Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 45: Hinata's Strangeness, Kuroyuki's Suspicion

Another sunny day.


At this time, Konoha Village seemed a bit unharmonious.

"Hey, are you going to use a crow?"

Temari of Sunagakure panicked and stopped him repeatedly.

It's a pity that her younger brother Kankuro doesn't seem to take her sister seriously.


With a sound, Kankuro placed the puppet crow in front of his eyes, intending to fight to the death with Uchiha Sasuke on the tree.


A piercingly cold voice without any emotion came into everyone's ears.



"The guy who loses face to the village."

The appearance of Gaara surprised everyone even more.

Even Uchiha Sasuke, who was sitting on a tree, didn't know when the other party appeared behind him.


Faced with the appearance of Gaara, Kankuro, who was still arrogant just now, suddenly became incoherent in fright, and a little cold sweat flowed out on his face.

"This guy...."

"When did you come to me?"

"It's as fast as Kakashi."

Uchiha Sasuke was equally horrified.

As the descendant of Uchiha, the first graduate of this year, Sasuke has never seen a guy of his own age who has such terrifying strength.

"Listen to me Gaara, these guys came here first."

Kankuro hastily apologized and blamed Uzumaki Naruto and Konohamaru.

Blame these boring Konoha Village ninjas for chasing themselves down the street.

Otherwise, how could he have disputes with them.

Now it's frightening to be scolded by Gaara.

"Shut up!"

"Kill you."

It's a pity that Kankuro's apology was exchanged for Gaara's intimidation.

The frightened Kankuro suddenly misfired and dared not say a word.


Gaara turned into sand, and when she reappeared, she was already in front of Kankuro and Temari.

"Let's go, we didn't come here to play."

One order.

Kankuro and Temari also obediently followed Gaara's ass and planned to leave.

But, at this moment.....

Haruno Sakura rushed forward: "Wait a minute, from the forehead protector, you are the ninjas of Sunagakure."

"It is true that the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind are allies."

"But the treaty should prohibit ninjas from entering and leaving the other country at will."

"Tell us your purpose, and we will..."

It's a pity that Xiaofenmao didn't say everything.

Temari spread his hands, and said helplessly, "Is this the so-called darkness under the lamp?"

"We have passes."

Temari showed their pass to enter Konoha Village in the Land of Fire and said with a smile: "We are here to take the Konoha Village Chūnin selection exam."


at the same time.....

Kurenu Yuhi's eighth class, Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino were lying on the ground tired and out of breath.

They haven't been able to go out on missions recently either.

That is, special training, special training, or special training has been carried out in Konoha Village.

He looked at Kiba and Shino who had fallen to the ground, and then at Hyūga Hinata who was still sweating.

Yuhi Hong's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

"Is it really the same as what Third Hokage said?"

"Did Shiroyasha capture Hinata to give her special training?"

Yuhihong is naturally very curious about this kind of thing.

After all, Hyūga Hinata is also in her name.

It is a good thing to be able to increase strength.

But it is also likely to be accompanied by certain dangers.

"Ah! I didn't expect Hinata to be desperate!"

"Aren't you tired?"

Inuzuka tooth turned over and sat on the ground, looked at Hinata who was covered in sweat, and sighed.


Hinata simply responded and didn't answer Inuzuka's question.

This made Inuzuka and Aburame Shino look at each other.

Doubts also arose in my heart.

What happened to the weak Hinata in the past?

Such a desperate practice? What was it that inspired her?

Could it be that she was bullied by Bai Yasha?

"Oh! By the way, Teacher Hong."

"Why do I keep seeing ninjas from other villages coming to Konoha Village recently?"

"Is there something wrong?"

During the break, Inuzuka tooth expressed his doubts.

It was just his words that made Hyūga Hinata's heart tremble.

Increased the speed of waving.

Inuzuka tooth may not know, but Hinata understands.

Before Su Bai told her that Konoha Village will start the Chūnin selection test soon.

I think these ninjas are here for this.

And Su Bai will also come to see Hinata's performance during the Chūnin exam.

This made Hinata extremely nervous, fearing that her poor performance would disappoint Su Bai again.

So he practiced even more desperately.

Even though she felt that this kind of practice didn't seem to bring her much improvement.


"After a while, our Konoha Village will jointly hold a Chūnin exam with Sunagakure."

"So many ninjas from other villages will also come to participate."

"I'm also considering whether to sign up for you to participate in it."

But just as Yuhi Hong finished speaking, she heard Hinata panickingly say: "Sign up...you must sign up."

Inuzuka tooth: "????"

Strange, how can Hinata steal my lines?

Normally, shouldn't she be silent? Especially when encountering this kind of thing.

Seemingly feeling that the atmosphere was not right, Hinata blushed and turned her head away.


"I want to prove myself through this exam."

"Oh! Hinata, I didn't expect you to have such an idea."

"Me too."

Hinata's words made Inuzuka's eyes light up: "Mr. Hong, if the Chūnin exam is really held, please register for me."

"Where's Shino? Do you want to participate?"

Shino: "..."

"Tooth, what you said is very problematic. We are a small team, and I heard it from my family before."

"The Chūnin exam can only be taken in groups of three. If I don't take it, neither you nor Hinata can take it."


Shino's words made Hinata swallow nervously.

Wouldn't it be the case if one of Kiba and Shino didn't participate?

Fortunately, Aburame Shino is indifferent on the surface, but he is also a hot-blooded man in his heart.

"You all have to participate, and I will naturally participate."

"Because I don't want to be surpassed by you."


Hearing this, Hinata breathed a sigh of relief.

His complexion regained his ease.

But her performance was all seen by Xi Hihong.

The more she looked, the more Yuhihong felt that something was a little strange.

A bad premonition rose in my heart.

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