandering Swordsman, White Yaksha

Yuhihong gave her a look, and the three members of the eighth class immediately understood.

The completion of the task is just around the corner, so you can't lose the chain at such a critical moment.

Everyone held their breath, and their expressions became solemn and vigilant.

But just when they were about to pass by the wandering swordsman who appeared in front of them.

There was a sudden change, but the man stopped when he was about ten meters away from everyone.


In an instant, Xi Hihong came in front of several people and stopped the three of them.

"Teacher Hong?"

Hinata was slightly taken aback.

She didn't seem to understand Yu Hihong's behavior, obviously the other party just stopped not far from them.

Why did Yuhihong stop the team's progress?

Could it be that the target of the other party is them?

"That guy seems to want to use a knife."

Yuhihong spoke a sentence to several people in a simple and clear manner.

Just now, she has been focusing all her attention on the visitor.

Indeed, when he saw the opponent stop, his fingers were already on the hilt of the sword.

Once a few people pass by that person's side, they are likely to be attacked by the other party.

"Teacher Hong, are you overly vigilant?"

"Even if the opponent is targeting us and wants to hijack Five Inch Nails, he is just a wandering swordsman."

"He must not belong to our opponent."

Inuzuka teeth full of confidence.

Of course, his confidence is not blind.

First of all, they are all regular ninjas from Konoha Village.

Yuhihong is also an excellent Jōnin from Konoha Village, and she is very good at illusion.

Furthermore, no matter how you look at it, the other party is just a wandering swordsman.

And still very young.

Look at that appearance, they are only three or four years older than them.

Can such a young swordsman still defeat Kurenai Yuhi?

Kurenai Yuhi didn't answer Inuzuka Kiba's words.

At this moment, she felt an indescribable sense of tension in her heart.

This emotion is very inexplicable and incomprehensible.

Yu Hihong always felt that something was wrong. She seemed to have seen the black-haired boy with a knife in front of her somewhere.

But, I just can't remember where I've seen it.

Just when Yuhihong was puzzled, there was a sound of swallowing saliva behind her.

There was a pop.....

Yuhihong turned her head violently, only to find that the five-inch nails who had been a little arrogant before had collapsed to the ground.

"you you you you.."

"Aren't you ninjas going to die to complete the mission?"

Wucun Nail's eyes were full of fear, and his ugly face was even more frightened and distorted.

"Help me, save me, save me..."

In the panic, Wucunnail's snot and tears flowed down on Inuzuka Ya's leg.

This scene made the four of them feel even more weird.

"Hey, it's so dirty, what are you doing, don't touch the snot on my pants."

"Do you want to pretend to be acting to escape?"

"Wait a minute, what is going on here? Isn't the other party your companion?"

Inuzuka kicked the five-inch nail aside, and looked suspiciously at the five-inch nail lying on the ground.


"He came to kill me."

"I...I'm not worried that you will hand me over to the Daimyo of the country of tea."

Five Inch Nails worked hard to organize the language.

It seemed to him that his time was running out.

"Even if you hand me over to the daimyo of the country of tea, I will stay in prison at most."


"But if I fall into that man's hands, I will die."

"You Konoha Village is the most powerful ninja village in the five major countries. You must safely hand me over to the daimyo of the country of tea."

Hearing this, the young man chuckled lightly, "Hi!"

"Are you so afraid of death? Five-inch nails?"

Everyone looked up, only to see that the young man had drawn out the long knife at his waist.


When Wucunnail saw this, he was frightened by Poyin, and his face was covered with bead-sized beads of sweat.

"Heidao, it's him."

"It's him."

"Help me, save me, save me..."

Black knife?

black hair?

Dressed in white?

Definitely very familiar.

Yu Hihong was sure, she had definitely seen the person in front of her from somewhere.

But why such important information, she has forgotten.

"who is he!"

Xi Rihong yelled at Five Inch Nails.

Unexpectedly, the thief was still arrogant when faced with the arrest of the four of them.

After seeing the boy with the black knife in front of him, his legs went limp from fright, and he looked like he was about to pee his pants.

"Su Su Su Su Su..."

"Su Bai!"

Five Inch Nail mustered up the last courage and answered Yu Hihong's question.

"Su Bai?"

Yu Hihong was taken aback when she heard the words.

After a few breaths, she saw that she also looked a little flustered.

His pupils trembled slightly, and he gritted his white teeth lightly, "Could it be White Yasha?"

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