Konoha Hypocrite

Chapter 102: Send clothes to the Sarufly clan

   (Added to _梦呓_ reward the leader)

   Sarutobi Hizen thought of Uchiha Tunan even more seriously, and immediately encouraged:

   "Tunan, you have experienced too little after all.

   If you were born in my time, you will find that death is just a common thing.

   Almost every once in a while, there will be one less familiar face around.

   People I know die too much.

  According to you, am I also an ominous person. "

   Sarutobi's words seemed to work, Uchiha Tunan weakly said: "Really...Isn't it because of me."

   Sarutobi Rizhan smiled slightly: "It's okay, when you have enough power, you can protect the person you want to protect."

   said, approaching Uchiha Tunan again and stretched out his hand to stroke Uchiha Tunan's hair.

   This time, Uchiha Tunan did not dodge, but stared at Sarutobi Hisaki with grateful eyes.


   After a long time, Sarutobi Hizen and Uchiha Tunan came to the fence and looked down at Konoha Village.

   Facing the light of dawn, both of them seemed to relax.

   Sarutobi Rizen asked intentionally or unintentionally:

   "How are you doing recently."

   Uchi Botunan thought for a moment:

   "It's okay, the only elder in the clan has always been kind to me.

   Other people don't know why, they always look at me with strange eyes. "

   Silly boy, because they think you are my person, so they don’t want to see you.

   Sarutobi Rizen chuckled lightly:

   "The Uchiha clan is like this. They are naturally arrogant and don't like being close to people.

   What's wrong, is there anything on me. "

   Suddenly, Sarutobi Hisaki noticed Uchiha Tunan staring straight at his clothes, and even moved his head over to sniff.

   "Hokage-sama, your clothes are dirty."

   Sarutobi Rizen remembered that during this period of time, because he was upset, he kept wearing this imperial robe without changing.

  'S face was slightly embarrassed and said, "It doesn't matter, there is one more to change in the office. I will wash this clothes when I go back at night."

   I know Uchiha Tunan's face solemnly said: "Hokage-sama, how can you put your mind on the chores like washing clothes, if you work hard in the village all day."

   Sarutobi slashed his hand and said, "It's okay, it's just a small matter."

   Ke Uchiha Tunan directly stretched out his hand to hold Sarutobi Hisaki's imperial robe and said: "Hokage-sama, take it off, I'll go back to wash it and bring it to you."

   "Uh, all right."

   Sarutobi Hizen was also not good at rejecting Uchiha Tunan’s kindness, and took off the Goshen robe.

   Next, the two chatted casually for a while.

   Seeing that the time was almost up, Sarutobi Hizen left Hokage Rock and went to work in the Hokage Building.

   In the evening, Sarutobi Rizen finished his official duties and just returned to the Sarutobi clan.

   saw Uchiha Tunan outside the gate of the clan territory, holding the folded imperial robe, squatting there, burying his head on the imperial robe.

   At this time, a ninja of the Sarutoi clan outside the clan territory just passed by Sarutohi Hitoshi's side, and immediately pointed to the Uchihatu South Road:

   "Hokage-sama, that little guy is here to look for you. He has been squatting in the morning until now."

   Sarutobi nodded, walked to Uchiha Tunan, and coughed slightly: "Tunan, why are you here."

   Uchiha Tunan stood up, and his eyes lit up instantly after seeing Sarutobi Hitoshi.

   then quickly handed the neatly folded robes in his hand to Sarutobi Hiichi:

   "Hokage-sama, I have washed your clothes."

   Sarutobi Rizen took the Yushen Robe, nodded and said, "Thank you, why don't you send it to the office."

   Uchibotunan smiled and scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "This is not a big deal, and I'm not going to disturb your office."


   Just then, Uchiha Tunan’s belly rang.

   Uchiha Tunan's face blushed, and he smiled awkwardly, and some did not dare to look at Sarutobi.

   The corners of Sarutobi's mouth were slightly outlined, presumably the child was patronizing here and waiting for him, he didn't even eat lunch.

   then patted Uchiha Tunan on the shoulder, and said concerned: "Come in and have a light meal."

   Uchibotunan immediately raised his head when he heard the words, and said with joy: "Okay~ It won't disturb you to rest."

   Sarutobi Rizen chuckled and shook his head: "It's okay, just an extra pair of chopsticks."

   Uchiha Tunan followed behind Sarutobi Hitori, and walked into the Sarutobi clan in a swaggering manner.

   If expected, Uchiha Tunan may be the first Uchiha person to walk into the Saruhi clan.

   The yard where Sarutobi Rizen lives is bigger than the yard of the elder.

   There is a flower bed in the middle of the yard, and a white pine of very good appearance stands in the flower bed, but from the look of it, the owner of the yard seems to have not trimmed it much.

   In addition, the lawns on both sides of the trail have also been overgrown with weeds and plants of various colors, giving people a messy feeling.

   The two walked into the room, Uchiha Tunan looked curiously, and asked:

   "Hokage-sama, are you alone in your house?"

   Sarutobi Richan was startled slightly, looked at the photos placed above in the living room, and nodded slightly lonely:

   "Yeah, I'm alone.

   You sit for a while, I'll cook. "

   Uchiha Tunan hurriedly grabbed the sleeves of Sarutobi Hizumi, frowning and saying:

"Hokage-sama, how can you do all these tiring tasks? Let me do it~www.readwn.com~ Sarutobi Rizuan hesitated, but there are so many things in the past few days, which really makes him feel physically and mentally exhausted. Then he said: "Well, I will trouble you. "

   Uchipotunan smiled happily, went to the kitchen, and opened the refrigerator.

   stretched out his hand to take out the frozen meat and smelled it, frowning:

   "This meat is not fresh anymore. It is bad for the stomach and intestines. It should be thrown away."

   then fiddled with the vegetables inside, took out a vegetable from it, shook his head and said:

   "This dish is not easy to sleep after eating at night."

   I simply sifted the ingredients in the refrigerator, and then took out the ingredients needed tonight.

   Uchibotunan put all the spices in front of his nose and smelled it, and by the way, he checked the expiration date.

  "Hokage-sama, this soy sauce has expired.

   I went out to buy a new bottle. "

   Uchiha Tunan held a bottle of soy sauce in his hand and shook Sarutobi in the living room facing the photo in a daze, and then walked quickly outside.

   Sarutobi Rizen stretched out his hand and stroked the photo, then raised his head and sighed, murmured:

   "Is it expired, I really didn't pay attention."

  Since the incident happened some time ago, Sarutobi Hisaki has been absent-minded all day long, and when there is work, he tries his best to keep his mind at work.

   When he was not working, he sat in a daze in a chair. He often recalled the scenes of getting along with his two sons in his mind.

   It was as if Shinnosuke and Asma were still playing in front of them.

   But when he came back to his senses, all this went into nothing.

   Sarutobi Rizen felt unspeakably uncomfortable in his heart, looked at the photo in his hand, and finally sighed.


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