Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 77: Hinata: Senior! Something Big Happened.

A tavern in Konoha Village.

Uzuki Xiyan looked at Yuhihong who had drunk too much.

His expression was a little helpless.

Obviously agreeing to make her feel good, Yu Hihong accompanied her.

It turned out well.

After a few cups of Yuhi Hong Shua Shua.

She herself was a little flustered.

"I'll tell you Xiyan..."

"Shiroyasha is a bastard!"

"Just because of his appearance..."

"My life is a mess right now."

Uzuki Xiyan frowned at Yuhihong's words.

She thinks that Yuhihong is not worthy of saying such a thing.

Obviously her life is even more chaotic than Xi Hihong.

All the companions I grew up with were killed, and there is no explanation until now.

At least Yuhihong is much better than her.

It is also clear that Hinata ran with Su Bai.

It seems that there is almost no such teacher as Kurenai Yuhi in his eyes.

And what about Uzuki Xiyan?

She also suffers from doubts...

Did Bai Yasha kill his companion from childhood to adulthood?

She doesn't know.

This kind of unprepared answer made Xiyan feel extremely irritated.


Sarutobi Hiruzen's words actually left some influence in her heart.

What if Shiroyasha really captured her as Sarutobi Hiruzen said...

what to do?

Suicide? Or choose to resist.


The more Maoyue Xiyan thought about it, the more startled she became.


What resistance?

The nervousness and panic suddenly made Uzuki Xiyan shrink back suddenly.

I shuddered on the spot.


Xiyan opened her mouth and took a few deep breaths.

Finally adjusted his mood, he looked at 12 Yuhihong who was on the table.

I thought in my heart: Red! In fact, if you want to say irritable, I am already more irritable than you.

And now Uzuki Xigao is more worried about Sarutobi Hiruzen.

She is really scared as the Third Hokage of Konoha Village.....

It is because he is afraid of the threat from Su Bai that he gives way to Su Bai everywhere.

If things are like this.....

Xiyan looked at Yuhihong again.

I am determined...

Sooner or later, let alone Hinata.

Don't even talk about herself.

Even if it is the sunset red in front of my eyes...

He will also be killed by Su Bai.

The more Xiyan thought about it, the more she felt that her idea was very reliable.

Especially when I think of Su Bai threatening Konoha Village with Uzumaki Naruto before.

She became more determined in her mind.

It is possible that Sarutobi Hiruzen made a deal with Su Bai in order to keep the Konoha Village Nine Tails Jinchūriki safe.

The chips are these few of them.

Thinking of this...

A chill suddenly rose in Mao Yue Xiyan's heart.

But as a Konoha Village ninja who has been in Anbu.

She has seen too many dark things.

Such things will not shock her too strongly at all.

What's more, she also knows how strategic Uzumaki Naruto is to Konoha Village.

She is not comparable to a ninja like Yuhihong at all.


Xiyan pulled up the unconscious Xihihong who was drinking and walked towards the door.


"Fortunately, that guy doesn't seem to have discovered your charm yet."

"As a friend, if something really happens, I will help you take care of it."

"By the way..."

"I will use the knife he gave me while he was unprepared, and learn all about it."


All this is to keep Konoha Village from being threatened.

When Uzuki Xiyan thought of this, her pair of beautiful eyes showed determination.

the other side.......

Sarutobi Hiruzen received the news that Jiraiya had returned to Konoha Village.

I felt at ease in my heart.

"Did you come back to help Naruto control the Nine Tails Chakra?"

In Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen chatted with his apprentice alone.

"Yes, old man."

"But I heard from Ebisu that Orochimaru seems to be trying to harm Konoha Village?"


Jiraiya looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Reminds me of the time when the four of them were together.

Orochimaru is Jiraiya's always recognized friend.

Unfortunately, after Orochimaru defected, Jiraiya was unable to persuade him to come to Konoha Village.


"That seems to be the case."

"By the way, come here"

"Is there any news about Tsunade in recent years?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

It's a pity that Jiraiya shook his head, then smiled: "I'd better deal with Naruto's problem first."

"It's not appropriate to leave the rest to me."

"About Orochimaru or Shiroyasha's matter, it's up to you to make your own decision."

Leave a word.

Jiraiya turned and left Hokage's office.

For the matter of analyzing whether Shirayasha is good or bad for Konoha Village.

Jiraiya can't use that much brains.

Harmful is the enemy, he will do his best to fight Su Bai.

If it is beneficial...

Then why bother with him?

Isn't that a fool?

And Jiraiya and Sarutobi Hiruzen, there are things they both know in common.

