Konoha Hypocrite

Chapter 174: Give to the station


When Uchiha Tunan listened to the words of the shadow clone, Motou couldn't help it immediately.

Raising his fist, he wanted to rush to kill the cold-blooded villager.

Bo Feng Shuimen grabbed the back collar of Dai Tu Destiny and stopped him.

Ying Clan squinted and squinted the dirt with his teeth and claws, and said with a look of disdain:

"Boy, I'm thinking rationally, it's useless to use emotions.

If you can't stand it yourself, that can only represent yourself, you can't represent everyone.

We are all willing to forgive Lord Oshemaru, and even willing to dedicate ourselves. "

After that, I deliberately selected a villager with a pregnant wife and said:

"Brother, come here."

The villager pointed to his nose with a dazed expression: "Me? Oh..."

Then whispered a few words to the wife beside him, and came to the shadow clone.

The shadow avatar immediately asked:

"If the village is in danger, are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the village?"

The villager scratched his head with embarrassment.

In the public, especially in front of his wife, I must show it.

If you don't want to, you will be pricked in the backbone.

Immediately, he said in an inaudible voice: "I am willing."

Although the voice was small, everyone present still heard it.

The shadow clone glanced at Uchiha Tunan triumphantly, his face full of arrogance and domineering.

Then continue to ask the villager:

"In the same situation, sacrifice your wife and children. There is no problem."

The villager was taken aback immediately, and shook his head again and again, saying: "That can't work, I can sacrifice, but I have to protect my family desperately."

When Ying Clan heard it, he immediately glanced at the man with disgust, and snorted coldly:

"Huh! You stupid fellow, you have no consciousness at all.

If it were me, I would sacrifice my family and illuminate the whole village. "

After speaking, raise your head to pick the next lucky audience in the crowd.

"Brother over there, come here."

However, the selected villagers did not move at all, standing still, shaking their heads like a rattle:

"I can't come, anyway, I don't want to die, whoever wants to sacrifice anyone.

My parents are just my son, and they are heartbroken when I die. "

Even if this person's words resonated with the villagers, everyone nodded and agreed.

The face of the shadow clone was full of anger and anger.

This is Uchiha Tunan's opposite acting. When he is his opponent, he will definitely not lose.

Explaining everything is imaginary, and the most important thing is the sense of substitution by the masses.

Supplemented by the form of roll call, no one can escape.

Today, whoever dares to come out and say that he is willing to sacrifice his family will be despised by the villagers tomorrow.

Even the family members are willing to give up, there is nothing this kind of people can do.

Now the representative who is the opposite of Uchi Hatunan has been defeated, and most of these villagers already feel that they are wrong.

But for the sake of face, I don't know what to do.

What Uchiha Tunan should do at this time is to find them a step down.

People have self-protection mechanisms, and it is difficult to admit that they have done something wrong.

Because once you admit that you have done something wrong, it is a denial of yourself, which is against instinct.

Uchipotunan wants to let them know that you are right, it is someone else.

Even if you are really wrong, it is also because the information is not equal and you cannot be blamed.

I saw the shadow clone pointing at the villagers behind him who hated iron and steel.


Uchiha Tunan immediately took a step forward and said to the shadow avatar: "Do you have any family members? Can I see them?"

The shadow avatar immediately said hard: "I am an orphan, not married yet.

I don’t have it now, and I can sacrifice it when I have some time in the future. "

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized.

It turned out to be so. The reason why this person is so extreme is that he doesn't know the importance of his family.

Such people have never felt the care of their family members, so their thinking is not up to standard.

I am different from him.

In an instant, the villagers and the shadow clone's camp completely opened up.

Uchiha Tunan stared at the shadow avatar and said:

"It just so happens that there are many medical ninjutsu in Konoha Hospital that have to stop development because there are no test subjects.

Since you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the village, you can go to Konoha Hospital to register now. "

Ying Chibi still said hard: "I'm fine, as long as you admit your mistakes and give everyone an explanation, I will go to the hospital immediately."

Uchiha Tunan's eyes condensed, and he said coldly: "Okay, let your main body come over first. Also, your transformation technique is very clumsy."

Bo Feng Shuimen also naturally noticed that the shadow avatar had maintained a weak chakra fluctuation at all times, and immediately said:

"It turns out that you are secretly instigating villagers and spreading rumors these days."

Shadow Clone immediately changed his complexion, stepped back and said: "Damn...retreat!"

As soon as the voice fell, the shadow clone and many villagers in the crowd turned into a cloud of white smoke.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The villagers woke up one after another.

Good guy, it turned out that someone was secretly provoking and turning black and white.

Uchiha Tunan sighed and said to the crowd:

"Everyone, I know you are bewitched.

In fact, many ninjas were secretly participating in this human experiment.

It's just that they are too concealed and haven't been able to find out.

I know there will be people who are holding grudges and wanting to retaliate against me.

So I have been wandering around the village these days, just trying to spot those people in the dark.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that everyone resented me so much.

Here I apologize to everyone, Oshamaru-sama, I am too young and impulsive. "

After speaking, Uchiha Tunan put his hands on his knees and bowed deeply to the villagers.

With the steps, the villagers' feelings of guilt came to their hearts, and one after another said:

"Tunan, don't say that. I'm so stupid that I don't know if I'm being used."

"We should say sorry to you, you are obviously helping us, but we still blame you."

"Yes, without you, our family members could be arrested for live experiments at any time.

You helped us eliminate the danger and avenged those who died innocently. We should thank you. "

"I'm not a human being...My brother has been missing for two years, and he should have been captured by Oshe Maru.

But I didn't think of it at all before. I just threw an egg at you. "

Suddenly, a kind-hearted villager in the crowd knelt on the ground and beat his head to the ground.

With the leader, the herd effect will naturally appear ~www.readwn.com~ Please forgive us. "

"Please forgive us."


The guilty villagers knelt down one after another, asking Uchi Hatunan's forgiveness.

Seeing that everyone around him knelt down and confessed his mistake, he originally thought it was just a trivial matter. The villagers who didn't need to kneel to confess the mistake also knelt down.

After all, everything is done by everyone, and everyone else knows how to admit mistakes. If you don't admit it, it would be too shameful.

Soon, all the villagers knelt down, and the atmosphere grew.

Seeing this, Uchiha Tunan secretly delighted.

Very good, you can start reaping approval.


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