Su Bai's promise to Uchiha Sasuke completely puzzled Haruno Sakura.

What is Sasuke doing?

As the famous Uchiha clan of Konoha Village....

Why would you ask Su Bai for advice?

Su Bai's identity is...

Haruno Sakura would think this way, because she couldn't figure out what Xia Qiu- meant in Sasuke's heart?

That is, no matter what, even if it means letting him sell his soul to the devil.

"Actually, the identity of your reward offerer is fake."

"If I'm right, you're a Konoha Village ninja.

Uchiha Sasuke looked up at Su Bai.

The smile on the corner of his mouth is enough to see Sasuke's thoughts.

Nothing escapes his Sharingan.


"Sasuke, you said Su Bai is our Konoha Village ninja?"

Su Bai hasn't expressed his opinion yet, Haruno Sakura has already looked at Su Bai excitedly.


"This guy from here until now, went through such a brutal battle with Orochimaru without seeing any support from the village."

"And there is a ninja from Konoha Village who has been following.

"Don't you think it's weird, little Sakura?"

Sasuke's words really stunned Haruno Sakura for a long time.

Although he is a top student, his experience in actual combat analysis is still somewhat limited.

But Sasuke's words made her completely relaxed.

makes sense......

Otherwise why would he suddenly show up to kill Orochimaru?

Also to help Sasuke improve his strength.

No wonder Senior Xiyan wasn't afraid of him at all, it turned out he was one of his own.

"What's more, Shisui will tell you about Sharingan."

"I'm right, Shiroyasha."

No! Big mistake.

Su Bai never thought that they would have such thoughts.

Even a little surprised, at this time, Mao Yue Xiyan also calmed down, as if she had acquiesced.

The direction of the plot seems to be going a bit out of line.

Seeing that Su Bai was silent, Haruno Sakura was even more excited, stood up immediately and said: "Senior Su Bai, can you improve my strength.

Su Bai: "...

He was just thinking about how to sneak into the tower in the center of the death forest.

As a result, these guys actually regarded him as a senior from Konoha Village.

"I really don't understand why you have such an idea.

"I kidnapped Hinata."

"Didn't you also send her back safe and sound?"

In the face of Haruno Sakura's excited chatter, Su Bai seemed a bit dumb.

Crucially, he didn't know why Uzuki Yugao, who was Anbu, didn't say a word.

If Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke have little experience and are simple......

That Xiyan who stayed in Anbu all the year round is not so innocent and cute.

It's a pity that Su Bai doesn't know...

Uzuki Xiyan has already defined him as an undercover agent in Konoha Village outside.

After all, every village has a few people with this status, and there is nothing new about it.

Especially after being in contact with Su Bai for so long, I haven't seen any hostility towards the ninjas in Konoha Village, and he even wants to help Sasuke.

Xiyan's thoughts were further strengthened.

"Fen Mao's words?"

"Do you want to go back with me, I can give you some strength?"

As soon as Su Bai finished speaking, Xiyan Uzuki immediately stood in front of Haruno Sakura.

"Don't think about it."

Su Bai: "Then you can follow along?"

"Don't even think about it."

Uzuki Xiyan looked at Su Bai warily.

Whether or not he's a ninja undercover in Konoha Village out there gathering intel.

But Su Bai is definitely not a gentleman.

"What are you looking at?"

Looking at Su Bai's malicious eyes.

Uzuki Xiyan shivered unconsciously as if she had been electrocuted all over.


"By the way, this thing is for you."

After Su Bai said something lightly, he took down the black knife Qiushui from his waist and threw it directly at Maoyue Xiyan.

"Eh? This is? Your knife?"

"What a nice knife."

This was beyond Xi Yan's expectation.

She blinked her beautiful eyes, her face full of doubts.

"Why did you give it to me?"

"It's nothing, and it's not very useful to keep it."

"And... you can't touch it in vain, right!"

Xi Yan: "????"

"White Yasha..."

Uzuki Xiyan was about to get angry, but a portal appeared behind Su Bai.

"I'm going back to sleep, and I'll let you know one last time."

"Orochimaru didn't die, he ran away."


Orochimaru isn't dead?

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were stunned, and panic appeared on their faces.

But in the future, Xiyan will express her thoughts.

Su Bai had already disappeared in front of them.

Isn't Orochimaru dead?

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this, his face suddenly became serious.

He took a sharp puff on his pipe.

He looks out the window at Konoha Village.


"What did he come for? Why did he attack Sasuke?"

After thinking for a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't think clearly about Orochimaru's purpose.

But anyway, definitely not a good thing.


