Konoha Hypocrite

Chapter 193: Spiritual breakdown

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Silent swallowed subconsciously and hesitated, but still lay down slowly under the trend of curiosity, and looked at the bed.

For a few seconds, the silent heartbeat seemed to have stopped, holding his breath, slowly stretched his head to the bottom of the bed.

However, there was nothing under the bed.

"What? What do I think about every day."

Silent sat down on the ground, scratching his hair a little irritably.

Some blamed myself for being too sensitive and suspicious, which caused the mood to be unstable.

"Look again."

When there is no problem, Mute is ready to completely satisfy his curiosity.

He immediately got down again, carefully observing the scene under the bed.

Observing this time, Silent suddenly noticed something strange, and his face gradually turned pale.

She took a sip of water, stretched out her hand tremblingly, and touched the floor under the bed.

No dust...

An ominous premonition rose from the bottom of Silent's heart.

He stretched out his other hand again and touched the other side of the floor under the bed.

There is dust...


Silent leaned heavily on the closet, and gradually guessed in his heart.

The floor under the bed should be covered with dust evenly.

But why is there no dust in one place.

If the dolphins pass under the bed, they should be in the shape of footprints even if there is no dust.

Instead of a whole large piece.

In other words, if it was a dolphins who stayed below.

Then it is lying underneath, combined with the shape of no dusty place, it is likely to be dragged out by someone.

As a result, there was such a large area under the bed that was not stained with dust.


Think of the nightmare of last night.

Silent's face was panicked, he staggered up, pushed open the bedroom door, and ran towards the first floor.

She rushed downstairs at her fastest speed, ignoring her arm being hit by the wall again and again.

Soon, Mute came to the kitchen door.

Yesterday’s nightmare happened in the kitchen.

If there is nothing in the kitchen, it means that there is no accident like in the nightmare.

I hope so.

Silent shook his head and tried to get rid of the horrible images in his mind, then took a deep breath and pushed the kitchen door open.

The kitchen is as clean as new, without any messy traces.

Everything is neat and tidy, the same as the previous pictures.

Seeing this scene, Silent breathed a sigh of relief.

This guy must be trying to fix me on purpose.

Silent turned around and shouted at the empty courtyard with his hips akimbo: "Dolphin, come out for me!"

The muted sound seemed to float in the air.

The trees, flowers and plants in the entire courtyard swayed with the wind, swaying, but no creatures responded even to the silent words.

"Where are you fooling around?"

Silent murmured, but he just felt that the dolphins just ran out to play, and they would naturally come back when the time came.

She touched her belly and had a nightmare all night, seeming to feel a little hungry.

He walked into the kitchen, ready to get something to eat.

Immediately came to the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Reach out and pull the refrigerator open.

! ! !

Silent slumped down on the ground, covering his mouth with his hands, tears streaming down his face at this time.

I saw a pig's head in the refrigerator on a clean white plate.

The pig's face still had an expression of horror before his death.

The blood had already spilled from the plate and stained the refrigerator red.

Now it is still left on the ground along the refrigerator, a little bit spreading towards silence.

Looking at the scarlet blood, Silent's mind came up with the figure beside the bed last night.

The figure kept zooming in in the silent memory, and finally only a pair of scarlet writing wheels were left.

Suddenly, Mute found himself in another place.

It was dark all around.

The body seemed to be fixed by something, and the whole person was lying flat on the ground.

This is where......

Silent struggled to break free for a long time, and finally found that he could turn his neck smoothly.

Immediately turned his head to look aside.

The dim moonlight shone on the ground not far from him, leaving a square window outline.

This is...under the bed!

Suddenly, a running sound came from outside.

The bedroom door was quickly opened and closed, and a dark figure rushed into the bed and came to him.

Silent turned his head to the closet and stared at it, and found that this dark shadow was a dolphin.

Silent wanted to speak, but opened his mouth but couldn't make any sound.

In the end, he could only stare at the flustered dolphins, and his heart became tense.

I saw the dolphin lying next to him, holding his head in his hands, closing his eyes, trembling all over, as if he was afraid of something.

After a while, heavy footsteps sounded in the corridor.

"Tread, step, step..."

The footsteps are steady and rhythmic.

The silent breathing began to become rapid, but she settled her mind and turned her head to the side of the window.

Because of the obstruction of the bed board, she can't see the window.

