Konoha Hypocrite

Chapter 156: I'll be forbearing and forbearing immediately

At this moment, Oshemaru keenly sensed that more than a dozen Uchiha tribesmen were coming around.

I saw a crowd of Uchiha people coming to the outskirts of the battlefield.

Looking at the devastated earth, and the huge dragons that looked like tails erected behind Uchiha Tunan.

When everyone saw such a scene, their eyes were full of horror, and some even subconsciously exclaimed.

Uchiha Shinji immediately asked:

"Tunan, what happened?"

Uchiha Tunan said with a solemn expression:

"Malayo is dead, and his writing wheel eye is taken away by Oshomaru.

There is the experimental base of Oshemaru. He is conducting human experiments in secret, including the writing wheel eyes of the Uchiha clan. "

When the Uchiha people heard this, they were angry and looked at Oshe Maru fiercely.

To the Uchiha clan, writing round eyes is extremely important.

It is the fundamental inheritance of the Uchiha clan, and some people dare to covet the power of the Uchiha clan.


"Damn it..."

"Unexpectedly, it was Konoha Sannin Oshomaru who killed the Uchiha tribe."

"I didn't expect Dashemaru to be such a person!"

"Everyone go up together, kill him, and avenge the people."

A group of Uchiha tribesmen opened the writing wheel to cast their own skills to the Oshemaru.

"Illusory Magic·Hypnotic Eyes."

"Illusory Magic·Hell Seeing Magic."

"Art fire escape **** fireball."

"Fire Escape·The Art of Phoenix Fire."

"Thunder Dun·The Art of Thunder Dragon."

"Thunder Escape·Thunder Blasting Technique."


Many ninjutsu and phantoms attacked Oshemaru together.

In an instant, it bombarded the body of Dashewan, causing a violent explosion, setting off smoke and dust in the sky.

Uchiha Tunan took advantage of this gap to aim at the Uchiha tribe, and counted the heads in his heart. There were just seventeen.

It seems that everyone who knows the secret is here.

At this moment, huge smoke and dust surged.

At the next moment, accompanied by a stern roar, a huge monster appeared under the cold moonlight.

It is the ultimate trump card of Oshe Maru: Yaqi Osa.

The white Yaqi big snake shook its eight heads, constantly spitting out the snake letter, making a gloomy "sizzle" sound.

The body was still squirming, as if a sudden blow would happen in the next second, swallowing everyone in one bite.

The Yachi Orochi, which is bigger than a hill, brings a heavy sense of oppression to everyone.

I saw the snake head in the middle of the Yaqi Orochi opened its big mouth, and the Oshemaru appeared half of its body from the mouth, and a crazy expression appeared on his face:

"You all have to die here."

Where have all the Uchiha people seen such a behemoth, the expressions on their faces were full of fear, and they couldn't help stepping back a few steps, and said in a trembled voice:

"Is this a psychic beast?"

"This is a monster, it's bigger than the psychic beast of Oshemaru."

"The ninjutsu we just released has no effect on it."

"This seems to be the legendary Yaqi Orochi!"

When Uchiha Tunan saw these Uchiha people showing timidity, he immediately shouted:

"I will control him, and you will kill his body.

Everything, for the glory of Uchiha! "

As soon as the voice fell, Uchiha Tunan controlled more than a dozen earth dragons to rush towards the Yachi Orochi.

Between the electric light and flint, after being smashed into several earth dragons by the Yaqi Orochi.

The remaining earth dragons entangled and controlled the snake-headed body and tail of the Yaqi Orochi.

From a distance, the earth dragon is like a chain, firmly imprisoning the big snake on the ground.

Uchibotunan only felt that the Xianju Chakra in his body was rapidly consuming, and he gritted his teeth and insisted on shouting:

"Don't froze, hurry up!

Ninjutsu is useless to him, use physical skills to kill his body. "

Everyone saw that Uchipotunan could control such a terrible thing.

The timidity in his heart also faded a bit, and a look of resentment reappeared on his face.

Thinking of the clansmen being killed by the big snake pill, the anger in my heart is even stronger.

Qi Qi rushed towards the big snake pill in the middle of the head of the eight Qi big snake.

While Oshemaru controlled the Yaqi Orochi to compete with the earth dragon, while spitting out a cold light long sword from her mouth, she held it in her hand.

This is the pheasant sword!

The legendary artifact has the sharpness to cut everything.