It is about the Akatsuki organization hiding in the dark place of the ninja world.

Since Sarutobi Hiruzen said that the affairs of this country were done by the Akatsuki organization.

Jiraiya will naturally think that Akatsuki did it.

After all, an organization composed entirely of S-level wanted criminals in the ninja world, would they be doing volunteer work for the ninja world?

What's more, I heard that these people have somewhat different hobbies from ordinary people.

what do you think....

The existence of Akatsuki organization is much more dangerous than that of White Yaksha.


Sarutobi Hiruzen came to the Hyuga mansion slowly.

"Master Third Hokage."

"Why are you here?"

Hiashi sees Sarutobi Hiruzen coming.

Although he asked like this on his mouth, he already knew it in his heart.

Definitely come to ask about Hinata.

as expected.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't hide anything either, and straight to the point: "Is Hinata at home?"


One mention of Hinata.

Hyuga Hiashi was so angry that he didn't vent.

This damn girl...

Since I didn't return late that night.

Occasionally, I often go to Su Bai's place.

Sometimes come back late.

But today is a coincidence.

Hyūga Hinata is going to visit Inuzuka Kiba at the hospital because of an appointment with Shino.

Plus turning around to look at Neji...

Maybe it's because of Neji's attitude change problem.

The two brothers and sisters also discussed the issue of practice.

Came back a little late.

Just stay at home honestly.

"Hinata is at home."

"Master Third Generation...do you... have anything to do with Hinata?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen exhaled a smoke ring and nodded seriously.

"Hasn't she been looking for Su Bai recently?"

It's really a pot that doesn't open.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's words made Hiashi's face turn cold.

But Hiruzen didn't care, and laughed a few times.


"Sometimes you have to let go of your mind."

"If Su Bai is really good to Hinata, he is not bad to the Hyuga clan either.


"It is not ordinary people who can make Hinata improve so much.

"It would be very unwise for us to choose to confront anything head-on.


Hyuga Hiashi sighed deeply.

How could he not understand this truth.

What Cloud Shinobi Village brought to the Hyuga family back then was not because everything was passive.

Reluctantly, he chose to give in.

It's the same as the threat that Su Bai poses to Konoha Village today.


The only difference is that Hyūga Hinata is like surrendering to the enemy.

There is a feeling of chasing Su Bai.

This is what made Hiashi even more angry.

What a worthless kid.

You should at least be reserved and let Su Bai beg our Hyuga clan.

In the end, it was as if it was given for nothing.

It's just that if Hiashi's words reach Su Bai's ears, Su Bai will definitely say that Hiashi is a typical white-eyed wolf.

Get cheap and sell well.

Not only has Hinata returned to Konoha Village.

It is to cultivate such a powerful 870 Hinata for the Hyuga clan.

Really unreasonable stubborn old man.

"Okay Hiashi."

"I have something to say to Hinata right now."

After Sarutobi Hiruzen chatted with Hiashi for a few words, it finally got down to business.

the next day.

In Su Bai's home space.

Su Bai lying on the bed looked at Hinata in his arms in surprise.

"What did you say?"

Su Bai also felt quite strange.

I saw Hinata running over in a hurry early in the morning.

It seems that something big is about to happen.

But I didn't expect things to be really interesting.


"Master Third Hokage wants to see you tonight."

Hinata blushed and rubbed back and forth in Su Bai's arms.

Softly, he repeated what he had just said.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to see me?"

Su Bai pointed at himself in a daze.

Hinata nodded slightly and said, "Yeah!"

"Master Third Generation visited me alone last night."

"Let me give him a message."

"He'll be waiting for you tonight on the back hill of Hokage Rock."

"I hope you can go see him once."

"He seems to have something to say to you.

Can you finally bear it?

In Su Bai's heart.

He had long expected that such a day might come.

But unexpectedly, it really made him guess right.


Hinata raised her head, looked at Su Bai affectionately and said, "Can you tell me the truth?"

"Is there any relationship between you and our Konoha Village?"


Su Bai touched Hinata's head.

Hinata lay down on Su Bai's hand enjoying herself like a cat.

But Su Bai didn't answer her question.

It really didn't matter before.

It is not a hostile relationship, nor is it an alliance relationship.

It's just that after this conversation, Su Bai can't guarantee whether there will be any relationship.

In case Sarutobi Hiruzen's head gets hot, use Hinata to convey the message.

Get ready to ambush him.

At that time, it will happen that their Konoha Village has a few fewer people every day.

I can't blame Su Bai on his head. .

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