Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 23: Su Bai's Reward, The Blackened Holy Sword

See Hinata has fully recovered.

Su Bai nodded and said: "Calm down now and feel the changes in yourself."

Hinata feels more and more that Su Bai is a bit strange today.

What he said was also a little strange.

But then think about it.

She finally realized the truth.

It must be that Mr. Su Bai is preparing for the next special training.

Without further ado.

Hyūga Hinata closed her eyes slightly agitated.

This feeling made her jump up on the spot in fright.


"how so?"

"I'm actually so much stronger than before?"

"What exactly is this?"

Hyūga Hinata looked at Su Bai in horror.

It was really a surprise.

The main thing is that this thing is too weird.

"Don't get excited."

"It's just a secret."

Secret method?

Su Bai's explanation made Hinata somewhat unacceptable.

She just ate a strawberry, but she gained such terrifying power.

Of course it was very scary for her.

Eight Trigrams Air Palms, Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, and even the absolute defense of the Hyuga clan Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven.....

She didn't even know what happened.

There is such a clear picture in my mind.

It was as if she could use these moves if she wanted to.

"As expected of the white-eyed eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, you will turn your back on her and deny her recognition. Do you want to be a white-eyed wolf?"

He looked at Hinata in shock, with a puzzled and even a little panic expression on his face.

Su Bai snorted coldly.

"No no no no no..."

"That was not what I meant."

"I mean, I'm not dreaming."

Hinata quickly waved her hand to indicate that Su Bai misunderstood her.

She was just shocked by this incredible thing.

"Then you should pinch your face hard, and if you feel the pain, you will know if you are dreaming."

Su Bai said casually, and handed her a strawberry by the way: "Here, try another one."

As the chief servant, Hyūga Hinata's rewards are indeed quite generous.

But Su Bai wasn't particularly surprised.

These three moves.

Hinata was able to acquire Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms and Eight Trigrams Air Palms through her own efforts after three years.

But Revolving Heaven, she won't in the end.

Instead, he learned his own set of guardians, Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, to replace Revolving Heaven.

But to be honest, this trick is not a few grades worse than Revolving Heaven.

And it's useless.

Of course, the most important thing is the improvement of the upper limit of physical skills and the upper limit of Chakra.

This is the existence that can control the effect of ninjutsu.

Hyūga Hinata is very clever, seeing Su Bai handing the strawberry to himself again.

It is clear that the so-called secret method is related to this thing.

Seemingly forgetting the burning of her skin before, she took it again.

【Hyūga Hinata takes the second strawberry. 】

[Congratulations to Hyūga Hinata for getting a small increase in the upper limit of Chakra and an increase in the upper limit of physical skills. 】

[Congratulations to Host for getting a small amount of Chakra upper limit increase and physical skill upper limit increase. 】

a small amount? trace?

Sure enough, it is impossible to continue the violent superposition.

"Huh? There's no pain this time?"

Hinata was slightly taken aback, with a silly smile on his face.

Su Bai: "????"

Good guy.

It seems that Hyūga Hinata is still very persistent in improving his strength.

Even though he knew that he might be tortured by the previous pain, he still chose to bear it.

The performance is good.


"It seems that if you continue to use it, it won't have much effect."

"If you want to feel your current strength, go to the yard and sweat."

"I'm going to pass a letter to my old acquaintance so that he can prepare for our next special training."

After listening to the special training, Hinata suddenly became energetic.

“Mr. Su Bai, where are we going?”


"An isolated island in the sea that cannot be found on the map. It is a entertainment place where rich people gather."

After listening to Su Bai's introduction, Hinata was a little discouraged.


"Are we going to play?"

"Of course not, that's all right, all right, I have to get ready, you can move freely in the yard by yourself."

Su Bai drives Hinata out of the room.

Judging by her appearance, it seems that she hasn't found out about the home pass yet.

Really unresponsive.

Of course, Su Bai is not worried about her running away at all, even if she is driven away now, she may not be able to leave.

Not to mention that if you really want to run, you can catch it back if you catch it.

He simply didn't even bother to close the passageway to his home.

Go back to the study.

Su Bai swallowed a strawberry herself.

【Host takes the first strawberry. 】

[Congratulations to Host for getting an extra Chakra upper limit increase. 】

[Congratulations to Host for obtaining an increase in the upper limit of ultra-quantity physical skills. 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: Blackening · Oath of Victory Sword (including a set of armor, adaptive ability). 】

Su Bai: "Excalibur????"

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