Seeing this, Uchiha Tunan's eyes flashed with surprise.

Good guy, I didn't expect that there will be a windfall this time.

In the original work, even though the monkey demon possesses the indestructible body of King Kong, the grass pheasant sword still breaks its defenses easily.

But the King Kong who plans to take the Ape Demon is not bad.

I was worried about how to break the defensive ape demon after obtaining approval.

Now this opportunity lies in front of me.

Must seize the opportunity.

Virtuous artifacts live there, and this thing should have a predestined relationship with me.

A group of Uchiha tribesmen followed the body of the Yachi Orochi, leaped around the Ochimaru, and took out Kunai to launch an attack on it.

However, Dashemaru possesses the divine tool, the grass-like sword, dealing with these Uchiha tribesmen is almost the same as Kai Wushuang.

On the spot was a random killing.

The first few unknowing Uchiha clan members stupidly used kunai to resist the attack of the pheasant sword.

As a result, even the human being with kunai was chopped in half in an instant.

The Uchiha people in the back had learned well, and faced the attack of Oshemaru, instead of resisting hard, they used instantaneous technique to dodge.

Thinking of attacking from all directions.

With the restraint of the earth dragon, the big snake pill needs to separate its mind to control the eight-kissed big snake.

Suddenly the speed of killing slowed down.

Upon seeing this, Uchiha Shinji said anxiously:

"Tunan can't do it, we can't do anything about him."

Uchiha Tunan immediately shouted:

"Hold him again. I will release the ultimate forbidden technique taught to me by Master Naruto, and I will definitely be able to kill him."

Uchiha Tunan's voice is convincing.

The firm eyes revealed confidence.

Looking at this, the Uchiha tribe had more trust in Uchiha Tunan.


Uchiha nodded heavily.

Then he made a quick eye contact with other Uchiha people, and rushed toward Oshamaru again.

Soon, under the attack of Oshemaru, one Uchiha clan died one after another, and in the end only six people remained.

Almost all of these six people were adored, with blood flowing across their bodies, and deep sword marks everywhere.

It can be seen how dangerous the battle just now is.

These six people were also timid at this time, and looked at each other.

The hand movement stopped, fearing that he would die like those companions.

Standing on the snake body of Yaqi Orochi, keeping a sufficient distance from Oshimaru, he was on guard, not daring to attack it.

Uchiha Tunan took a look at how this works.

If these people are let go, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

So secretly controlled the two earth dragons to disintegrate on their own.

The Yachi Orochi suddenly lost its restraint, and freed up two snake heads, and immediately bit towards the remaining Uchiha tribe.

"Tunan, what's the matter."

"Tunan save me!"

In a short while, two Uchiha tribesmen were buried in Shekou.

The blood flowed down the corner of the snake's mouth, and was finally licked clean by the snake letter.

Uchiha Tunan in the distance shouted loudly: "Stay a little longer, I'll be fine soon."

After a few breaths, another Uchiha member was accidentally swallowed by Yachi Orochi.


Seeing that they were not finished yet, Uchibotunan continued to encourage them with words.

"Hold on again, the forbidden technique will be fine soon."

"Forbearance, and forbearance, it will be fine."

Uchiha dodged Shekou dangerously and dangerously, and roared:

"There are only three of me left, Tunan, how long will you still have!

Isn't it okay? "

As soon as the voice fell, the moonlight above his head dimmed instantly.

Shinji Uchiha raised his head subconsciously...


On the empty wilderness, two chewing sounds sounded at the same time.

This Yaqi big snake can eat people and chew, it sounds crunchy and crispy.

The last Uchiha clan member collapsed at the moment the two teammates were eaten, and could no longer hold it.

Immediately, he crawled and jumped from the Yaki Orochi ~www.readwn.com~ and ran towards Uchiha Tunan.

At this time, Uchiha Tunan's hands had also completely left the ground and stopped ninjutsu.

Staring scorchingly at the eight-qi big snake in the distance, the scarlet three-gou jade writing wheel eyes were spinning rapidly, forming a black circle.

It was the Uchiha people who had just died who contributed a lot of pupil power to themselves.

Uchiha Tunan even felt that the surging pupil power seemed to touch a thin film from time to time.

It seems that as long as you work harder, you can easily pierce this film.

Kaleidoscope, are you here, my kaleidoscope.

Uchi Bo Tunan was immersed in the rapid increase in pupil power, and opened his hands as if to embrace the world.

It feels so wonderful.


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