Now it is the joint Chūnin exam, if it is said that the exam will be interrupted because of Orochimaru.

That must have had a very big impact on Konoha Village's reputation.

"It looks like I have to find Su Bai in person."

"Have a nice talk with him."

Sarutobi Hiruzen exhaled smoke, but his originally dignified face stretched a little.

Early the next morning, Yakushi Kabuto hid in the bushes and listened quietly to the conversation of Uzumaki Naruto and the others.

"Ah! When did you get the Earth Scroll?"

Naruto fell asleep and woke up.

Only to find that their seventh class has already collected the Earth Coiling shaft.

Speaking of this matter, it is still the credit of Uzuki Xiyan.

If Orochimaru is not dead, then it is likely that he will continue to come to Sasuke.

Just when she didn't know what to do, she received a communication from Sarutobi Hiruzen in the middle of the night.

Ask Uzuki Xiyan to grab the scrolls of the first team casually, and help the seventh team of Kakashi get enough Earth Coiling scrolls.

Escort them to the high tower in the center of the death forest, and prevent Dawei from having any chance to contact the seventh squad.

Although the technique was a bit disgraceful, Xi Yan didn't think so.

Special period, special treatment.

"Yeah! Little Sakura and I got it last night while you were sound asleep.

"Okay, Naruto, let's hurry to the central tower."

Sasuke also sighed softly.

This kind of thing is actually unacceptable to him.

But Xiyan told him that the follow-up assessment is actually the most important.

It is time to show more personal strength.

"Naruto! Don't think too much about it."

"The ferocious White Yaksha seems to be aiming to kidnap Haruno Sakura, so he didn't know what happened last night, so he left first.

...asking for flowers...

"But no one can guarantee whether he will make a comeback."

"So now our top priority is to get out of this dangerous place."

This is also the lame reason Uzuki Xiyan thought about all night.

Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke were quite smart enough to know the seriousness of the situation.

But Naruto is a stunned green iron-headed boy, so it's hard to convince him without any extravagance.

"Nani! Is that nasty guy targeting cute little Sakura?"

Uzumaki Naruto was shocked when he heard this: "That won't work, we have to get out of here quickly."


Haruno Sakura:

Naruto actually believed it.

"Is the target the girl?"

Yakushi Kabuto couldn't figure it out either.

Su Bai threatened to come to Konoha Village, and the target was the seemingly useless Haruno Sakura?

"No, I also have to hurry to the tower in the center of the death forest."

"Go and tell Master Orochimaru."

Think here.

Yakushi Kabuto also disappeared in place.

Go back to where you were with your companions.

Yakushi Kabuto asked anxiously, "Have you got all the scrolls?"

"Jian Meicheng..."

"Where's Copper Guy?"

Seeing that Red Copper Guy was not there, Yakushi Kabuto's face darkened and he said dissatisfied.


Jian Meicheng heard this, and cast a disdainful glance at Yakushi Kabuto: "Because you have recently received the attention of Master Orochimaru, do you think you have become the leader of the team?"

Jian Meicheng, Red Copper Guy and Yakushi Kabuto.

All three of them were Orochimaru's undercover agents in Konoha Village.

"It's convenient for Guy to go."

"We got the scroll a long time ago."

Yakushi Kabuto didn't argue with Jian Meicheng after hearing this.

After all in Pocket's heart, these two want to earn their place in Orochimaru's heart with themselves?

They don't deserve it.

If it wasn't necessary for the three of them to rush to the central tower together, Yakushi Kabuto would have left them both.

It's his life and death, Yakushi Kabuto.

Just two cannon fodder.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

The waiting time was quite long, and even Jian Meicheng was a little impatient.

However, at this moment.

There was a movement in the grass not far away.


A figure jumped out.

"Feel sorry!"

"I've been constipated recently."

"Just let you wait."

" do we go?"

The red copper Guy with a mask on his face and sunglasses walked slowly towards Yakushi Kabuto and Jian Meicheng.

"Hmph! Things have changed now."

"Let's head to the central tower to meet Lord Orochimaru."

Yakushi Kabuto left a word and stopped talking to the two of them.

The figure disappeared instantly.

Seeing this, Jian Meicheng followed closely behind.

Only red copper is left, Guy spreads his hands...

But still kept up with the pace of the two.

Deep in the forest of death...

The masked red copper Guy with sunglasses on his face was terrified.

He never expected to meet the legendary White Yaksha in the Death Forest.

The other party even buried him.

Only the head remained on the ground.

At this time, a huge black bear was walking towards him.


Since his mouth was sealed, the Red Copper Guy could only utter a few whines.


Eyes are black.....

The people died in situ. .

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