Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 68: Uzuki Xiyan: White Yaksha, Stretch Out Your Mouth And See If I Won't Chop It Up For


After a long time, all Genin candidates started to act again.

They felt very grateful in their hearts.

I didn't expect that there was such a terrible guy hiding in Genin, and what I didn't expect was that those two people would kill each other to the death from the very beginning.

Simply good news for all of them.

Except that Hyūga Hinata knew it was Su Bai's handwriting.

There are three Xiaoqiang who understand this...

That is the seventh team that is catching fish in the lake at this time.

"Wow! Why should we do this kind of thing."

Uzumaki Naruto slapped the clear lake surface restlessly.

"If we don't fight for the scroll, we will be eliminated."

Facing Uzumaki Naruto who was burning with anger, Uchiha Sasuke sighed softly: "Naruto, let's just bear with it.

"In case that guy named White Yasha gets angry again, we really can't deal with him."


Sasuke's words made Naruto even more irritated.

Turning his head to look at Su Bai lying on Haruno Sakura's lap pillow, Naruto was even more angry.

That's right!

Haruno Sakura was threatened with kidnapping.

If Naruto and Sasuke dare to escape while catching fish, then Su Bai breaks Haruno Sakura's legs.

"Damn it, why is that guy so strong."

After complaining a few words, Uzumaki Naruto had no choice but to sit in the clear lake water......

Busy with Uchiha Sasuke.

But Haruno Sakura on the shore felt shivering.

She didn't even dare to lower her head, for fear that if she lowered her head, she would see Su Bai lying on her lap.

"Ah! You are really slow. It takes so long to pick up firewood."

Sensing Maoyue Xiyan's arrival, Su Bai bit his nose and pretended to complain.

Xi Yan: "


Xiyan snorted coldly, and got angry seeing this guy's leisurely appearance.

And she was even more surprised that Su Bai didn't choose to leave after defeating Orochimaru, but still stayed in the death forest.

Don't know what to expect.

"As expected, Lord Third Generation did not send reinforcements."

"I think there must be an unspeakable secret between the senior management of Konoha Village and the white Yasha in front of me.

Thinking of this, Xiyan felt a lot more relaxed.

The firewood for grilling fish was placed on the ground.

Feel Haruno Sakura who is trembling with fear.

Xiyan sighed secretly in her heart: "Hey! Little girl, I can only wrong you first, after all some confidential things cannot be told to you.

Naturally, Su Bai didn't know what Uyue Xiyan was thinking.

He didn't care whether Konoha Village sent reinforcements or not.

According to Konoha Village's current strength, it doesn't matter who they send.

There is no threat to Su Bai.

Not to mention that he still has the ability to go home at any time.

Coupled with the fact that Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that it was Orochimaru he was repelling, he would not be idle to provoke him.

Unless he actually starts killing ninjas in Konoha Village.

Maybe the old man from Third Generation couldn't sit still.

But for Su Bai's character, he is not the kind of person who kills.

Occasionally, I have nothing to do to tease the little beauty, but it is out of interest.

"Mr. Shiroyasha..."

"I have something to ask you.

In order to make Haruno Sakura less nervous, Uzuki Xiyan asked: "How did you learn swordsmanship, your teacher is~°?"

Uzuki Xiyan is still very interested in this matter.

No one wants to become stronger.

But Su Bai's answer made her face darken immediately.

"Have you ever heard that when a person lies down at home, his swordsmanship heart will rise?"

Xi Yan: "...27

ah this...

This is pure nonsense.

Can you practice swordsmanship while lying down?

It's really a mouthful of running the train.


Xiyan rolled her eyes at Su Bai dissatisfied, pouted her lips, and didn't want to ask any more questions.

And Su Bai's answer made her understand that the other party didn't want to tell her how to practice.

Of course, Xiyan also felt a little ashamed.

After all, the method of practice is considered a confidential issue for the other party.

It is reasonable for Su Bai not to want to tell her.

"Sorry, I asked unnecessary words."

A trace of disappointment flashed across her delicate face, Xi Yan squeezed out a smile again, and patted the dust off her body.

Then I went to clean up the grill for grilling fish.

Haruno Sakura: Senpai, don't go, I'm afraid!

However, feel the trembling Haruno Sakura.

Su Bai raised his head slightly to look at her.

"what's wrong with you?"

"Are your pants wet?"


Hearing Su Bai talking to her, Haruno Sakura shuddered again.


Su Bai responded casually, and slowly sat up: "You are not as good as Hinata.

"After Hinata was captured by me, at least she knew how to run for her life."

"Although I got a whipping on my P stock, I'm a lot more honest."

These words reached Maoyue Xiyan's ears.

It made Xiyan feel a little tight in her chest, and then she turned her head to Su Bai: "Can you pay attention when you speak?"

"Little Sakura is still very small."

I really can't get angry at one place, but I get angry when I hear this man speak.

Xiyan angrily cleaned up everything.

Walked back again.

She is different from Haruno Sakura, her long ninja career has already made Xi Yan put her life and death aside.

No matter how powerful Su Bai was, he would kill her with a single blow.

