Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 5: HyūGa Hinata I Took Away, There Will Be A Period Later

He glanced at the five-inch nails who kept kowtowing.

Su Bai has only one impression, this guy is uglier than the one in the original book.

But fortunately, the eighth class on the opposite side and their role Jōnin are the same as in the original book, and even better.

"Bai Yasha, what is your purpose of blocking our way?"

Xi Hihong naturally thinks that Su Bai's purpose is to offer a reward for committing a five-inch nail.

But wasting tongue-in-cheek inquiries can buy time for the three little ones in the eighth class to escape.

Kurenai Yuhi kept gesticulating with her white fingers hidden behind her back, signaling Hinata and the others to leave quickly.

"Is it my purpose?"

Su Bai smiled.

But what he said made Wu Inch Nail even more frightened.

"No, no, please spare your life."

"My life is not worth as much as the money I hide..."

Su Bai: "..."

Five Inch Nail's brain supplement is true, making Su Bai a little helpless.

It's just a small role, so you must have the consciousness of a small role.

Please don't do nothing to grab the show here, okay?


Su Bai coughed lightly.

"I will take Hyūga Hinata with me."

I'm taking Hyūga Hinata.

The eight big characters came to several people's ears.

Five Inch Nail, who was still kowtowing, immediately froze.

Su Bai's target was not him.

In this way, wouldn't it mean that his own life was saved.

"It has nothing to do with anyone else."

This sentence that Su Bai added made Wu Inch Nail go limp.

The tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

The valve was also released.

Inadvertently, the pants were wet, and the smell was really unpleasant.

But even so, Yu Hihong and the third class of the eighth class did not notice the abnormality of the five-inch nails.

"You... what did you say?"

Kurenai Yuhi seemed to think that her sense of hearing had gone awry.

Su Bai's goal is not Five Inch Nails, but his apprentice Hyūga Hinata.

This is simply a big joke.

Hinata just left Konoha Village for the first time as a ninja, and was targeted.

This kind of thing is not realistic in any way.

"I said I would take Hyūga Hinata away."

"That's right, it's the white-eyed lady behind you who is trembling."

Su Bai was interesting, seeing the astonishment of several people, he spoke word by word after each pause especially resonantly.

When Hinata learned of this kind of thing, he suddenly felt that the world was falling apart.

The reversal of things is totally unacceptable.

Bai Yasha's target will be her.

But looking at Su Bai's serious appearance, Hinata's eyes trembled in fright, and his trembling calf subconsciously took a small step back.

I tried to step back again, but found that my legs didn't seem to be in control.

One person destroys one country, killing without blinking an eye.

Even the high-ranking daimyo in the ninja world died tragically under the sword of Su Bai.

Such a terrifying existence, what is it to find yourself?

Hinata doesn't understand at all, and now her mind is blank.

"Impossible, don't even think about it."

Yu Hihong was still quite experienced, and he remembered the whole story of the incident in a moment.

Someone must be trying to get the eyes of the Konoha Village Hyuga clan.

I was just worried about Konoha Village's revenge, so I found Shiraiyasha in front of me through black market channels.

If this is the case, it is absolutely impossible for Xi Hihong to let Su Bai succeed.

Nowadays, it is not important to arrest Five Inch Nails and go to the country of tea.

Protecting the "Jade" of Konoha Village is even more critical.

"I'll stop him, you guys go away."

Yuhihong greeted and quickly sealed.

Su Bai didn't take any action, but watched Xi Hihong with interest as he slowly disappeared.

"Illusion · Tree Binding Technique?"

Yuhihong is indeed not bad in terms of illusion skills.

This illusion seems to be slightly different from other illusions.

The user disappears first, the tree grows from the opponent's feet and binds the opponent, and the user emerges from the tree to attack.

So, it doesn't simply make the opponent fall into some kind of hallucination like ordinary illusions.

The main body was stunned in the real world.

This illusion seems to be able to change the opponent's sense of touch.

Being bound by a tree growing under your feet is equivalent to the fact that there is no such tree in the real world, but you mistakenly think that you are bound by a tree.

And the user Yuhihong who jumped out of the tree was her real body.

"it's over."

Xi Hihong got out of the tree and stabbed Su Bai who was bound by the big tree with Kun Wuchao.

"Excellent, as expected of Teacher Hong."

"That's right, don't you see whose teacher she is."

Inuzuka tooth brushed his nose and looked at Shino proudly.

But in the next second, Yu Hihong froze in midair.

"Impossible, what about people?"

At the moment when Kun Wu was about to stab Su Bai, Xi Hihong was emptied.

Su Bai, who should have been bound to the tree trunk, had long since disappeared.

"Where are people?"

Inuzuka Kiba and Shino were equally puzzled.

Wrinkled his nose, but Inuzuka's expression changed.

"not good!"

Sensing a different smell coming from behind, Inuzuka Ya turned his head back violently.

Only then did they realize that at some time, Su Bai had already come behind them.

And has already held Hinata in his arms.

"I took the person away, there will be a period later, bye!"

Put your fingers together and gesture to each other.

As soon as Su Bai finished speaking, a purple-black portal suddenly appeared behind him.

The next moment, Su Bai and Hinata were instantly sucked into the portal.

Before a few people could react, the portal was closed.

Empty scene, as if nothing happened.

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