Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 29: Don't Talk, Listen To Me, I Understand!

Swish Swish Swish....

There were several sounds of brushing past flowers and plants in the woods.

"Senior Red!"

"Is Shiroyasha really immune to illusion?"

Konoha Anbu, wearing a mask and carrying a Short Sword on his back, curiously asked Kurenai Yuhi who was galloping beside him.

Her purple hair stood out.

If Su Bai was present, he would be able to recognize this person at a glance.

Captain of Konoha Village Anbu Unit.

Maoyue Xiyan.

"To be honest, I'm not particularly clear."

"It's just that I thought he had fallen into my illusion at the beginning."

"But at the moment of the shot, that guy broke free from the illusion."

Yu Hihong recalled the fight with Su Bai back then.

There was a murmur in my heart.

If Bai Yasha was really immune to illusions, then he was teasing himself back then.

The more she thought about Yuhihong, the more angry she became.

"Anyway, it seems that the information given by Lord Danzo at that time was wrong."

"Miss Hinata should still be alive."

"Mr. Lu Jiu's original analysis may be true."

At this time, a white-eyed ninja from the Hyuga family also followed up.

When I heard the messenger say that Su Bai was accompanied by a girl with strange looking white eyes.

Hyuga Hiashi was so excited that he almost lost his breath.

"Huomen, let's continue to speed up the pace."

Yuhihong bit her lower lip lightly, speeding up instantly.

Seeing this, Uzuki Xiyan waved her fair arm.

The dozens of Anbu members behind them also picked up their speed.

"We have to speed up, too."

"Miss Hinata, you have to hold on."

Hyuga Fire Gate, Hyuga Takashi, and Hyuga Tokuma.

The three also quickened their pace.


in the room.

Hyūga Hinata's hungry stomach growled.

Su Bai didn't speak, and she didn't dare to talk to her.

Originally, I wanted to use the ingredients from the shop owner's house to cook, but Su Bai stopped me.

There was a little grievance on Hinata's small face.

These days are simply tormenting, you can do anything, but don't refuse to feed others.

It was getting dark outside.

A little anxiety appeared on Su Bai's face.

"Do people in Konoha Village eat dry rice?"

"Haven't you sent anyone yet?"

Su Bai complained in his heart.

He specifically selected a village closest to Konoha Village.

But still waiting until now.

Hyūga Hinata's hungry head shrugged.

After returning home, it is their Konoha Village's own business to be hungry.

Su Bai had considered before that instead of sending Hinata back by himself, it would be better for the people of Konoha Village to rescue him.

At least this way can reduce some of their doubts.

Don't interrogate too much at that time, and then make little Hinata stupid.

That's really a big loss.

After all, there are only two years left before Hinata can grow up to be able to...


No matter what time, I still think about such a wonderful thing.

Hyūga Hinata naturally didn't know what Su Bai's plan was, and he was already dejected because of his hunger.

However, at this moment.

A slight commotion outside the house caught Su Bai's attention.

Although Su Bai doesn't have strong perception ability.

However, long-term experience has created a certain conditioned reflex for him to change in the surrounding environment.

"finally come."

Hearing slight noises on the roof, outside the door, and along the walls.

Su Bai's heart is also at ease.

A lot of people came.

Presumably the ninjas of Konoha Village.

And in terms of feeling, I have been surrounded.

All the Konoha Village ninjas coming to the rescue are ready.

Uzuki Xiyan lightly waved her fingers.

Among the members of Anbu, the members of the Nara family have used shadow imitation.

Slowly slipped into the room through the gap in the wall.

The Hyuga trio stood in three directions, while staring at everything in the house with their white eyes.

"Oh? Shadow imitation?"

He squinted at the black shadow that had come to his feet.

Su Bai pretended not to see it at all, and continued to stare at Hinata in front of him.

See shadow mimicry is about to succeed.

The Hyuga trio gave orders at the same time.

Yuhihong standing at the door took the lead.

The Anbu personnel on both sides of the wall have also completed printing.

"Fire Style Haoyan Technique."

Haoyan Technique is a Fire Style secret technique passed down from generation to generation by the Sarutobi family.

The fire was intense.


Two loud bangs sounded at the same time.

The walls on both sides of the house burst instantly.

Two intense flames struck Su Bai from left and right.

Facing the sudden change, Hyūga Hinata raised his head abruptly.

Before I could see clearly what was going on, I felt myself being hugged.

When you react...

Hinata found himself outside the house.

The house where Su Bai was originally staying with was already in flames.



Just as Hinata pointed to the room where Su Bai was staying.

Yuhihong grabbed her arm.

"Red... Teacher Hong?"

Hinata was dumbfounded.

She never expected that the person who appeared in front of her was Yu Hihong.

"Hinata, you have suffered."

After finally confirming that Hinata was still alive, Kuroyuki was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes.

"Teacher Red..."

Hinata was stunned for a few breaths, and immediately looked at the house again.


Looking at the flustered Hyūga Hinata, Yuhihong naturally knew that Su Bai had frightened her.

But it doesn't matter, it will get better after returning to Konoha Village.

Especially when I think of what Hinata has suffered recently.

Xi Hihong felt even more uncomfortable.

She quickly hugged Hinata in her arms.

He touched Hinata's head and said softly:

"I know Su Bai made you suffer."

"But it's okay, it's all right now."

Hinata: "???"

Eh? What are you talking about, why do I not understand at all.

PS: The new book asks the boss for food, flowers, votes, I am very grateful!

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