But she clearly saw the moonlight falling on the floor through the window.

"Tread, step, step..."

The footsteps are getting closer.

Even if Silent didn't go to see the dolphins, he knew how scared he was at this moment.

Sudden! Silent's pupils shrank, and a human-shaped black figure appeared on the ground.

Immediately held his breath instinctively.

The dark shadow seemed to be standing outside the window, staring at everything in the room.

After a long time, the shadow moved.

Then there was the sound of the bedroom door being pushed open.

"Tread, step, step..."

The black shadow wandered in the room, searching, not panicking at all, all his movements and steps seemed leisurely and contented.

It seems to be playing a cheerful hunting game.

After a while, a pair of legs appeared in silent sight.

Don't squat down, don't squat down!

Silent stared at the shoes, not daring to blink his eyes, praying crazily in his heart.

Fortunately, those legs only stayed for a while before they started to move again.

And Silent's head also turned, observing the movements of those legs at all times.

Soon, those legs stopped on the side of the closet.

It's over...

Mute thought suddenly.

Sure enough, the legs were slightly bent.

A pale arm reached under the bed and grabbed the dolphin's tail.

The dolphins began to struggle hysterically, screaming like killing pigs in their mouths, but they were still dragged out a little bit.

Silent wanted to reach out and grab it, but couldn't control his body at all. He could only watch the dolphins being dragged out of the bed.

She couldn't see what the man did, but she knew that the dolphins must be fierce.

Her eyes were wide and she couldn't make a sound.

Tears flowed down the corners of his eyes, and I didn't know if it was scared or distressed.

After the figure caught the dolphin, he didn't know what he had done, but after hearing the dolphin let out a high-pitched scream, then there was no sound.

"Tread, step, step..."

The figure just left the bedroom holding the dolphin and walked by the window.

At this moment, Mute was already full of tears, and his spirit was about to collapse.

I don't know how long it took, Mute found that he seemed to have regained control of his body.

Immediately moved his body a little under the small bed, wanting to go out to see if he could have a chance to save the dolphins.

A little bit, a little bit.

Gradually came to the bed, Silent moved his head out first...

Suddenly, Silent's legs and hands suddenly stretched straight.


Silent started to twitch, a nervous smile appeared on his face.

I don't know when, a figure stood outside the window.

His pale face was carrying a weird cold smile, quietly watching the silence that protruded from the bed.

The picture turns.

In the kitchen.

Silent expression stood up numbly, turned around and walked outside like a walking dead.

There was only one voice in Mute's mind at this time.

Follow Tsunade to be safe...

Follow Tsunade to be safe...

In Konoha Hospital.

Tsunade had woke up from his drowsiness and sat on the hospital bed silently.

Jilai also sat on the windowsill, looking into the distance and said:

"To be honest, I am as sad as you.

But we can’t be so sad that we don’t know right from wrong. "

Tsunade lowered his head, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "But Oshemaru has dedicated so much to Konoha.

If the three of us hadn't desperately blocked Hanzo, we still don't know how many people will be sacrificed. "

Jilaiya sighed when he heard the words, and turned his head to look at Tsunade:

"This is not the reason why Dashewan can kill the villagers.

Wrong is wrong.

The way to tell right from wrong is sometimes simple.

That is whether it can be made public. "

After a long time, Tsunade nodded and said:

"I know, I just can't accept it for a while.

Why did Dashewan become like this? It was obviously not like this when we parted a few years ago. "

Jilaiya's expression was slightly sad, and the three people's previous getting along with each other appeared in his mind and said:

"Perhaps, he has always been like this. It's just that we didn't find it."

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open.

I saw a numb mute face walking in.

Tsunade looked at it and immediately cared: "Silent, why is your face so bad? Didn't you sleep well last night?"

"Last night..." Silent muttered in his eyes blankly, still trembling all over.

Tsunade felt something was wrong, and asked, "What happened?"

Silent's eyes gradually turned red, and tears slowly left from the corners of his eyes.

"Tsuna-sama, dolphins...dead..."

Tsunade was startled when he heard the words, jumped off the hospital bed suddenly, came to Silent and grabbed her by the shoulders, with a face that didn't dare to talk:

"What did you say!"

A nervous smile appeared on Silent's face, tears rolled down, and he smiled miserably:

"The dolphins are dead...by...he...killed...

Yes, he must have killed it...

He is a demon... a demon..."

