Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 60: Hong, You Are Still Too Young! Hong, What You Said Seems To Make Sense

Threats, blatant threats.

Everyone present at Hokage's office is of course aware of the importance of Uzumaki Naruto to Konoha Village.

If, as Su Bai said, the next target is Uzumaki Naruto.

That would be really troublesome.

"Master Third Hokage..."


Even Nara Shijiu, the brains of Konoha Village, couldn't think of a solution at this time.

It wasn't Su Bai's force that bothered them the most.

It's Su Bai's elusive space-time ninjutsu.

In case he suddenly appeared beside Naruto, take Naruto away directly.

Or kill Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto as Jinchūriki dies once he appears.

The Nine Tails in his body will naturally die together.

When Nine Tails reappears in the ninja world, the whole ninja world will be in chaos.

Other villages will not sit idly by either.

Of course, it's even more unlikely that they will give up Nine Tails to Konoha Village.

Especially once Nine Tails falls into the hands of Cloud Shinobi Village.

Then Cloud Shinobi Village will inevitably launch the ninja war again.

"Is the only way to change Jinchūriki?"

The patriarchs of other families also began to whisper.

But for things like Jinchūriki, how can it be as simple as talking.

Just touch the upper lip and the lower lip, and you can change it?

Just kidding!


When everyone panicked, Hyuga Hiashi let out a long sigh.

With a little sadness, he said: "It's our Hyuga family who are sorry for everyone in the village."

"I blame myself for giving birth to a child like Hinata."

"The only way now is to be able to deal with Shiroyasha."

"Let's go ambush now."

Asuma lit a cigarette again.

He was right.

If there is no way to solve the problem, then solve the person who raised the problem.

Apparently Su Bai was the one who gave them the Konoha Village problem.

It's a pity that as soon as Asuma finished speaking, he was refuted by Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Which one of you is sure that he can kill him with one blow?"

"As long as Su Bai is allowed to flee back, then our Konoha Village will face unseen and intangible revenge."

"That's the scariest thing."

However, at this time, Kurenai Yuhi bravely stepped forward and said: "Master Third Generation, when we went to rescue Hinata that night, our cooperation was perfect."

"It's just that there is no particularly powerful force to kill it."

"As long as we come again...."

Just in the middle of Yuhi Hong's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen's old face shrugged, and his eyes were slightly raised to look at Yuhi Hong.

He said lightly: "Hong, you are still too young and lack practical combat experience."

"You were all played by Su Bai that night."

"He deliberately exposed his flaws to let you rescue Hinata."

As soon as this remark came out...

Yu Hihong was stunned on the spot.

These words were obviously to refute her face, how could the hot-tempered Yuhihong be able to bear it.

Immediately asked back: "Master Third Generation, why do you say that?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen snorted coldly.

Sighed, and then showed a gentle smile again: "I don't mean that you can't."

"I think it's good that he did it because he didn't want us to torture Hinata too much."

Made the Hokage of Konoha Village for decades.

The things and methods Sarutobi Hiruzen experienced are naturally much more colorful than the people in front of him.

Many things may not be clear at the moment.

But if they are connected slowly, he thinks he can see through everything.

"I said don't worry."

"And Hiashi, don't define Hinata so hastily."

"Now let's see what Su Bai wants to do when he comes to our Konoha Village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at the crystal ball.

"I'm back."

After Uzuki Xiyan delivered the message, she returned to Su Bai's side again.

"I told my companion."

"Everything is going according to plan, they are in charge of keeping an eye on Hinata...."

"Will not interfere with her taking the Chūnin exam."

Uzuki Xiyan didn't say much.

In order to avoid causing her companions to panic, she did not tell them that Su Bai had come to the Forest of Death.

As a member of Anbu, he will execute the order after receiving it.

Too many things will not be asked.

Even if you are suspicious, it is impossible to do too many things beyond the scope of the order.

"Then let's go!"

Su Bai didn't say much to Xiyan.

Her behavior has proved everything.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has placed the lens of the telescope Technique on Yugao's side according to Chakra's tracking.

The purpose is to detect Su Bai.

These things are very tacit and do not need to be conveyed through any words.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Xiyan didn't expect that after Su Bai finished speaking, she would hug her up.

This move made Maoyue Xiyan anxious and shy.

His arms pushed and shoved a few times indiscriminately.

"Be honest!"

"I said I'm in a hurry, if you can't keep up with my speed, how will Sarutobi Hiruzen detect me?"

ah this...

Su Bai's words immediately made Maoyue Xiyan calm down.


Mission comes first.

She must be aware that the current target of Sarutobi Hiruzen's observation has been placed on Su Bai.

It was hard to seize an opportunity to spy on his intelligence.

Never fail because of personal reasons.

"Oh? Su Bai's action speed is really fast."

The flickering figure in the crystal ball couldn't help Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed.

It's really like what Su Bai said, Xiyan's speed alone can't keep up with the opponent.


"This Bai Yasha, he clearly wants to take advantage of Xi Yan."

Yuhihong hugged her hands on her chest in displeasure.

He looked at Su Bai in the picture indifferently.

A look of contempt.


Kurenai Yuhi's words made Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes light up.

It seems to have obtained extremely important information.

This seems to be the breakthrough.


Fear of not having something to like.

Once there, there is a way to deal with it.

PS: The new book asks the boss for food, flowers, votes, I am very grateful!

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