Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 47: Please Give Me The Power Of Acting

[Picture: The Hokage picture in hand, not too many can be successfully sent out, please forgive me! ! 】

Things about Musha Joint Chūnin Exam.

Su Bai probably got some information from the black market horse boy.

They told Su Bai that many ninjas from other villages had arrived in Konoha Village.

Su Bai is unclear as to what Hyūga Hinata will be watched.

But this kind of thing has long been within the scope of his guess.

It is normal to be monitored, and if not monitored, it may be considered a small profit.

But the ninjas in Konoha Village shouldn't be so stupid.

From the very beginning, Su Bai didn't take this kind of thing to heart.

At this time he...

I'm having a good time with Tsunade at home!


"Keep drinking!"

Tsunade's slightly drunken face flushed red.

There was a squeak.

He drank the sake in the glass into his mouth.

Looking at Tsunade in front of him, Su Bai felt helpless.

Just this level?

still drink?

But the atmosphere has reached this point, Su Bai also pretended to be slightly drunk, and picked up the glass: "Come on, Master Tsunade, let's continue."

Seven days passed quickly.

Tsunade's job was already relatively easy.

It also went smoothly to finish.

I usually drink a little wine here at Su Bai once in a while.

Soak in hot springs and drink some wine.

There is nothing to do.

Especially after work is done.

There is nowhere to release energy, and the two of them drink and brag every day when they have nothing to do.

Occasionally take a small gamble.


To put it bluntly, if it is really calculated according to the game of gambling.

The pants are temporarily borrowed from Su Bai.

"I'll tell you..."

"I was still working on how to shake dice on my way home late at night."

"guess what?"

"A masked man with long hair dares to block my mother's way."

Tsunade waved his hand, quite a heroic feeling.

Of course, Su Bai is very clear about this matter.

That masked long-haired man is Orochimaru, and it was Jiraiya who forced Orochimaru to accompany him in a heroic rescue scene.

"And then I just kicked..."

"The ground was cracked by me, and the masked man trembled in fear."

"And guess what?"

Su Bai: "...."

What else, Jiraiya shouted and ran from a distance.

Then seeing Orochimaru who was scared away, Jiraiya himself was also on the spot.

But Su Bai still pretended to be surprised, as if he was listening extremely seriously, and stared at Dao: "What's the result?"


Tsunade wiggled his fingers a few times and pointed at the "Massive Heaven" on the table with a smile.

"As a result, the author of this book came to ask me if I had anything to do."

"Let me tell you, boy Su Bai, the author of this book is an idiot. If you learn the above things, I will guarantee you to be single for the rest of your life."

Su Bai: "..."

Having said this, Tsunade shook his glass and fell silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

But seeing a little sadness on her face.

Su Bai knew it well.

Whenever Tsunade drinks too much, she thinks of her brother Nawaki.

One of the things is odd to say the least.

The necklace Tsunade wears around his neck is an artifact left by Senju Hashirama.

It has the function of restraining the tail beast Chakra.

It is said that because it is a relic of First Hokage, it is a unique ore in this world.

The money sold was enough to buy three mountains. (Jiraiya's original words)

But this necklace is a bit weird.

Except for Tsunade, whoever takes whoever dies.

Die extremely fast.

Nawaki is an absolute example.

If you take it today, you must return to heaven the next day.

It also belongs to the kind of death that is extremely tragic.

Nawaki rushed into the enemy's detonator to ambush, and was blown out of human form.

Even Uzumaki Naruto, the son of luck, gave him a necklace when Tsunade promised him to learn Rasengan.

If it weren't for the Nine Tails in his body, Naruto would have returned to the pure land.

Before I officially brought it on, I was almost killed.

This is really a frustrating existence.


Just as Su Bai was staring at the necklace of the First Generation project, Tsunade's doubtful voice came from beside his ear.

"What are you looking at?"

With a playful smile, Tsunade stared at Su Bai.


"I'm just curious about the necklace around your neck. I heard that the money you sell can buy three mountains."

"I really want to take over the three mountains and raise some chickens, ducks and geese."

Tsunade: "..."

It's just that when Su Bai mentioned the necklace, Tsunade's face became even sadder.

She stared blankly at the necklace in her hand.

It was quiet for a long time.

During this period, Su Bai was very knowledgeable and didn't try to wake her up.

Still waited until Tsunade took the initiative to speak: "This necklace belongs to grandfather."

"I once gave it to my brother"

"It's a pity he's gone."

When Tsunade mentioned Nawaki, a trace of loneliness and sadness flashed across his expression.

In her heart, the status of her brother Nawaki is higher than anyone else.

This kind of thing actually makes Su Bai feel particularly strange, people in the ninja world are very interesting.

How interesting can it be?

It seems that as long as there are ninjas with younger brothers, they will spoil their younger brothers crazily.

Regardless of whether it is a male ninja or a female ninja, they are unexpectedly consistent in pampering their younger brothers.

Su Bai also understands this, Tsunade will spoil Uzumaki Naruto so much.

Or because I saw the shadow of Nawaki from him.

"Nawaki probably died protecting Konoha Village."

"He was clearly a Konoha Village hero and must have walked away with pride."

At this moment, Su Bai suddenly felt an inexplicable force attached to him.

Master Xing, Brother Fat, Brother Hua, Wei...

Wai Jai.....

Su Bai naturally expressed his longing and yearning for Konoha Village ninjas.

But his words and expression made Tsunade stunned for an instant.

PS: The new book asks the boss for food, flowers, votes, I am very grateful!

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