Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 82: Hinata, You Are So Obedient

One punch won't do.

Uzumaki Naruto turned around quickly and threw several punches in a row.

But for Hyūga Hinata today, this level of offense is child's play.

clap clap clap!

Consecutive palms blocked Naruto's straight punch.

Hinata shouted: "Hey!"

A palm landed on Uzumaki Naruto's chest.

Naruto's eyes were fixed, and he was shot flying out on the spot.


"It has been said for a long time that this kind of offense is completely useless against the current Hinata."

Neji saw Hinata shoot Naruto flying.

Showing a little proud look.

I really didn't expect Miss Hinata, who had been following Shiraiyasha for a few days, to improve so rapidly.

When Hyūga Hinata went to visit Neji, he didn't hide his own strength.

She still told Neji very modestly.

In terms of talent, Neji must be higher.


All thanks to senior Su Bai's guidance of the secret technique.

Just to Neji's surprise.....

When Hinata talks about Su Bai, there is always an inexplicable shyness on his face.

It's like the expressions of the children who look forward to Hokage at the ninja school.


"I didn't expect Neji, your attitude has changed so drastically recently?"

Inuzuka Kiba looked at Hyuga Neji curiously.

He still remembered that Neji looked at Hinata with malicious eyes.


Is the sun coming out in the west?

Seeing Naruto lying on the ground, Hinata was still staring at him vigilantly.

There is no intention of rushing forward.

She also remembered that Su Bai said that Uzumaki Naruto still has a lot of tricks in battle.

Can't relax.

"Rather than me recklessly rushing up and falling for his tricks, it's better to let him attack."

Hyūga Hinata murmured in his heart.

She knows Uzumaki Naruto's character well.

love impulsive...

Even if he doesn't take the initiative to attack, Uzumaki Naruto will definitely rush forward.


Uzumaki Naruto looked up at the silent Hyūga Hinata.

This feeling really made him very depressed.

The other party does not speak, nor communicate with him.

Like a block of wood.

This made Naruto even more irritable.

"Hey! Hinata!"

"You just said a few words, when did you become as flirtatious as Sasuke."

"No! Sasuke won't keep his mouth shut and say nothing in battle.

No! Can't fall into the trap.

Hinata remained silent, keeping her hands in a vigilant defensive posture.

With 360-degree eyesight, Kakuzu didn't relax to observe.

"never mind!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't speak, anyway, I have to beat you today."

"The real fight...."

"It's only now."

After Uzumaki Naruto shouted.

Put the fingers of both hands together to complete the seal.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique."


At the same time as four streaks of white smoke appeared.

Four Shadow Clones surrounded Uzumaki Naruto in a square formation.

"Shadow Clone Technique?"

"That's a ninjutsu that Jōnin knows how to use, that kid can even use this?"

"And it's amazing to be able to clone four Shadow Clone at once.

Above the stands...

It was the first time for Gangzi Tie and Shenyue Izumo to see Uzumaki Naruto cast Shadow Clone, and they couldn't help being shocked.

Hinata kept staring at Uzumaki Naruto with blank eyes.

She also saw the so-called Shadow Clone for the first time when she rolled her eyes.

All Uzumaki Naruto who appear have physical veins.

It's really hard to tell which is real and which is fake.

But at the end of the day...

There is only one real body.

Just beat everyone.

Hyūga Hinata didn't speak, and Uzumaki Naruto's momentum was obviously much weaker.

Obviously he has the advantage of numbers here.

A victory declaration should have more momentum.


"Hinata, you have to pay attention."

"I'm about to go."

"I have to win this game."

In order for Sasuke to treat me as a real opponent.

Hinata's face twitched slightly upon hearing the sound.


What is the meaning of this statement?

Four Uzumaki Naruto took out kunai and ran towards Hinata.

Just when it was close to Hinata.

They changed direction suddenly.

Surrounded Hinata from all directions.

"Taking advantage of this time, we will go together because of our family."

Several Uzumaki Naruto shouted in unison.

The momentum is like a rainbow.

"Great, it worked."

Four Uzumaki Naruto jumping into the air.

No matter which one Hinata deals with, the others will surely be able to knock it down.


At this moment, a blue light of Chakra suddenly appeared from Hinata's body.

"Revolving Heaven!"

After a soft drink.

Hyūga Hinata spun extremely fast.

The blue Chakra barrier immediately surrounded it, and it was accompanied by the force of rotation.

Fly away the four Uzumaki Naruto who jumped up.


The people in the stands were suddenly dumbfounded.

"The little girl actually has such strength?"

Hyuga Hiashi was even more shocked.

There was a look of horror on his face that didn't belong to any family patriarch.

Hishi trembled in shock, staring at Hinata in disbelief: That's... that's... Revolving Heaven?

Revolving Heaven!

When Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that Hinata and Neji could use Revolving Heaven, he was also stunned.

"Did Hiashi teach her during this time?"


If it was Su Bai who guided Hinata to master Revolving Heaven.

Sarutobi Hiruzen can't imagine, if it is...

Then Su Bai is really scary.

This person must return to their Konoha Village family.

"It looks like after the exam is over, I have to talk to Hiashi about Hinata and Su Bai."

"No one can stop these two from being together."

Hiruzen nodded in satisfaction on Sarutobi day, while Orochimaru on the side muttered to himself like an idiot: "Hyūga Hinata is the daughter of Hyuga Hiashi. Are you surprised that she will be a Revolving Heaven?"

Of course Orochimaru had defected for so long, it wasn't clear that Tian had been given up by Hidden early on.