Tsunade looked ugly and said, "Don't be afraid, calm down, you tell me who he is."

Silent shook his mind, and his lips trembled slightly: "Uchiha Tunan."

Jilaiya also jumped down from the window sill at this moment, and said solemnly: "You should explain the course of the matter clearly."

Tsunade gritted his teeth and asked, "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Silent seemed to be a little unconscious, after a few breaths, a horrified expression appeared on his face, and he nodded and said:

"I saw it... I saw it..."

Immediately after he grabbed Tsunade's sleeves, his emotions were a little uncontrollable, and tears couldn't stop flowing out.

Jilaiya said with a heavy face, "What happened to her?"

Tsunade took a deep breath and said with a gloomy face: "This is a severe mental breakdown. It should be a very powerful attacking illusion."

Zi Lai also said in a deep voice: "I'll go to the teacher and ask him to send the Anbu to check it."

After speaking, he walked outside.

"Jiraiya, you don't need to intervene in this matter." Tsunade grabbed Jiraiya's arm, his face gloomy like a waterway.

How could Jiraiya not know what Tsunade was thinking at the moment, and said solemnly:

"The teacher told you not to trouble Uchiha Tunan. If you have anything to do, let the teacher take care of it."

Tsunade's body trembled slightly and seemed to be caught in entanglement.

After a long time, Tsunade sighed heavily and nodded lonely:

"I see."

Seeing this, Jilai also put his hanging heart back in his stomach.

Fortunately, Tsunade is still sensible, taking care of the overall situation.


A hand knife hit the back of Jilaiya's neck heavily.

Jilai immediately fainted to the ground.

For Tsunade, who is proficient in medical treatment, even if he went down with the sword, he couldn't wake up even if he was hit in the dark outside.

Tsunade reached out and wiped away the tear marks on Silent's face, and exhorted:

"You stay here and have a good rest. I will avenge the dolphins."

Silent was startled when he heard the words, shaking his head in horror, and said in an imploring tone:

"Tsunade-sama, don't leave me...I'm afraid..."

Tsunade hesitated, then nodded and said:

"Well, you go with me.

But when fighting, you stay away. "

Konoha today is particularly lively.

Most of the ninjas performing tasks outside, except for individual guards, have returned to the village.

There were crowds in the commercial streets, and many shops lined up outside.

Early in the morning, Uchiha Tunan had an appointment with Kakashi, who was also an orphan, and wandered in the shopping street together.

Although the two of them don't have much interest in eating, drinking and having fun, the focus is on participating in things like the New Year.

It's better than staying at home alone.

Uchihatu's south side glanced at Kakashi's small words with his fingers in his arms and his eyes kept spinning, and he said in a warm voice:

"Kakashi, give me a hug if you are tired."

Kakashi shook the small words in his arms, and said indifferently, "This weight is okay."


Xiao Yanbu looked at the children gathered around the toy store and happily danced his two fleshy hands, as if he wanted to participate.

At this moment, Uchi Botunan's ears trembled slightly, and he stopped immediately before turning his head to Kakashi and smiling calmly:

"It seems that Yanbu likes those gadgets, you take him to play, I will go to other places first."

Kakashi nodded silently, and walked to the toy store with Xiaoyan Bu ~www.readwn.com~ At the moment Kakashi turned around, the smile on Uchi Hatunan's face closed, and a trace of his eyes flashed Hanmang.

Take a quick step and walk into a large game hall at the crossroads.

There are so many people here, almost 90% of them are children.

These children usually want to play but they are not allowed to play.

But now after all, it is rare for the adults in the family to let them indulge for a while.

Uchiha Tunan stood in the middle of the game hall and nodded in satisfaction.

After a while, Uchibotunan's mouth was slightly outlined, and then he turned and looked at the gate of the game hall.

At the gate of the game hall, Tsunade stood there, looking at Uchiha Tunan through countless heads of people.

Uchiha Tunan looked at Tsunade's clenched fists, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

Not bad, but you can stay sane.

Tsunade wanted to hit Uchiha Tunan with a punch at the moment, but there were too many children around.

A punch yourself will definitely hurt the innocent.

Suddenly, Tsunade saw Uchi Hatunan picking up a string of pearl necklaces in one hand.

He stretched out his finger with the other hand, hooked it towards himself, and moved his lips slightly.

This mouth shape...

"Come hit me."

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