Konoha Hypocrite

Chapter 202: Sand hidden dark hands night road windfall

Late at night, in a dim room.

Kakashi opened his eyes slowly, feeling something moving under his armpit.

He tilted his head immediately and looked under his armpit.

I saw Xiaoyan Bu Zheng **** facing him, sleeping soundly beside him.

The corner of Kakashi's mouth was slightly outlined, and he stood up lightly and walked out of the room.

I saw a warm orange chandelier in the living room.

Uchiha Tunan was wearing an apron and walking out of the kitchen carrying rice.

"You finally woke up, come and eat.

In a hurry, two small dishes were prepared. "

Kakashi nodded blankly and went to sit down at the dinner table.

I saw four dishes and one soup on the dinner table, the aroma was overflowing, and the dishes were also appetizing.

Kakashi picked up the chopsticks, hesitated and said: "Am I... have it succeeded..."

Uchiha Tunan nodded and said, "The effect is very good."

Kakashi noticed that Uchibotunan's face was pale, without the slightest blood, and he couldn't help but frown, "What's the matter with your face..."

Uchiha Tunan was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and then said in a relaxed tone: "This secret technique will strip my origin and inject it into your body, so..."

Kakashi understood in an instant.

Sure enough, this secret technique that can stimulate the human body's potential is not without cost.

The origin that Tunan said should be very important to the human body.

The reason why Tunan didn't say it before was definitely because he was afraid that he would not accept it after saying it.

Thinking of this, Kakashi looked at Uchiha Tunan with a touch of emotion, and said solemnly: "Tunan, thank you."

Uchiha Tunan's pale face showed a hint of smile and said, "Don't thank me, the sequelae of this secret technique is not particularly serious, and I will be better after a while."


At this moment, Xiaoyanbu's cries sounded in the bedroom.

Uchiha Tunan quickly put down his chopsticks and wiped his hands on his apron.

He unbuttoned his apron and put it aside, and walked quickly towards the bedroom.

Soon, Xiaoyanbu's cheerful laughter sounded in the bedroom.

I saw Uchiha Tunan walking out of the bedroom holding Xiaoyanbu, came to sit down at the dining table, and said to Kakashi:

"You have to prepare for the Zhongnin exam these days, so leave it to me to take care of you.

After a while, I will go out to perform the task, and I will hand it over to you when the time comes. "

Kakashi nodded heavily and said: "No problem, by the way, what task are you going to perform, is it dangerous?"

After the secret technique just now, Uchipotunan's face is already ugly, and his body must have been greatly traumatized.

Under such circumstances, Kakashi had to perform tasks, and Kakashi was afraid that Uchi Botunan would be overwhelmed.

Uchiha Tunan smiled and shook his head and said, "There is no danger, it's just a Zhongnin competition held by Daimyofu."

When Kakashi heard it, he immediately let go of his heart.

He stretched out his chopsticks and took a bite of the dish and put it in his mouth.


Kakashi's eyes glared at the boss, the expression on his face gradually exaggerated.

too delicious......

late at night.

Uchiha Tunan left Hagiki's house holding the sleeping Xiaoyanbu, and walked towards the Uchiha clan.

Because the New Year has only passed a few days, and the Zhongren competition is about to be held.

The commercial street is still crowded and brightly lit.

Uchiha Tunan has just walked to the commercial street.

At the Yile Ramen restaurant at the end of the street, the Shayakura Village who came out alone led the team to Shinobu Sakai Takuto's eyes condensed.

Quickly eat the last bit of ramen in the bowl, get up and leave.

After walking out of the ramen restaurant, Sakai Takuto stretched out, and from the corner of the eye he observed Uchi Hatunan with a calm face.

This is Uchiha Tunan, who is going to participate in the Ninja Tournament. He looks unremarkable, isn't he just an ordinary boy.

Those ignorant Konoha villagers also boasted that he had the power to surpass the three forbearances.

Takuto Sakai recalled in his mind that he heard information about Uchiha Tunan from those villagers during the day.

Kind, brave, unafraid of power, and respectful of love and righteousness...

The strangely shaped eyes can summon a huge Buddha and chant sutras to save the souls of the dead.....

What kind of strange information is this? Those villagers have been illusioned.

But at this moment Uchiha Tunan was about to approach, Sakai Takuto stopped staying, turned and walked slowly towards the distance.

This direction is exactly the direction of the Uchiha clan, and it is also the residence arranged by Konoha Village for the participating teams in Sandyak Village.

Sakai Takuto's footsteps were very slow, as if waiting for Uchiha Tunan behind him.

The Anbe ninja who watched Sakai Takuto in the dark also saw Uchi Hatunan.

But there was no response.

After all, Uchiha Tunan's strength is much stronger than them.

If this sand hidden Murakami wanted to disadvantage Uchiha Tunan, he could only say that he was looking for death.

I saw Sakai Takuto's pleasant expression on his face, as if he was still reminiscing about the deliciousness of the ramen.

He put his hands in his pockets and walked slowly, even humming a little song in his mouth.

Gradually, Takuto Sakai came to a fork in the road.

One road leads to the residence of Sakai Takuto, and the other leads to the Uchiha clan.

The shops near the fork are all breakfast shops, so the doors are closed at this time, and there are no pedestrians nearby.

Sakai Takuto did not take the road to his residence, but walked straight towards the Uchiha clan.

Seeing this, the Anbu secretly cheered up.

After walking a few steps, Sakai Takuto suddenly stopped in place and exclaimed with annoyance:

"Troubled, I went the wrong way.

I still have to explain the tactics to them. "

After speaking, Sakai Takuto quickly turned around, withdrew his hands from his pockets, turned and ran towards the other road.

As soon as Sakai Takuto pulled out his hands, he brought out a metal necklace and dropped it on the ground.

But Takuto Sakai seemed to be totally ignorant, and hurriedly passed Uchiha Tunan who was oncoming.

After Uchiha Tunan ran past Sakai Takuto, the scarlet light flashed in his eyes, and then the corners of his mouth were slightly outlined.

Holding the sleeping Xiao Yanbu, he walked to the metal necklace and stepped on it.


Uchiha Tunan pretended to be surprised, moved his feet away, then leaned over and picked up the necklace.

I saw that this necklace was extremely exquisite in workmanship, with a shiny metallic luster.

Uchibotunan squeezed it slightly, and he could even feel the texture of the metal a little soft.

Of course, the most conspicuous piece of this necklace is the sky blue gemstone in the middle, which is priceless at first glance.

"If you find it, you can buy it, and you can make a fortune if you go by night."

Uchiha Tunan chuckled, put the necklace into the ninja bag, and continued to walk towards the Uchiha clan.

Anbe, who had stayed here in secret, saw Uchi Hatunan take the necklace away~www.readwn.com~ and had no intention of staying any longer, and left quietly.

After all, this can be regarded as the lost property of international friends in Konoha.

Had it not been picked up by a heavyweight like Uchi Hatunan.

Anbe will definitely give things to Sarutobi Hiruchi.

At this time, Sakai Takuto was running madly towards the residence under Anbu's eyelids.

In my heart, I was secretly proud.

It really deserves to be Master Fengying, who can come up with such a powerful assassination technique.

Even if this Uchiha kid really has the strength to match Sannin, it is estimated that he will not even be able to get out of bed in two months.

Little devil, let Shayin Village teach you a lesson so that you can understand what a ninja is.


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