Only Hyuga Hanabi clapped her fair little hands, applauding in her heart.

Hinata sister is really amazing.

But what surprised everyone even more was yet to come.

Hinata had already seen that there was another Uzumaki Naruto standing there without moving.

After Revolving Heaven ended, Hinata used the remaining force of the rotation to launch a palm towards the last Uzumaki Naruto: Eight Trigrams Air Palm.


Naruto still hasn't seen clearly what happened.

I just felt a pain in my chest again.

The whole person immediately flew several meters away.


At this time, Hyuga Hiashi finally couldn't sit still, and stood up on the spot.

By the way...

It startled Hyuga Hanabi beside him.

"Hinata actually learned Eight Trigrams Air Palm."

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible!"


Today's Hyuga Hiashi, after seeing Hinata's amazing performance, did not feel joy.

There are big question marks floating in my mind.

When exactly did Hinata learn these things.

In a short period of time, Holy Fist Technique Hundred and Twenty Eight Palms, Revolving Heaven, Eight Trigrams Air Palm.

It's all under your control.

This is impossible, it must be an illusion.

Seeing this, Hyuga Neji also widened his eyes.

It turned out that in the original competition, Hinata let go of the water in order to maintain his dignity as an older brother.

"Oops! Naruto you idiot!"

"How can Mami stand there in a daze, this kind of thing will definitely be seen through by Hinata."

Haruno Sakura stomped her feet anxiously.

Uchiha Sasuke in the players' rest area had an unusually calm face.

"Is this the result of practicing with White Yaksha?"

Thinking of this, Sasuke clenched his fists excitedly, showing a patient smile.

Chūnin exam?

Successfully promoted to Chūnin?

What is the use of such a false identity title?

But Aburame Shino beside him said, "Could it be that during the days when Hinata was captured by White Yasha, did anything happen to him?"

"Otherwise why would she become so powerful."

White Yasha?

What Shino said stunned Gaara, Temari and Kankuro.

"Hey! Wearing sunglasses, is the White Yasha you're talking about the 800,000,000 taels bounty criminal?"

Kankuro heard the words and came to Shino's side.

Shino glanced at Kankuro, he remembered that this person was the one he was going to fight with.

But the other party was the alliance village of Konoha Village, and Shino was not stingy, and immediately said: "It is the 800 million tael reward criminal."


After hearing this, Temari couldn't believe it.

"You ninjas from Konoha Village would associate with bounty criminals?"

When Sasuke heard it, he was a little unhappy, and said with a cold snort, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Besides, Shiroyasha didn't do anything to harm our Konoha Village.

"Is he a bounty criminal? Does he have anything to do with us?"

Sasuke doesn't care about these, it doesn't matter who he is or not, as long as it makes him stronger and seeks revenge from Uchiha Itachi.

That's enough.


When Temari heard this, Xiao Bao suddenly became angry: "Are you embarrassed to say such a thing? Shiro Yasha is a well-known bounty offender.

"If you Konoha Village and other villages know about him, you will be held accountable.


"The five hundred million taels he was added to was made by your Konoha Village."


Hearing this, Sasuke seemed to feel that he couldn't speak to the woman in front of him, so he snorted coldly and didn't want to talk to Temari.

His mind is now full of Hinata's performance.

The trick just now, Revolving Heaven, was matched with Eight Trigrams Air Palm to play smoothly.

After disposing of Naruto's four shadows 347, he even knocked his body into the air with a single palm.

In an instant, all enemies were lost.

However, the situation on the field does not seem to be over.

Just as Uzumaki Naruto just stood up clutching his stomach.

Hyūga Hinata suddenly rushed in front of him.

Put two fingers together and use the point method to quickly point towards Naruto.

"Is that Hyuga's acupuncture?"

"I remember it is a move that can hinder the normal operation of the opponent's Chakra in the vein."

Yamanaka Ino turned pale.

The current Hinata.....

How powerful has it become?

During the same period, she was too scary.

No, no, no! Even Neji, who was a year older than her, would still be beaten up by her.


After everything.

Hinata took a quick step and distanced himself from Naruto again.

Both palms are still in a defensive posture.

Rolling eyes three hundred and sixty degrees...

Never dare to relax.

She still remembered that Su Bai warned herself...

Until the invigilator declares victory, you can't relax your vigilance.

Especially this pair of white eyes that can observe the terrain must be wide open.

And we must pay attention to the changes in the ground.

"Naruto's Shadow Clone Technique is really troublesome."

"Now that his Chakra is blocked, he can no longer perform any ninjutsu.

Hinata stared at Naruto who was kneeling on the ground.

The current situation is very favorable to her.

Just wait for Naruto to attack her again and take the opportunity to do a Gentle Fist.

Thinking about it, the game should be over.

Hinata thought very well, she also thought about the Nine Tails inside Naruto.

But she doesn't understand...

Su Bai didn't give her a detailed explanation either.

She just thought that if the acupoints in Naruto's body were sealed and his Chakra couldn't flow, naturally there would be nothing to worry about.

"That's a good idea."

"But it feels like you're shooting yourself in the foot.

"But it doesn't matter. If Naruto uses Nine Tails Chakra, it's time to see how Hinata will deal with it."

Seeing this, Su Bai suddenly changed his mind.

I really want to see how powerful Hinata can be now.

What if Hinata loses?

If you lose the game, you will definitely lose some rewards.

Although it is a pity...

never mind!

At that time, just hang her up and punish her. .

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