Haruno Sakura may be scared, but Xi Yan is more able to face Su Bai normally.

After hearing Xiyan's speech.

Su Bai shook his head: "You don't really understand."

"The pink hair is really small..."

"But she still has merit."

"for example..………"


Uzuki Xiyan: ""

His face darkened.

She pointed at Su Bai and yelled, "You..."

But seeing Su Bai's look like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Xi Yan finally swallowed a breath forcefully.

Grabbed Haruno Sakura.

"Little Sakura, come to my side."

However, Haruno Sakura was stunned.

Staring at the heroic Uzuki Xiyan, her eyes are full of admiration.

Senior is so powerful that he is not afraid of this terrifying White Yaksha at all.

"Little Sakura, let me tell you."

"Now you are a ninja."

"To be a ninja, you must have the awareness to become a ninja."

"If you don't have the consciousness to face death."

"Then how to become a responsible ninja."

Uzuki Yugao was preaching to Haruno Sakura.

Su Bai just sat on the ground and kept nodding.

It seems to be agreeing with Uzuki Xiyan's statement.

By the way, I added: "Occasionally seeing something terrible, it is understandable to squeeze out some water and wet your pants."


Haruno Sakura was stunned by Su Bai's words, who was he talking about?


Or senior Xiyan?

But Su Bai's words made Uzuki Xiyan's frosty face suddenly turn red.

How on earth did this bastard know such a thing?

This is no longer embarrassing or embarrassing.

Uzuki Xiyan felt a sense of death on the spot.

At that time, she really felt so lost.

Of course she didn't know what was going on.

Physical problems? Or emotional problems.

But Su Bai's fears are not entirely true.

When Xiyan was watching Su Bai fight, her emotions changed drastically.

The main reason may also be because Su Bai's kendo level has completely shocked her.

Excitement, nervousness, plus fear.

Many factors did have a great influence on her.

"Bastard! You shut up!"

Seeing what Su Bai wanted to say, Uzuki Xiyan got excited for a moment.

Just remember the tiger rushing to eat.

He jumped into Su Bai's arms and blocked his mouth with his palm.

"Shut up and stop talking nonsense.

The sky slowly darkened.

In the dark dead forest...

Swish Swish Swish!


A figure shuttled back and forth in the forest, and finally landed firmly on Maizheng.

"Master Orochimaru..."

"I am coming..."

Yakushi Kabuto adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Said in a very low voice.

But as soon as his words fell...

There was a figure of a person printed in the thick trunk that was originally empty.

When the man fully appeared in front of Yakushi Kabuto, it was Orochimaru with long hair.

"Double! The plan failed."


Yakushi Kabuto couldn't believe his ears.

Master Orochimaru's plan failed?

How can it be.

Yakushi Kabuto also looked flustered, and hurriedly asked: "Master Orochimaru, how could the plan fail? Could it be that Uchiha Sasuke is dead?"

The results are obvious.

Yakushi Kabuto is still very clear about Orochimaru's strength.

This is Lord Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin.

What is strength?

Maybe Master Orochimaru accidentally hit a little harder in the process of testing him.


just die!

This is normal.

Orochimaru turned a blind eye to Yakushi Kabuto in front of him.

It's also unclear whether this Yakushi Kabuto is complimenting him or belittling him.

Doesn't he know the severity of the attack?


"It's White Yasha!"

White Yasha!

The name was beyond Yakushi Kabuto's expectation.

The moonlight cast a bright light on his glasses.

Yakushi Kabuto asked suspiciously: "Could it be that Sasuke was killed by Shiroyasha in advance?"

Orochimaru: ".....

I was wondering, why (Zhao? Zhao) that Sasuke died when the mission failed?

Nor did Orochimaru argue with Yakushi Kabuto on this kind of issue.

He is well aware of Yakushi Kabuto's psychology.

Although Yakushi Kabuto knew that Orochimaru went to Sasuke for the container problem.

But this guy is still jealous of Sasuke.

So I really hope that Sasuke will die soon, even if Orochimaru allows, Yakushi Kabuto will take action to finish Sasuke himself.

"I think you should have seen the battle between me and Baiye today."

"We were deceived by the red sand scorpion. White Yasha is indeed the one who destroyed this country."

"He's definitely capable of that."

"But I just don't know what is his purpose of getting close to Sasuke now. You will investigate tomorrow as a Konoha Village Genin senior."

Orochimaru finished speaking.

Yakushi Kabuto replied repeatedly: "Okay Master Orochimaru, leave this matter to me."

But in Yakushi Kabuto's heart, he certainly knows why Orochimaru's plan failed.

Triple Rashomon.....

It's not that he doesn't know each other.

He definitely couldn't say such words.

Just didn't expect that the one fighting Orochimaru would be Su Baibu.

This is indeed beyond Yakushi Kabuto's imagination.

At such a young age, Su Bai was able to defeat Orochimaru's triple Rashomon.

Yakushi Kabuto couldn't even think about it.

"White Yasha?"

When Orochimaru left, Yakushi Kabuto snorted coldly: "Hmph!"

"No matter how strong you are, I'm afraid you won't know what a professional undercover agent is."

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